"No great films in the last 10 years"


My favourite ever film. 2003.
Dogday > Godfather > Scarface for Pacino performance IMO. Scarface marked the moment he discovered he could just shout manically in every film and get away with it be called brilliant acting.

Infernal Affairs is 2002 (feck the Departed) & Pans Labyrinth 2006.

Agree with this, his performance in Dog Day Afternoon is sensational. Great film.
Fair enough on Pacino, and Infernal Affairs and Pan's Labyrinth are another two crackers. Downfall might make it as well.
Pan's Labyrinth 2006.
I hate magical realism so I liked the realistic bits and hated the magical bits. Flawed film but a lot, lot better than some of the other bollocks. Oh yeah, The Lives of Others deserves a shout.
Brick, Inglourious Basterds, Let the Right One In, Mysterious Skin, City of God..you know what, I don't have all day, the statement is a load of balls.
This is as pointless a list as Q Magazine's list of best ever albums would be. And your mate obviously is a tasteless buffoon.

Not sure where you're going with this post.

I'm not saying that list is the list of top 10 films, but it is a general consensus considering it was voted for largely by film fans. And it just supports the notion that for the majority of people, their favourite films pre-date the turn of the century.

Some interesting films have sprung up in this thread though, many of which I've not seen so my "to-watch" list has defimitely improved.
I quite liked Mystic River, I think that was this decade, Royal Tenenbaums was good too.
They very idea that you could have a decade without great anything is totally ludicrous, given the sheer number of films/albums/books etc released in even one year, never mind ten.
Not sure where you're going with this post.

I'm not saying that list is the list of top 10 films, but it is a general consensus considering it was voted for largely by film fans. And it just supports the notion that for the majority of people, their favourite films pre-date the turn of the century.

Film fans my arse. I wonder what percentage of them would have seen a foreign language film.
They very idea that you could have a decade without great anything is totally ludicrous, given the sheer number of films/albums/books etc released in even one year, never mind ten.

Inception was released last year and is better than at least six of the films on that list.
Film fans my arse. I wonder what percentage of them would have seen a foreign language film.

A person can still be a fan of cinema whilst not appreciating foreign language films.

I've enjoyed some foreign language films, particularly Korean / Japanese horror films. Many foreign films are in fact better than the Hollywood remake. "Rec" is one that immediately springs to mind.

But for many people, reading sub-titles detracts from the experience - that doesn't necessarily make their choice less respectable. I enjoyed Apocalypto, but the sub titles made it difficult to focus on the film, which I found frustrating in this case.

With respect to the Empire list, whilst the films including within the top 10, might not be the greatest of all time, it does provide a census as to the most popular.
If I was to make a list of the best films over the last decade, it would be topped by Downfall.
Why I am not surprised that your favourite film has Nazis in it? :p

Not my favourite film - what I think is the best film of the last decade, which has a 8.4 rating on IMDB, which doesn't just portray the nazis but portrays their complete annihilation.

What exactly are you insinuating?
My favourite film of the last ten years, which has a 8.4 rating on IMDB, which doesn't just portray the nazis but portrays their complete annihilation.

What exactly are you insinuating?

Relax, it was classless joke mocking your political views.

I enjoyed Downfall too, Bruno Ganz was nothing short of immense in it.
Film fans my arse. I wonder what percentage of them would have seen a foreign language film.

As an Empire subscriber, I can state categorically that there are just as many pretentious devotees of the subtitle on there as there are here. Total Film is another matter entirely.

Of course there are 'great films' in this decade. Most of the films on that top 10 weren't considered 'great films' at the time. Shawshank flopped. Singin' in the Rain flopped. Star Wars, Jaws and Raiders of the Lost Ark were just considered great popcorn movies, not great films in terms of impact upon cinema.

One can only guess which films might in 20 years time be considered game-changers.
I hate magical realism so I liked the realistic bits and hated the magical bits. Flawed film but a lot, lot better than some of the other bollocks. Oh yeah, The Lives of Others deserves a shout.

I usually hate any kind of magical fantasy but I found Labyrinth beautiful. But then I like things where...

kids die in the end

And TLOA really does deserve a shout. Good call.

Lady Vengeance and Mr Vengeance are both worth watching if you haven't seen them yet.

I actually like Sympathy for Lady Vengeance slightly more than Oldboy (though both are great). It doesn't have the nagging crucial plot credibility flimsiness that bugged me with the latter (would he really do all that just cos of that??) ....though it does have a couple of slightly pointless 1D characters that I often think you can get away with more in arty foreign cinema....Mr Vengeance is quite easily the weakest IMO.
I can see the point that's being made.

The thing that strikes me about that Top 10 list is that they've all aged particularly well which for me is a good indicator of their status as a 'classic'.

I watched the Matrix again a couple of months back and I was surprised how dated it's starting to look already.

Glad to see the thread veered off into a Glengarry love in temporarily. That's a top 1 for me, although I value writing and acting above cinematography and special effects.
Inception is beyond overrated.

Oldboy, LOTR, Inglourious Bastards, City of God, Requiem for s Dream (Does 2000 count?), Memento, Eternal Sunshine are all great films.
As an Empire subscriber, I can state categorically that there are just as many pretentious devotees of the subtitle on there as there are here. Total Film is another matter entirely.

Of course there are 'great films' in this decade. Most of the films on that top 10 weren't considered 'great films' at the time. Shawshank flopped. Singin' in the Rain flopped. Star Wars, Jaws and Raiders of the Lost Ark were just considered great popcorn movies, not great films in terms of impact upon cinema.

