"No great films in the last 10 years"

As far as Avatar goes, I'd say that a film can't be considered a timeless classic if it is (in the context of what came before and the contemporary films surrounding it) trite and predictable... It made so many facile allusions (the symbiosis of nature and our own environmental challenges), the character gallery was sooooo simple (the mad general, the main character that goes through a change and empathises with who he's supposed to undermine) and there were NO curveballs, nor was it a good example of cinematic platitude, which I can appreciate, if done well enough.

It just isn't a candidate... no way, no how... The effects didn't mark a paradigme shift either.
Star Wars defined a whole generation, to be fair. When I were a wee lad, it's all kids talked about...that and glow in the dark condoms that sounded like lightsabers. But yeah, when we talk about influential or making a huge impact, it's definitely up there. It's not going to win anything for quality dialogue or originality in terms of storyline....and besides Han Solo the characters are awfully 2D...but as a visual spectacle it was unrivalled back then. Space! lightsabers! incest! Yes!

But that's cos you're a 30+ retard who finds it seminal....Sensible people of my age with perspective and the ability to analyse rationally think it's cak for children...Wake up cuntballs.... is all I'm saying.
So I've been thinking

uh oh

Letters from Iwo Jima. The Incredibles. Atonement. Hotel Rwanda. The last King of Scotland. District 9. Moon. Apocalypto. Princess Mononoke. Pans Labyrinth. Munich. Hero. The Orphanage. Catch me if you can. Monsters Ball. Children of men.

Hell yeah...Children of men in particular is underrated as an avant garde film. It's fantastically made...Yeah Clive Owen is a retard but the direction, cinematography & support acting is bangerang in that film.
The simple fact is that many film makers, documentarians etc make films not to be enjoyed. That's a fact that can't be argued with. But they're still making fantastic films. We obviously disagree over the word enjoy. I obviously can't speak for you but if someone watches a film whose arc follows the total collapse of someone's personality and life and as you leave the cinema you are still empathising with that sense of damage then I wouldn't say it's an enjoyable film. Being moved. Being affected. They are positive emotions. But they are not enjoyment. And they are not intended to be. When a writer creates a screenplay he decides what emotion he wants to arouse in his audience and if the emotion he wants to leave the audience with is that of overwhelming sadness or loss, then enjoyment isn't on the agenda.

If Mel Gibson asked you what you thought of The Passion of the Christ and your first words were "great Mel, really enjoyed it" he'd likely punch you in the head.

Edit: It's funny how you're original comments where a white text joke about Avatar. Fact is I've never enjoyed myself as much in a movie theater than when I watched Avatar. I didn't even have good seats. But I was mesmerized whole way through.

I could compare it to the great wall of China. It's basically just a wall. Nothing special about a wall. But it's the biggest motherfecking wall in the world. And that's not saying all of it. It cost a lot of manpower. A lot of people go see it and love it.
Avatar has a simple story and simple characters. Nothing special about it. But it's a big step in how to make movies look more beautifully. It has a huge budget and took a long time to make. A lot of people went to see it and loved it.

Movies that are aimed at one emotion, or like the ones you describe, are almost always boring. Same with movies as with sculptures or paintings. When the "artist" does that it'll almost definitely not suit my taste.

I enjoyed Schindlers List. I enjoyed 127 Hours. Do you get where I'm coming from by phrasing it in such way?
Hell yeah...Children of men in particular is underrated as an avant garde film. It's fantastically made...Yeah Clive Owen is a retard but the direction, cinematography & support acting is bangerang in that film.

Yup. Lot of takes with the camera panning from left to right like a story arc.

Too bad the movie itself is awful and overrated. Especially considering the general idea of the plot.
And like I said, those movies are almost always boring. Same with movies, same with sculptures or paintings. When the "artist" does that it'll almost definitely not suit my taste.

I enjoyed Schindlers List. I enjoyed 127 Hours. Do you get where I'm coming from by phrasing it in such way?

Boring to you maybe. Schindlers List and 127 Hours are both stories of redemption with an upbeat resolution, so I'd agree that they're 'enjoyable' despite the core subject. The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, on the other hand, is a very good film and I'd thoroughly recommend it, but I wouldn't use the word enjoyable. Because that's not its intention. Come and See is a superb war film, but the adjectives used to describe it are horrific, shocking etc. I'd suggest anyone who described it as enjoyable would probably need to see a shrink - and it's certainly not 'boring'. I'm saying a film can be great but not enjoyable in the true sense of the word (ie giving joy or pleasure). You don't agree.

I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. ;)
Boring to you maybe. Schindlers List and 127 Hours are both stories of redemption with an upbeat resolution, so I'd agree that they're 'enjoyable' despite the core subject. The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, on the other hand, is a very good film and I'd thoroughly recommend it, but I wouldn't use the word enjoyable. Because that's not its intention. Come and See is a superb war film, but the adjectives used to describe it are horrific, shocking etc. I'd suggest anyone who described it as enjoyable would probably need to see a shrink - and it's certainly not 'boring'. I'm saying a film can be great but not enjoyable in the true sense of the word (ie giving joy or pleasure). You don't agree.

