Oil Money in Football | New City expose

" When I was in Spain and Germany you would always hear that Manchester City was just about money, now I am on the inside I know something different. Everyone here is very professional and they try to do things in the right way.”

Righhhttt.....translated: "I used to think they cheated now I don't, because I am benefitting from that cheating."
Righhhttt.....translated: "I used to think they cheated now I don't, because I am benefitting from that cheating."

Mourinho's comments were interesting.

What did he say ? I can't see anything about it anywhere.

Im glad to see football's worst kept secret is finally out, not that anyone will do anything about it mind.

What did he say ? I can't see anything about it anywhere.

Im glad to see football's worst kept secret is finally out, not that anyone will do anything about it mind.

He just said he had thoughts on it from a few years ago but will keep them to himself.

Football must be the sport where fans have the least amount of faith in the system.
Looking forward to the article about their control of the media. The Sanchez transfer last January was such an obvious organised smear campaign by City. Getting all of their little minions to report it as Pep vs Money.

There is no way Oliver Holt for example isn't on the payroll at City.
Looking forward to the article about their control of the media. The Sanchez transfer last January was such an obvious organised smear campaign by City. Getting all of their little minions to report it as Pep vs Money.

There is no way Oliver Holt for example isn't on the payroll at City.
as much as you want to criticise them there is no way any of the journalists are on the payroll at City.They are on the payroll of some shell company in Mauritius funded by Abu dhabi
Next we’ll be hearing the completely shocking revelation that they buy their own matchday tickets to sell out the Emptyhad. No one could have seen it coming.
Man City get relegated to League 2.

Mourinho leaves at the end of the season.

Guardiola replaces him.

I, for one, can't wait.
Do you understand the concept of sport mate?

Football has rules. If you punch the ball in net, you've not committed a crime but you've broken a rule in the sport and have tried to cheat. The referee will pull you up if he sees it and disallow the goal. You can't just turn around and say "well I've not committed a crime have I? The goal should stand"

UEFA have Financial Fair Play Rules that all that teams have to adhere to. And with these findings City have not only failed them but they have lied, deceived and blatantly cheated to gain advantage. Other teams around Europe have been kicked out of the competition for far, far less.

OK, so I'm guessing we will disagree over whether the rules are 'sporting' (apologies, I know I can't speak for you) but it certainly does appear that we have broken the rules of the sport. So what this boils down to is an issue between UEFA and City. That is really the point of my last few posts - putting all the ranting (not yours) to one side, it's a matter of UEFA deciding what rules City have broken and what the punishment should be. Everything else is just froth. Honestly, looking at some posts, you'd think we had murdered someone

So, firstly some of what City have done is simply taken advantage of the rules by exploiting loopholes - the equivalent of tax avoidance rather than tax evasion. The image rights for instance, falls into that category - UEFA have been very well aware of what we were doing, they commented on it plus it's in the public domain on companies house, available to all

In those areas where we have broken the rules, which to be clear, means spending more than we should have (because there are no rules about how much money you put into a club - the FFP rules are about how much of that money you can spend), the question is what should/can UEFA do about it. That's what all this boils down to - what should UEFA do about City spending more money on players wages & salaries than FFP says they can

Two key points need addressing in order to answer that question. Number one - was the settlement binding ? UEFA assess deals at what they consider 'market value' and for us & PSG, reduced some of the allowable amounts. If the settlement based on that finding was binding, then any of these 'revelations' that pre-date the settlement are of nil consequence now

Number two - are any of these revelations relating to periods post-settlement. If so, then we are back to a negotiated settlement/sanctions discussion with UEFA. What appears to have happened last time and presumably, will happen this time, is UEFA get themselves into a pickle. They can bring in a fine - there are all kinds of reasons why there are holes in that argument but if they do, it's not going to stop city and it's not going to satisfy city's rivals. They can bring in some restricted transfer rules for a period of time. But if they go too far, they risk being taken to court outside of sport, in a case which they patently aren't certain they would win, or they would have been firmer last time. Which gets to the opening part of my post - our potential disagreement over whether the rules are 'sporting'. There is no way UEFA will want to risk that judgement - all the arguments that have been played out here & elsewhere many times before about what FFP was really designed to do.

Bottom line - if the settlement was not binding in full & final settlement, and/or if some of these revelations post-date that period and can be found to be in breach of the rules rather than in breach of the spirit of the rules, there will be a settlement. If not, there will be nothing
Would love it to expose the British media. Hate the twats.
That would be absolutely brilliant, but the media will set, and prioritize, the news agenda, so manipulation and obfuscation will be the order of the day; as seen on Tuesday with Martin Samuel, in the Mail, putting FFP itself on trial; while TalkSport ( I know ), in a paper review, described foreign journalists as displaying an attitude of "sour grapes" against MCFC when framing allegations against that club & PSG.

I really hope I'm wrong and mainstream, more tabloid orientated outlets, come to the fore, as they can manoeuvre in the reporting of these allegations if they make sure to preface each item with cited, primary, material.

I have to admit, I don't read a great deal of mainstream stuff, and maybe I'm doing them a disservice, but I simply can't see such a self-serving bunch of venal, troughers, going along with any sort of meaningful investigation that would imperil their position, or standing ( that also goes for the mob that sanction governance at UEFA, or FIFA ).
Next we’ll be hearing the completely shocking revelation that they buy their own matchday tickets to sell out the Emptyhad. No one could have seen it coming.

That was in yesterday's leak (Part 2). They basically sold out the VIP boxes at huge prices yet they were never full.

