Oil Money in Football | New City expose

It was also highly suspect that their keeper dived over the Aguero shot. It was a fairly regulation save. It wasn't even subtle to he honest.

Was very surprised that the club didn't do anything about this at the time. It totally went against the spirit of the game. The majority of clubs are ABU's though so they were glad to see a different winner. If only they knew what they know now.
Outrageous. Where was the giving the ball part?
When city scored, QPR players played the start kick and the driectly threw the ball away to city, they did not want to attack, it was not fair play.
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Aren't there supposed to be revelations on EPL clubs and tax avoidance? I really hope we're not involved in that shite.
That was peculiar. Especially considering the context of these recent leaks and considering Mark Hughes and Joey Bartons connections to City.

Nedum Onuoha, a lifelong blue and SWP too; was certainly plenty of City sympathy on the pitch.
Christian Purslow, who I think is involved with Villa these days, has been questioning the sponsorship deals at City since his Liverpool days. He must know more than most about what goes on at City via the grapevine. Mans our still owes millions in capital gains tax due to his selling Barclays shares he got cheap on the understanding he kept them. Perhaps that’s why he hasn’t been to the UK in ten years.

Re the QPR game when the bitters won the title. Mike Dean was the Ref, City should name a stand after him. A scouse refs go, he is poor. He missed or his linesman missed Tevez swinging a punch at Barton (shock) and I’m sure Brian Kidd or some other City staffer had told Tevez to wind up Barton knowing he’d react which he did. The mighty City were so shite they went behind against ten men. Kompany should have had a red card and Balotelli was diving all afternoon. The same Mike Dean that gave a penalty to Newcastle against Smalling for manhandling in the area. This has gone on before and since and no other penalty has been given. Odd that.

The fact they got the winner in ‘Fergytime’ was more annoying but the record books say they won the title that season. Doesn’t say with the most deflected goals in any season prior to that. Media given free roast dinners too according to the media. All the cash, no class.
Very much doubt there was any cheating by QPR. If they wanted to lose they'd have caved from the start, would have been a lot easier. Guess they just booted the restart because they knew they were safe and were already on the beach.
I said years ago that Mansour was funneling money through "sponsoring" into the club, same goes for PSG owners, I never had any doubt about that just as I never had a doubt that UEFA doesn't really give a shit.
I think the problem is that when you get down to the absolute nuts & bolts of this, is football really supposed to stand up and say to the outside world it's fine to put a club into debt, it's fine to alienate the fans with big annual price rises & kit prices that are close to criminal, it's fine for agents to manipulate players in so many different ways, it's fine for all the kickbacks that go on, it's basically fine to do anything you want except god forbid, try and inject cash into the business.

Outside football that just won't wash

Inside football, UEFA agreed to a settlement

You also, IMO, have to take into account that at it's core, everything City does is focussed on sporting success. At United, in contrast, it's all about the money, with the sporting success not being the priority. Normally fraud means the sport suffers. Most financial 'crimes' involve fraud and victims - who exactly are the victims here ? Who has been defrauded ? Or, is there no crime ?

So to turn the question back on you, what is it that you are proposing is done and who is it that should do it ? These are indeed sensational stories but what is it on a practical level you think can be done ?
What a joke of a post. Everything City do is focussed on scrubbing the dirty money of their scumbag owners. Oh, and covering their tracks.
Very much doubt there was any cheating by QPR. If they wanted to lose they'd have caved from the start, would have been a lot easier. Guess they just booted the restart because they knew they were safe and were already on the beach.

Yeah, people are getting a little bit silly with the QPR stuff.
All they have to do is re-watch the game and see QPR put an effort in way beyond anyone of us expected.

It was simply the fact they were safe that screwed us, as naturally QPR's effort dropped off.

Just unfortunate they found that out with so long left.

Yes it was pathetic how they cleared it straight into City's hands from that kick off, but there was sheer inevitability about that winner coming.
A few is asking what laws are broken. There might be none. Or a few. Who cares?

The sports allways have had their owns. Take "conventional" doping. You can buy, without prescription, in your local pharmacy, stuff that violates the doping regulation. Even in you own supermarket. It's the athletes own responsibillity to avoid them an comply with the sports regulations.

Not even if you are unaware, or if you take something by mistake, you will get off the hook.

By not complying with these roles, you will be punished. Suspensions. Bans.

The rest of the world will also condemn you. Of course. You are a cheater. No one likes cheaters.

But you have never violated a single country's rules, and won't be punished in a court of law.