Star Wars heralded the new wave of Special effects, Jaws was the start of the summer blockbuster and Raiders is the greatest action adventure film ever made and for those reasons alone they were great films in terms of impact upon cinema. Films are not just about cereberal storytelling, it's also the experience and emotion. They introduced new camera techniques and use of music to rise tension that hadn't been used to any geat effect before, (the exception being maybe Psycho). As far as I'm concerned the best film on that list is Apocalypse now.
Star Wars heralded the new wave of Special effects, Jaws was the start of the summer blockbuster and Raiders is the greatest action adventure film ever made and for those reasons alone they were great films in terms of impact upon cinema. Films are not just about cereberal storytelling, it's also the experience and emotion.

Oh I agree ... but at the time that's not how they were viewed. They were just viewed in the same way that Harry Potter is now (poor example, but you know what I'm getting at).

It's interesting to note how many in the top ten are adapted from literary works. Not sure why that impacts upon how significant a film is, but it seems to swing the odds.

It's not a great list, but Inception is still nowhere near it.

It's better than all these imo.

2. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
3. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
5. Jaws (1975)

8. Singin' In The Rain (1952)

10. Fight Club (1999)
It's better than all these imo.

2. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
3. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
5. Jaws (1975)

8. Singin' In The Rain (1952)

10. Fight Club (1999)

Of course that is your personal preference, but I can't believe many would agree with you that it beats all of those.

I liked Inception, but out of those, I'd only consider it better than Singin' In the Rain.
Most of the people voting in these lists will be in their 20s, 30s and 40s so for such a recent film like Inception to be considered better than Raiders or Empire Strikes Back it has to beat off all the nostalgia that comes with the age of those movies. The impact they made was all the greater because when we watched them we were at such a young impressionable age.

It's the same with music. Radiohead are imo the greatest British band since the Beatles but tell that to 30 or 40 somethings and they cannot have it.
It's better than all these imo.

2. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
3. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
5. Jaws (1975)

8. Singin' In The Rain (1952)

10. Fight Club (1999)

Utter bollocks, all of those films in that list are far superior in terms of scripting, plot, characters, cinematography and all in all just better films. Fight club pisses all over it in terms of dealing with the way the mind and it's many interpretations of reality are shown in film as well as having a plot far more intellectual than anything Inception originally aspired to be. Singing in the Rain was far more entertaning. Empire Strikes back featured an adventure of characters that you actually gave a shit about on a scale more epic and visually pleasing. Jaws was a fantastic film that in 2 parts deals with small town politics and the use of all the cinema skills to raise tension in the first, then in the second half, again has characters you actually care about going on adventure that is more interesting, and with a actual sense danger and a one of the greatest character pieces in film ever (yes the shark may have looked crap at the end but it still filled you with more dread and fear than a lower level reality) Shawshank redemption has more twists and turns that leave you feeling emotionally drained at the end, with performances and is just in the end a fantastic film. The opening sequence of Raiders alone is far superior in terms of action and tension then anything Inception had to offer
Most of the people voting in these lists will be in their 20s, 30s and 40s so for such a recent film like Inception to be considered better than Raiders or Empire Strikes Back it has to beat off all the nostalgia that comes with the age of those movies. The impact they made was all the greater because when we watched them we were at such a young impressionable age.

It's the same with music. Radiohead are imo the greatest British band since the Beatles but tell that to 30 or 40 somethings and they cannot have it.

The flip side of that argument of course is that younger generations don't appreciate older films given that we live in an age of special effects and see the likes of Star Wars and Indiana Jones as merely old hat.
The flip side of that argument of course is that younger generations don't appreciate older films given that we live in an age of special effects and see the likes of Star Wars and Indiana Jones as merely old hat.

Indy though wasn't really about special effects but romping Saturday afternoon matine style action adventure, when special effects started to take over the film ended up shit as seen in the recent kingdom of the crystal skull.
Just for the record due to this thread I have just purchased City of God for £4.24.


Legendary movie. must have watched it about 5 times in the last couple of years. Ended up watching the mini series it spawned aswell.

Nice to see Dead Mans Shoes getting a mention, its long been a favourite of mine. Stunning movie, Considine was powerful in the role.

Couple of others that spring to mind.......Amores Perros was a truely great movie.

Sideways never seems to get a mention these days, one of my favourite comedys, I add The Royal Tenenbaums to that aswell.
Utter bollocks, all of those films in that list are far superior in terms of scripting, plot, characters, cinematography and all in all just better films. Fight club pisses all over it in terms of dealing with the way the mind and it's many interpretations of reality are shown in film as well as having a plot far more intellectual than anything Inception originally aspired to be. Singing in the Rain was far more entertaning. Empire Strikes back featured an adventure of characters that you actually gave a shit about on a scale more epic and visually pleasing. Jaws was a fantastic film that in 2 parts deals with small town politics and the use of all the cinema skills to raise tension in the first, then in the second half, again has characters you actually care about going on adventure that is more interesting, and with a actual sense danger and a one of the greatest character pieces in film ever (yes the shark may have looked crap at the end but it still filled you with more dread and fear than a lower level reality) Shawshank redemption has more twists and turns that leave you feeling emotionally drained at the end, with performances and is just in the end a fantastic film. The opening sequence of Raiders alone is far superior in terms of action and tension then anything Inception had to offer

Can't and won't agree with anything you've written there Gambit.
Indy though wasn't really about special effects but romping Saturday afternoon matine style action adventure, when special effects started to take over the film ended up shit as seen in the recent kingdom of the crystal skull.

I agree, my point is that younger people now are that used to special effects the likes of Star Wars aren't given the credit they deserve as they look dated by comparison.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was an abomination but kids today will probably prefer it to the older ones as it's more akin to what they're used to.