Fairly sure they used give normal tickets away to schools or buy 1 get 1 free to fill the stadium too. Tiny club, sure.
The city fan mental gymnastics are pathetic. Part 4 could say they bribed qpr and rehearsed the last minute winner and city fans would be on saying 'but why does that make a difference, it doesn't change what happened that day'

Maybe we just happen to have the most enlightened city fans of them all but knowing city fans in the 90s and 00s and the self righteous bile they spewed about united and money and bought refs, seeing them scrabbling around to justify their ownership is embarrassing, seeing them scrabbling round to defend at all costs the dubious workings of the dodgy royal family that uses them is downright delusional.

feck you and clubs like you for ruining football. The pseudo legal and financial stuff is bloody cringey too. These are the same deals guys on here were shitting on about the details of when claimimg city are a profitable self sufficient club. Head in sand time again.

I had to skim through it because I'm not at home (;)). Can someone summarize it? It just seems to be about signing Pep while he was at Bayern, which we already knew. One thing I noticed was there is no mention of the supposed media propaganda.

Yeah, there isn't much except City are careful about PRs and have hired experts.

Also Pep signed Contract on Oct 2015, just 2 months after the start of season.
Part 4 in this series will elucidate the strategy behind this global football empire and how the sister clubs are used for hidden payments and tax savings.

Bang. Hidden payments are surely illegal?
Nothing earth shattering there, most people know that money from Dubai isn’t always going to be clean. Very true about British media though, they should be ashamed.
Part 4 in this series will elucidate the strategy behind this global football empire and how the sister clubs are used for hidden payments and tax savings.

Bang. Hidden payments are surely illegal?

City legal expert in 3,2,1...
Part 3 is a bit underwhelming, especially concerning the influence on media. Basically, nothing substantially new.
Man City get relegated to League 2.

Mourinho leaves at the end of the season.

Guardiola replaces him.

I, for one, can't wait.

United are neither the best team in the league or have been prepping for him for 5 years. Not really a good fit for him

As much as I hate City, their fans and everything about them. I think it's unfair to take a stab at their fans morals. Offer their exact same lottery win and success to any Championship club and 99% of their fan base would bite your hand off for it. They only care about success and football, they couldn't (and shouldn't) give a shit what goes on behind closed doors. Football fans are fans of football, they're not trying to make political statements.

I do think the club should be punished but there's no need to call out their fans as if that will change anything. Even if they're all a bunch of cnuts.
As much as I hate City, their fans and everything about them. I think it's unfair to take a stab at their fans morals. Offer their exact same lottery win and success to any Championship club and 99% of their fan base would bite your hand off for it. They only care about success and football, they couldn't (and shouldn't) give a shit what goes on behind closed doors. Football fans are fans of football, they're not trying to make political statements.

I do think the club should be punished but there's no need to call out their fans as if that will change anything. Even if they're all a bunch of cnuts.

Disagree. Many might take the lottery, many might even take it from somewhere as dodgy as city get it, but defending it so vehemently when presented with the things we’ve seen in recent days? That’s just blind stubborn idiocy. (On the basis these allegations are verified.) I suppose supporters of match fixers, dopers etc shouldn’t care? Sport is not immune to morals and conscience, the reason football is such a mess is because too many people think that way. City fans are not helping. There’d be mass protests at old Trafford if Saudi were to buy, city fans and fan groups should be demanding answers about how their club is run, not cheerleading like little sheep because they get bought everything they want.
Disagree. Many might take the lottery, many might even take it from somewhere as dodgy as city get it, but defending it so vehemently when presented with the things we’ve seen in recent days? That’s just blind stubborn idiocy. (On the basis these allegations are verified.) I suppose supporters of match fixers, dopers etc shouldn’t care? Sport is not immune to morals and conscience, the reason football is such a mess is because too many people think that way. City fans are not helping. There’d be mass protests at Old Trafford if Saudi were to buy, city fans and fan groups should be demanding answers about how their club is run, not cheerleading like little sheep because they get bought everything they want.

Should they, perhaps. But they won't. All they care about is success and bragging rights. If you think they'll go out and protest and as a (extreme hypothetical) result potentially be landed bankrupt and in division 2 then you've too much faith in modern greedy people I'm afraid.
Should they, perhaps. But they won't. All they care about is success and bragging rights. If you think they'll go out and protest and as a (extreme hypothetical) result potentially be landed bankrupt and in division 2 then you've too much faith in modern greedy people I'm afraid.

I agree. There won’t be. Because they couldn’t give a shit about morals or ethics , and therefore should be called out. I guarantee you if a poll was done here , would you take a title in next 2 years funded by Saudi investment, there would be a resounding no.
Let's be honest, nothing will get done about this. Some people are just clutching at straws.
Let's be honest, nothing will get done about this. Some people are just clutching at straws.
You don’t know this. No one has a clue on what could or couldn’t happen.

Just wait and see. It’s fun discussing it - I bet City backsides are twitching!
My point is fairly simple most of the big club's had big injection of investment at some point in their history which gave them advantages or allowed them to bridge the gap why suddenly it's a problem now if the owners want to invest their money not as a loan but as gift where is the problem why you want to deny smaller club's a chance to ever compete against the big boys and win.

City spent more that we did when Fergie took over. Nobody begrudged them that, sadly for them it didn't work out but there was no crying on any side about it. Same as when Leeds or Liverpool when crazy with the cash in the 00's. Part of the FFP thing is to do with clubs like Leeds who were royally screwed by financial mismanagement, and clubs like Portsmouth, Valencia and Monaco where the spending was unsustainable and the owners got cold feet then asset stripped the shit out of the clubs to get the cash back.