Why is this different??
The sheer length City fans will go in order to justify the corruption surrounding their club never cease to amaze. Truly mind-boggling.
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It's crazy to think that the people/fans the sport are meant to be there for, probably don't have enough influence/power to change anything about it at all. I feel there is missing some sort of institution or laws against these things. I mean it's always the people/clubs playing fair who gets fecked over and the same time the people who can do the least about it. For instance none of us really wants more teams in the World Cup, but what can we actually do about it? Nothing. Money trumps everything.

It seems to be sort of the same in the banking world where the whole EU has just been fecked over with their taxes stolen. The consequences of this should at least be, that you cannot get a job within these sort of things (football, banking, etc) again have you once acted totally without morale and very contrary to the rules.

Everything is so absorbed and revolving around money, when the ones who are without the big money, are the ones who always getting shafted. There's not enough tools in the box for the regular people when a money-man takes over a club. City's the "good" example, but so many english clubs/fans have been fecked over from these sort of deals.
The sheer length City fans will go in order to justify the corruption City surrounding their club never cease to amaze. Truly mind-boggling.

To be fair, it's pretty much par for the course when it comes to football fans (see Liverpool fans and the Suarez-Evra incident, or Chelsea fans and the Terry-Ferdinand incident, or, sadly, the kind of mental gymnastics being done by some giddy United fans in the Saudi takeover thread). It's just pure tribalism. Morality is of secondary concern.
Not sure why everyone's surprised by these allegations. The initial 400m sponsorship of 2011 when their brand was still worth, lets call it a heck of a lot less, was clearly financial doping. Everyone knew it at the time, so this outrage is 7 years too late and not to mention, meaningless now. Uefa did nothing then, they will do nothing now. Media are also puppets of their favoured benefactors, so even less will be made of it by them I'm sure. As you were.
The sheer length City fans will go in order to justify the corruption surrounding their club never cease to amaze. Truly mind-boggling.

They’re imploring the Arabs to wage Jihad on UEFA, journalists, opposition clubs....plus ‘It’s time for us fans to get militant’ etc. They’re absolute weirdos, devoid of any morality; they’d have worshipped Bin Laden if he’d bought them a couple of £50m fullbacks.
To be fair, it's pretty much par for the course when it comes to football fans (see Liverpool fans and the Suarez-Evra incident, or Chelsea fans and the Terry-Ferdinand incident, or, sadly, the kind of mental gymnastics being done by some giddy United fans in the Saudi takeover thread). It's just pure tribalism. Morality is of secondary concern.

You're probably right, football fans are notorious for the unconditional loyalty they give to their club, but in the case of City's owners and the sheer level of corruption/scandals associated with them (I can't list them all again - you know them anyway), you would be forgiven for speaking out against them, City fan or otherwise. Some things simply transcend the game of football - not many I grant you.

A riot will take place outside OT if the Saudi's ever took control of the club, to which I will most definitely attend.
We will be having our stolen titles back for a fecking start. That cnut Barton getting a backhander to get sent off idiotically hand them the title during the QPR match.

I’ve been long convinced he got sent off deliberately and that he had a lot of money on City winning the league (and possibly even QPR going down).
They’re imploring the Arabs to wage Jihad on UEFA, journalists, opposition clubs....plus ‘It’s time for us fans to get militant’ etc. They’re absolute weirdos, devoid of any morality; they’d have worshipped Bin Laden if he’d bought them a couple of £50m fullbacks.

Militant? What are they going to do? Empty their horde of shark hat wearing 55000 (aka 40000) fans from the Etihad and wildly charge the internet and rain blows down upon it with inflatable bananas?
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They’re imploring the Arabs to wage Jihad on UEFA, journalists, opposition clubs....plus ‘It’s time for us fans to get militant’ etc. They’re absolute weirdos, devoid of any morality; they’d have worshipped Bin Laden if he’d bought them a couple of £50m fullbacks.

You jest, surely.
People going on about the QPR game is a bit cringe, sort of thing I'd expect from RAWK.

But I think the pattern of thinking is, if they are capable of this level of deception (that is coming out), what else are they capable of that has not yet come out?
So if the world goes mad and City get the maximum punishment Italy style (dream world stuff - relegation/stripped of their trophies etc.), we'd have 2 extra Premier league titles (2012 and 2017) and ... ugh ... Liverpool would win the 2014 Premiership.

feck it, though, I'm ordering the open to bus just in case.
The entire QPR team opting to play basketball deeee-fence leading up the the Aguero goal was very suspect, especially as the only attempted tackle was a reckless one in the box, and would have resulted in a penalty had it made contact.

It’s not beyond the realms of possibility, given what’s come out in the past few days, that the Arab would have directly covered the cost of relegation for Tony Fernandez plus interest.

