"No great films in the last 10 years"

rofl. As if I wouldn't know some of the films I mentioned weren't by Hollywood studios, but most of them were barely advertised by their studios, and most were completely snubbed at mainstream awards.

Yet they still want you to see them so they can recoup their money and please don't use terms like rofl when all you did at most was smirk, it's dumb. Also the majority on that list I left were heavily advertised and up for plenty of mainstream awards.
The books are awful and all. As for the films...they're for kids. I think Star Wars's best comparison, to be fair....but without the cool incestual undertones.

It's not going to win anything for quality dialogue or originality in terms of storyline....and besides Han Solo the characters are awfully 2D...but as a visual spectacle it was unrivalled back then. Space! lightsabers! incest! Yes!

Of course it's for kids, you massive pair of breasts. Again....space, effects, lightsabers, incest.... jah! I dont think you understand the hidden message.

Is there something you'd like to tell us Spoony? ;)
The term 'great' is being used really loosely here. We're talking about the greatest and/or most influential films in the history of cinema ... and which films in the last 10 years might in future decades be considered with those greats. I won't single anyone out but some of the suggestions are fairly laughable.
Happy Gilmore, best movie made in the last 25 years.

Sandlers portrayal is uniquely complex and ultimately a contradiction.

The story is multifaceted, good vs evil, determination over adversity, the segregated structure of society all conveyed by Sandlers beautifully ironic modern anti hero.

A truly amazing, insightful, multi layered, thought provoking masterpiece.
Happy Gilmore, best movie made in the last 25 years.

Sandlers portrayal is uniquely complex and ultimately a contradiction.

The story is multifaceted, good vs evil, determination over adversity, the segregated structure of society all conveyed by Sandlers beautifully ironic modern anti hero.

A truly amazing, insightful, multi layered, thought provoking masterpiece.

To be fair, looking at some of the suggestions for greatness, this isn't as daft as it seems!
It's better than all these imo.

2. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
3. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
5. Jaws (1975)

8. Singin' In The Rain (1952)

10. Fight Club (1999)

Inception better than Shawshank Redemption? That's mental!
Again, people taking things way too literally to make themselves look cool

Eh?...What because I don't consider the overblown geekfest that is LOTR to be on a par with the Godfather, widely regarded by many as the greatest film of all time?

Give over Frodo.

tell me another film that was a HUGE box office success and was well regarded all round, getting top marks from nearly every critic?


Yeah outside of LOTR, and maybe TDK, not much, and TDK is already fading a bit

So is LOTR...On that Empire 500 TDK is something like 15, LOTR 24...TDK will continue to fade, but so will LOTR. Now the hype is gone, many are seeing them as simply not that amazing movies outside of the CGI and lovely frilly costumes.

I'm not comparing the films in the slightest, since that's not the point, but all 3 = huge box office, loved by critics, success with awards.

You called it the only film that will be remembered in the same vien as the Godfather. Whether you were comparing the films, their impact or their legacy, it's still a wrong statement.
I may be wrong here, but I thought The Godfather was a financial flop when it came out. It was only when it was re-released in the 90s (by which time it was rightly considered a classic) and both De Niro and Pacino were uber-stars that it began to rake it in.
Nah, it was huge when it was released and both I&II won best picture Oscars. You're thinking of Shawshank.
I actually agree with Wibbs that In the Mood For Love was ordinary. But then I watched it on a date when I was like 20 and trying to get in this girls pants so I wasn't really absorbed in the whole thing.
Vanilla Sky
I am legend
Terminator Salvation
Phantom Menace
Revenge of the Sith
Attack of the Clones
Planet of the apes (remake)
Solaris (remake)
No order

Blade Runner
Matrix (ignoring that there were ever sequels...shut up there weren't...nope...nope...shut up)
Terminator II
12 Monkeys
Mad Max 2 (Road Warrior)
Dark City
A Clockwork Orange (It's not Terry's, it's mine)
District 9
The Fly
Jurassic Park
Minority Report
Back to the Future

All of those I'd personally put above Star Wars...But then admittedly, I do hate Star Wars....

oh and Robocop!!

