ODI Sheep draft - Strict deadlines from now

Right so I could potentially also pick Gilchrist? Akram is not available but I could block him, is that correct?
You could but as Gilchrist is also present in other managers lists, one of them could Block him and you would have nothing. You can only pick 1 and block 1 from your list.
Lets just say I don't go Hadlee, and I pick gilly and block Akram. If Crappy picks Gilly or blocks him, do I still get Hadlee as a default or are you basically fecked and get a sheep?
fecked and you go into 2nd round. Remember sheep in this criteria will not be from the blocked pool.
You get 2 chances to pick I think....so theoretically you go for Akram or Gilly...fail and come back to Hadlee for your 2nd pick. Hadlee is only guaranteed if you pick him. It's not default
No coming back. Whichever teams go into the 2nd round pick 3 players and we redo this.
Personally, think the same 3 players should be taken. Picking the 3 again seems pointless
OMG.. people have gifted Viv to NM .. just feck off
Yes, biggest winners by far and I'm happy for them. They had 2 sheep.
Also remember, I will not disclose who blocked whom, you can make pacts here and stab people in the back when making your blocks. They can't know who ditched them.
The screw Kinterval Plan -

- Raaes blocks Akram - picks Gilly (Crappy allows him)
- Akash blocks Bond- picks Lillie
- Red tiger blocks Pollock - picks Imran (Chris Nelson gets Lara)

Alright....let me know what you agree with others @Interval

I'm perfectly content with letting you have Pollock. You will not have Bond however, I can assure you of that. Either we block him or pick him.
The screw Kinterval Plan -

- Raaes blocks Akram - picks Gilly (Crappy allows him)
- Akash blocks Bond- picks Lillie
- Red tiger blocks Pollock - picks Imran (Chris Nelson gets Lara)

For one, Raees has an equally good team. Second, I'm happy to not block bond if Aakash wants him.
I'm going with Hadlee.. my bowling attack will be super saiyan..
You've created a monster. Like we already knew Hell in a Cell was bad enough but then Eric Bischoff gave us Elimination Chamber!


I'm glad you guys went for this instead of wanting a dull normal round. The draft needs more of this mayhem
Alright....let me know what you agree with others @Interval

I'm perfectly content with letting you have Pollock. You will not have Bond however, I can assure you of that. Either we block him or pick him.

You can pick him. Won't block him. I'll figure the Pollock piece. But you can go ahead. You have my word.
Meh. Even if you guys end up blocking us, we still have a superior team than most.
Sorry guys been at skittles match, I'm captain and we won the league tonight hence not been on here for a while :) as a special reward I think you should all be nice and let me have Lara :)
Sorry guys been at skittles match, I'm captain and we won the league tonight hence not been on here for a while :) as a special reward I think you should all be nice and let me have Lara :)
No one blocking Lara here :)
Absolutely. Werewolf and Clash of Clans have made people quit the Caf. It's time these drafts delivered proper drama.
Polaroid quit due to the first auction draft. anto quit over a draft fiasco as well

Who quit due to COC?
Polaroid quit due to the first auction draft. anto quit over a draft fiasco as well

Who quit due to COC?

mickey and there was another weirdo who ended up abusing Brewlio so bad that he got banned in the WW games.