Oil Money in Football | New City expose

It’s hardly even being covered, just checked SkySports.com and there’s nothing, shouldn’t this be a massive story?
I don't understand your point. Are you suggesting that City have done something criminal ? That they have defrauded someone ? What is it that UEFA have to act upon exactly ?

Every other club that abides by FFP rules?

Bang on the money @Snowjoe
Everyone, from Fulham through to Man United have to abide by FFP. Believe it or not, there are limits to what United can spend.
Why one club can flagrantly flout these rules and not be punished, is beyond me.
If United were somehow cooking the books and finding an extra billion to spend, I would expect there to be action taken too.
I think the problem is that when you get down to the absolute nuts & bolts of this, is football really supposed to stand up and say to the outside world it's fine to put a club into debt, it's fine to alienate the fans with big annual price rises & kit prices that are close to criminal, it's fine for agents to manipulate players in so many different ways, it's fine for all the kickbacks that go on, it's basically fine to do anything you want except god forbid, try and inject cash into the business.

Outside football that just won't wash

Inside football, UEFA agreed to a settlement

You also, IMO, have to take into account that at it's core, everything City does is focussed on sporting success. At United, in contrast, it's all about the money, with the sporting success not being the priority. Normally fraud means the sport suffers. Most financial 'crimes' involve fraud and victims - who exactly are the victims here ? Who has been defrauded ? Or, is there no crime ?

So to turn the question back on you, what is it that you are proposing is done and who is it that should do it ? These are indeed sensational stories but what is it on a practical level you think can be done ?

The victims of the fraud are the clubs who’ve lost out on prize money/Champions League qualification that City wouldn’t have attained without the financial doping. It’s not hard is it, Oblivious Jon? Other clubs are run as businesses.

What are your views on the systematic salvery, illegality of homosexuality and stoning of women in Abu Dhabi? Or do you not care because they buy your club good footballers and the inevitable ‘success’ that goes with it?
@jontheblue, you're seriously saying theres no crime?
Oh and beautiful City only trying to get sporting success unlike money grabbing United eh?
The victims of the fraud are the clubs who’ve lost out on prize money/Champions League qualification that City wouldn’t have attained without the financial doping. It’s not hard is it, Oblivious Jon? Other clubs are run as businesses.

What are your views on the systematic salvery, illegality of homosexuality and stoning of women in Abu Dhabi? Or do you not care because they buy your club good footballers and the inevitable ‘success’ that goes with it?

And again, this is a bit rich coming from a Manchester United fan (I say that as a United fan). Does it make any difference to clubs lower in the pyramid and in less rich leagues who is taking the top spots?

This is not justification for City's behavior but obviously it's too much to ask fans to look beyond the partisan bullshit and stop treating City/PSG like their ascent is what's ruining football. Their ascent was confirmation of the sport's terminal state.
And again, this is a bit rich coming from a Manchester United fan (I say that as a United fan). Does it make any difference to clubs lower in the pyramid and in less rich leagues who is taking the top spots?

This is not justification for City's behavior but obviously it's too much to ask fans to look beyond the partisan bullshit and stop treating City/PSG like their ascent is what's ruining football. Their ascent was confirmation of the sport's terminal state.
What has being a Utd fan got to do with anything?
And again, this is a bit rich coming from a Manchester United fan (I say that as a United fan). Does it make any difference to clubs lower in the pyramid and in less rich leagues who is taking the top spots?

This is not justification for City's behavior but obviously it's too much to ask fans to look beyond the partisan bullshit and stop treating City/PSG like their ascent is what's ruining football. Their ascent was confirmation of the sport's terminal state.
Silly post. Is United cooking the books?
Illegal and fraudulent financial reporting which is an internationally punishable crime????

The Mind boggles

Is it illegal to get inflated sponsorships though? I'm not clued up on the legal side of it but assuming all taxes are paid on it etc, what crime is committed?
What has being a Utd fan got to do with anything?

It's a fair question to ask where the angst at PSG and City's methods are coming from, partisan bias or love for the game.

Silly post. Is United cooking the books?

I refer you to where I said I'm not justifying what City have supposedly done.
Fraud, which this would be, is illegal and is taken very seriously.

Some of the worlds biggest criminals were taken down because of the fraud they commited, not the murders, drugs etc.
BBC 6 o’clock news just reported on it! Maybe there is hope!
Let’s see if ITV do the same.
Still very little on SKY...
Fraud, which this would be, is illegal and is taken very seriously.

Some of the worlds biggest criminals were taken down because of the fraud they commited, not the murders, drugs etc.
Didn't Al Capone get locked up for tax evasion or something?
It's a fair question to ask where the angst at PSG and City's methods are coming from, partisan bias or love for the game.

I refer you to where I said I'm not justifying what City have supposedly done.
I'm not saying you're justifying. On the other hand you're asking where is the angst coming from. Well it's obvious they're crooked.
Is it illegal to get inflated sponsorships though? I'm not clued up on the legal side of it but assuming all taxes are paid on it etc, what crime is committed?