* Brazil I saw so long ago I'd only be putting it on on reputation if I did, Solaris Orignal I haven't seen, and Children of Men I can't decide if it's a great film, or simply a greatly made film, though it would deserve it on the car assasination scene alone. But then again, Clive Owen.
Vanilla Sky
I am legend
Terminator Salvation
Phantom Menace
Revenge of the Sith
Attack of the Clones
Planet of the apes (remake)
Solaris (remake)

:lol: I'm not falling for that.
No order

Blade Runner
Matrix (ignoring that there were ever sequels...shut up there weren't...nope...nope...shut up)
Terminator II
12 Monkeys
Mad Max 2 (Road Warrior)
Dark City
A Clockwork Orange (It's not Terry's, it's mine)
District 9
The Fly
Jurassic Park
Minority Report
Back to the Future

All of those I'd personally put above Star Wars...But then admittedly, I do hate Star Wars....

oh and Robocop!!

* Brazil I saw so long ago I'd only be putting it on on reputation if I did, Solaris Orignal I haven't seen, and Children of Men I can't decide if it's a great film, or simply a greatly made film, though it would deserve it on the car assasination scene alone. But then again, Clive Owen.

No Predator, the greatest film Arnie was ever in, or Explorers.
No Predator, the greatest film Arnie was ever in,.

Predator loses it for me by virtue of them being the shittest comando team in the history of comando teams. Their high concept tactics for rescuing hostages was "blow the shit out of the the place they're in and then act annoyed they're dead when you get there" and their bangerang specialist training for dealing with unknown threats in the jungle is "unload a whole chain gun randomly into the middle distance, and then when your team mates find you doing so, they unquestioningly do exactly the same thing, without any idea of what the feck they're shooting at, where, or why"....

But yeah, other than being incredibly stupid, it is a really fun film...But again, bit like Star Wars, fetted by people who completely ignore how stupid it is because they find it seminal and fun (not that thats a bad thing of course). It's not really any better than Jurassic Park though.

Anything with Arnie in where he doesn't play a Robot is brilliant in an ironic fun hungover Sunday way...but utter pants in a genuinely serious analytical way, mostly by virtue of...erm...him.
Blade Runner
The Matrix
The Terminator
Twelve Monkeys
Ghost in the Shell

That's a good list but I always think anyone who claims to enjoy Metropolis is just being pretentious. I mean, come on.

A pretentious sci fi movie I really enjoyed but nobody else likes is Until the End of the World. I was in my student wanker what's the meaning of life phase and the whole dream junkie thing really fascinated me. Plus it looked amazing. Although I was on shrooms when I watched it, which may have enhanced the cinematography somewhat.
Happy Gilmore, best movie made in the last 25 years.

Sandlers portrayal is uniquely complex and ultimately a contradiction.

The story is multifaceted, good vs evil, determination over adversity, the segregated structure of society all conveyed by Sandlers beautifully ironic modern anti hero.

A truly amazing, insightful, multi layered, thought provoking masterpiece.

That's a good list but I always think anyone who claims to enjoy Metropolis is just being pretentious. I mean, come on.

A pretentious sci fi movie I really enjoyed but nobody else likes is Until the End of the World. I was in my student wanker what's the meaning of life phase and the whole dream junkie thing really fascinated me. Plus it looked amazing. Although I was on shrooms when I watched it, which may have enhanced the cinematography somewhat.

I'm sorry Pogue but it IS genuinely a brilliant film - and I'm not being pretentious!

I happened to get a video copy of it at the local car-boot sale and I dreaded watching it: I mean, sat in front of a tv watching two-&-half-hours of a silent film was daunting, to say the least! But it wasn't. The story was engrossing, the visuals were sumptuous and the metallic/robotic woman both frighting and alluring.

Along with Nosferatu and King Kong, its one of the greatest films ever made.