C’mon to be able to stage a last minute winner like that is almost impossible without it looking suspect. The only thing from that game which was a joke was Barton being sent off, because they were winning why would anyone do that, wasn’t he captain that day as well? Problem is he’s an absolute bell so wouldn’t put it past him.
Is Balague going to apologise for his Pep or Money headline now?

Honestly he should lose all credibility, if he still has any. His very clear bias has been obvious for years yet Sky and now BBC treat him like his opinion has more value than others.

Really wish Mourinho had called him out at the time.
What a joke of a post. Everything City do is focussed on scrubbing the dirty money of their scumbag owners. Oh, and covering their tracks.

Well you can use phrases like joke post and people can repeatedly shout 'fraud' but again, who is it that is entitled to take action, specifically what action can they take and by what mechanism ? I've yet to see anything constructive in that regard on here or anywhere else

It's not about whether I or others support or criticise what the club has done, it's about what specifically can be done and by who. If you want to call the owners scumbags, or their money dirty, then fine, go ahead - that's an argument for another day. The issues in the leaks and this thread are entirely separate - they are about FFP and accounting. I'm assuming you're not suggesting the FFP & accounting issues should be treated any differently based on who the owners are ?

Those shouting tax evasion are barking up the wrong tree - if the club is profitable it's paying corporation tax in the UK and every extra pound it brings to spend here contributes towards local taxes/wages/spending/etc. So there's nobody in the UK disadvantaged. I see the word corruption used, but I'm struggling to see the specifics that this might apply to that in turn might lead to legal action

I get why fans of other clubs, particularly the largest clubs, will get so emotive over this. I'm sure I would if the shoe were on the other foot. But again, I don't understand what it is specifically, pragmatically, that those who are upset actually want to happen ?
@jontheblue, you're seriously saying theres no crime?

I'm waiting for someone to tell me what the crime is ? If it's that obvious, please, tell us all, what is the law that has been broken, who should prosecute and where ?
So if the world goes mad and City get the maximum punishment Italy style (dream world stuff - relegation/stripped of their trophies etc.), we'd have 2 extra Premier League titles (2012 and 2017) and ... ugh ... Liverpool would win the 2014 Premiership.

feck it, though, I'm ordering the open to bus just in case.
Didn't Liverpool finish 3rd that year?
I'm waiting for someone to tell me what the crime is ? If it's that obvious, please, tell us all, what is the law that has been broken, who should prosecute and where ?
Do you understand the concept of sport mate?

Football has rules. If you punch the ball in net, you've not committed a crime but you've broken a rule in the sport and have tried to cheat. The referee will pull you up if he sees it and disallow the goal. You can't just turn around and say "well I've not committed a crime have I? The goal should stand"

UEFA have Financial Fair Play Rules that all that teams have to adhere to. And with these findings City have not only failed them but they have lied, deceived and blatantly cheated to gain advantage. Other teams around Europe have been kicked out of the competition for far, far less.
Apparently, companies like Etihad in Abu Dhabi wait for the Abu Dhabi United Group (ADUG), the holding company that belongs to Sheikh Mansour and which also owns Manchester City, to wire them money. That money is then "routed through the partners and they then forward onto us," wrote Finance Director Andrew Widdowson in an email. That, at least, is how things were done in 2015: At the time, the deal with Etihad was bringing in 67.5 million pounds annually. But Chief Financial Officer Chumillas emphasized in an email to Pearce: "Please note that out of those 67.5m pounds, 8m pounds should be funded directly by Etihad and 59.5 by ADUG."

£8m that's their actual worth :lol::lol::lol:
Honestly he should lose all credibility, if he still has any. His very clear bias has been obvious for years yet Sky and now BBC treat him like his opinion has more value than others.

Really wish Mourinho had called him out at the time.
Think he’s on bt now. He did champions league goals the other week.
What punishment would actually stop them though? Juventus's punishment was pretty big, but it only put them on 'pause' for a few years. They are back and have won the last 7 titles.
What punishment would actually stop them though? Juventus's punishment was pretty big, but it only put them on 'pause' for a few years. They are back and have won the last 7 titles.
It sets the context. All this waxlyricing and the pundits creaming themselves over city will stop. Their efforts to lure in supporters will go in vain as their true colors will be exposed.

But I don't really think anything will happen.
Anyone here who cares about the integrity of football should help spread these articles on social media to increase the pressure on Abu Dhabi fc for cheating.
Balanced opinions, pretending they wont get a slap on the wrist or a uefa bottle job which is almost certain- in terms of punishment what is realistic. There'll be no title stripping im sure. But

Transfer ban?
Champions league ban?

Its shameful that it can be so transparent, so arrogant ( email: 'we can do whatever we want') and will almost certainly amount to zero. Again as asked earlier, whats the point