Well I can't speak for england but overcharging for any kind of service could be considered tax evasion but in the harmed country, not in the recieving one (since it means that clubs are paying MORE taxes in france/england/europe, nobody is going to complain). And since Qatar (or saudi arabia) isn't going to charge themselves in their own country, there's nothing illegal about it here on this end.
It's a fair question to ask where the angst at PSG and City's methods are coming from, partisan bias or love for the game.

I refer you to where I said I'm not justifying what City have supposedly done.
They're our title rivals who have had help from Uefa and Fifa to cheat their way to the top of our league.
Why wouldn't a Utd fan be upset? They also have numerous clubs around the globe so how far down that food chain does this go? What damage could this cause if they're allowed to carry on?
What if City decided they don't agree with another rule?
A lower league side was docked points for mistakenly paying players from a different bank account. How do they react to City being allowed to manipulate their image rights payments in the exact same manner?
Clubs thrown out of Europe thanks to FFP?
You don't have to be fighting for the title to be upset.
It's a fair question to ask where the angst at PSG and City's methods are coming from, partisan bias or love for the game.

I refer you to where I said I'm not justifying what City have supposedly done.

There really is no difference to doping in other sports.
Lance Armstrong, Russian athletics and 100m sprinters spring to mind.
They are gaining an unfair advantage compared to the other competitors.
United don’t break FFP. Neither do Chelsea or Liverpool.
We will be having our stolen titles back for a fecking start. That cnut Barton getting a backhander to get sent off idiotically hand them the title during the QPR match.
ِand Djibril Cisse giving them the ball directly after playing the start kick after the gall and celebrating with them winning the league.
I’m not understanding your argument.
Clubs who have earned their status and reputation through years of hard work, investment and success shouldn’t care that others are emulating their achievements through, essentially cheat codes.
Or are you implying that all big clubs have engaged in misconduct therefore City should also be allowed to? If so, where’s the evidence?
Finally, Martin Samuel has been sucking off City for years, I don’t think he’s come up for air since Guardiola joined them. So I’m not sure why his opinion should be taken as authority.

This idea that the big clubs wanting to maintain the status quo being equivalent to fraud, is mind boggling to me.
Don't know if this is true, but the way you worded it was amazing! Laughed a bit too hard. :lol:
ِand Djibril Cisse giving them the ball directly after playing the start kick after the gall and celebrating with them winning the league.

The entire QPR team opting to play basketball deeee-fence leading up the the Aguero goal was very suspect, especially as the only attempted tackle was a reckless one in the box, and would have resulted in a penalty had it made contact.

It’s not beyond the realms of possibility, given what’s come out in the past few days, that the Arab would have directly covered the cost of relegation for Tony Fernandez plus interest.
Is it illegal to get inflated sponsorships though? I'm not clued up on the legal side of it but assuming all taxes are paid on it etc, what crime is committed?

There's a massive distinction obviously between getting a huge sponsorship legitimately and fiddling it by paying it yourself!

The point is, no-one would pay tje rate their sheiks have.
Not sure if serious, Qatar are implemented in this also, seeing as they own PSG...

I hope you understand that.
This thread is only City!

Edit: plus it was ADUG that threatened lawyer power
ِand Djibril Cisse giving them the ball directly after playing the start kick after the gall and celebrating with them winning the league.
That was peculiar. Especially considering the context of these recent leaks and considering Mark Hughes and Joey Bartons connections to City.
The entire QPR team opting to play basketball deeee-fence leading up the the Aguero goal was very suspect, especially as the only attempted tackle was a reckless one in the box, and would have resulted in a penalty had it made contact.

It’s not beyond the realms of possibility, given what’s come out in the past few days, that the Arab would have directly covered the cost of relegation for Tony Fernandez plus interest.

All this sort of talk does forget that qpr actually put a hell of a shift in and were leading the game! If they were paid off they wouldn't have put that effort in.

It was when news came through they were safe their effort not unreasonably dropped..
It was still a joke they just gave possession straight back to city when conceding the equaliser though.
If they'd kept possession or played it off city players for throws etc they could easily have held on.
They didnt care by then they were safe.
We will be having our stolen titles back for a fecking start. That cnut Barton getting a backhander to get sent off idiotically hand them the title during the QPR match.

If you actually re watch the game, barton getting sent off actually galvanisef qpr and they went ahead after!
It was the fact they knew they were safe that screwed us as their effort dropped still with those fateful lastl five mins left
I for one am totally shocked.
Who knew that an insanely rich state getting involved in one football club wasn’t a particularly good idea in the interests of fairness of competition
Not saying the outcome was guaranteed. The galvanisation part was undesirable.

I think back to that season we were going head to head with Chelsea.
We needed Wigan to do something, yet they had that goon Scottish centre back sent off early doors, and lost 7-0 I think it was.

That was more what we thought might happen, and none of us really had any hope.
I can still remember the sickening pulse rate I had when QPR were 2-1 up. Most horrible stress feeling I've ever had in football, and I've seen my boys Wycombe almost relegated to the conference on the last day, seen them promoted, and seen them get to the semi finals of both the FA Cup and league cup live.

That sickening inevitability when they scored the equaliser. Unforgettable.