I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. ;)

Edited my post ;)
Well, at least we agree on something!

I don't think we're disagreeing about the movies per ce. I'm talking more from my perspective and what I expect and you're talking more from the movie makers perspective and what they are aiming for. And the word "enjoyment".

I totally know what you are saying if I look at it from your point of view. You're not wrong. We just don't share the same philosophy on judging movies. I personally don't care what most people think or if the movie changed something in their lives. Has no affect on my viewing experience and judgement.
But that's cos you're a 30+ retard who finds it seminal....Sensible people of my age with perspective and the ability to analyse rationally think it's cak for children...Wake up cuntballs.... is all I'm saying.

Of course it's for kids, you massive pair of breasts. Again....space, effects, lightsabers, incest.... jah! I dont think you understand the hidden message.
Star Wars = GOAT.

Haters gon hate.

And by Star Wars, I mean the first one only, and by GOAT, I mean like 3rd best sci-fi film behind 2001 and Blade Runner.
Edit: It's funny how you're original comments where a white text joke about Avatar. Fact is I've never enjoyed myself as much in a movie theater than when I watched Avatar. I didn't even have good seats. But I was mesmerized whole way through.

I could compare it to the great wall of China. It's basically just a wall. Nothing special about a wall. But it's the biggest motherfecking wall in the world. And that's not saying all of it. It cost a lot of manpower. A lot of people go see it and love it.
Avatar has a simple story and simple characters. Nothing special about it. But it's a big step in how to make movies look more beautifully. It has a huge budget and took a long time to make. A lot of people went to see it and loved it.

Movies that are aimed at one emotion, or like the ones you describe, are almost always boring. Same with movies as with sculptures or paintings. When the "artist" does that it'll almost definitely not suit my taste.

I enjoyed Schindlers List. I enjoyed 127 Hours. Do you get where I'm coming from by phrasing it in such way?

Avatar was brilliant at what it intended to do.

It was intended to make a whole lot of money. Through a massive marketing campaign, a cliched story and characters, and a ridiculous relaunch of 3D, it achieved just that.
Avatar was brilliant at what it intended to do.

It was intended to make a whole lot of money. Through a massive marketing campaign, a cliched story and characters, and a ridiculous relaunch of 3D, it achieved just that.

How does it translate to 2D/Blu ray?

And let's have a top ten sci fi list, folks.
Off the top of my head...in no particular order as of yet:

Blade Runner
Fahrenheit 451
Empire Strikes Back
Avatar was brilliant at what it intended to do.

It was intended to make a whole lot of money. Through a massive marketing campaign, a cliched story and characters, and a ridiculous relaunch of 3D, it achieved just that.

Not a ridiculous but heavily invested and main purpose to sell the 3d technology that Cameron helped to create and hold licences on, to Hollywood on the back of a successful blockbuster.
Not a ridiculous but heavily invested and main purpose to sell the 3d technology that Cameron helped to create and hold licences on, to Hollywood on the back of a successful blockbuster.

Ridiculous as in I thought people had already realised it's not all it's cracked up to be.

Perhaps each generation has to realise for itself.

Basically, I don't like 3D.

Avatar was a 3D exploitation (threedeexploitation doesn't really work) movie really.
Avatar was a fun experience, not really a great movie.

In fact I can't think of a single great movie in the last 10 years.


Some people know no empathy.

Name them then!
Off the top of me-head.

In the Mood for Love
A Prophet
Ichi the Killer
Inglorious Basterds
Infernal Affairs
Black Swan
Spirited Away
Mulholland Drive
The Lives of Others
Lost in Translation(Pete hates this!)
Four Lions
Donnie Darko
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Y tu Mama Tambien
Open Your Eyes(original)
Nobody Knows
Burn After Reading
Royal Tenebaums
Did someone say that Donnie Darko was a great movie? I thought I saw that but must be hallucinating.
Off the top of my head...in no particular order as of yet:

Blade Runner
Fahrenheit 451
Empire Strikes Back

I'd probably have The Matrix in there somewhere. Sorry, I'll leave your list alone.
Inglourious Basterds.

Also, I personally think the Bourne films are awesome. All the action films these days try to copy the style of Bourne.
Off the top of me-head.

In the Mood for Love
A Prophet
Ichi the Killer
Inglorious Basterds
Infernal Affairs
Black Swan
Spirited Away
Mulholland Drive
The Lives of Others
Lost in Translation(Pete hates this!)
Four Lions
Donnie Darko
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Y tu Mama Tambien
Open Your Eyes(original)
Nobody Knows
Burn After Reading
Royal Tenebaums

No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood
Pixar Films
If you are including 2010, The Social Network.
No Country for Old Men
There Will Be Blood
Pixar Films
If you are including 2010, The Social Network.

I've not seen The Social Network. I'm hoping to check out Cache tonight...it's meant to be a good'en.

How about How to Train Your Dragon? or Mary and Max? Both brilliant films.