"No great films in the last 10 years"


Full Member
Apr 6, 2009
Looking for the answers...
This comment was made by a mate durning lunch today.

He meant it in the context that if you asked 90% of people to name their top 5 films, no films of the last 10 years would feature.

After dismissing the comment straight away, when he explained, I think he has a very good point. Don't get me wrong there have been some good films in the noughties, but very few would make my Top 5 or even Top 10 for that matter.

It is very hard to limit yourself to 5 or 10 films given the plethora of choices available, but it seems that very few films of the last decade would be classed as even close to one of the greatest movies of all time.

For those interested, and as an initial reference, Empire Magazine's Top 10 is:

1. The Godfather (1972)
2. Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
3. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
4. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
5. Jaws (1975)
6. GoodFellas (1990)
7. Apocalypse Now (1979)
8. Singin' In The Rain (1952)
9. Pulp Fiction (1994)
10. Fight Club (1999)

The highest ranking films post-2000 are The Dark Knight (2007) at #17, The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001) at #24, and The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003) at #34.

Interested in seeing what films released post-2000 could give the likes of the Godfather, Jaws and Apocalypse Now a run for their money.

Contenders from the thread: Dead Mans Shoes / City of God / Gladiator
I think the Dark Knight is tremendously overrated as it is.
interesting as I never really looked at it that way. maybe because we consider those movies classic, and later generations will value post-2000 as there classics.
Its a tough argument. Older films often benefit from being the first of everything. Ideas hadn't been saturated back then so films were blowing people away.

Modern film fans are far more cynical about what they are seeing nowadays, because everythings being compared to whatever has been before it, and its difficult to find the true originality that marks a film down as being 'great'.

EDIT: I'll add to the above that Directors were given a lot more freedom to push the envelope back in the day. For every ten crappy vanity projects you'd invariably get a masterpiece.
Empire magazine clearly is not a good source.....fight club? Raiders of the lost ark? in top ten? not a chance in hell.... some very good movies in that list for sure but this is having a laugh. Add to the fact, they are all American movies, what no other country makes good movies? There have been some classics in the last 10 years from Asian, South American and Europe
I think the Dark Knight is tremendously overrated as it is.

Subjective really, but I agree that it is overrated.

I certainly don't think it's the best film of the last decade, but that kind of detracts the purpose of the thread.

But the lack of "great films" in the last decade surprised me. I thought I might have something with The Matrix, but alas that was 1999.
For me, two of Michael Haneke's films released post-2000 (Cache and Time of the Wolf)are better than 7 of the films listed in Empire's top 10.

Shane Meadows' Dead Man's Shoes would be in there, too.
Empire magazine clearly is not a good source.....fight club? Raiders of the lost ark? in top ten? not a chance in hell.... some very good movies in that list for sure but this is having a laugh

I knew I shouldn't have referenced that - again it's subjective and I am not saying that the Empire Top 10 is the benchmark either.

I didn't want people to simply name their top 5, as it would largely give films pre-2000 which is my point.

That said, do any films post the turn of the century feature in your top 5 or top 10, or come close for that matter.
A lot of people try to sound snobby when listing their top ten's. Its becomes almost a cliche in the end, for fear of ridicule.

My favourite films are generally ones that I can watch over and over again. Sideways, for one example, is a film I never tire of, but it isn't a great movie.
Empire magazine clearly is not a good source.....fight club? Raiders of the lost ark? in top ten? not a chance in hell.... some very good movies in that list for sure but this is having a laugh

I guess it depends on what the criteria is and who did the voting. Is this list a public list, or a critics list?
If the criteria is sheer popcorn munching entertainment value, Raiders is worthy of a place in my opinion. If you're looking for things like plot, character development, cinematogrophy etc then it probably wouldn't be.
I guess it depends on what the criteria is and who did the voting. Is this list a public list, or a critics list?
If the criteria is sheer popcorn munching entertainment value, Raiders is worthy of a place in my opinion. If you're looking for things like plot, character development, cinematogrophy etc then it probably wouldn't be.

I'm pretty sure it's a mix of both - I think they essentially asked readers/critics to submit their top 10 and the list of 500 was compiled based on the number of votes per film.

It's better if it's purely a readers list, as it is essentially what you feel is a good film and is personal choice. The critics are likely to get bogged down in the snobbery of it all.
I knew I shouldn't have referenced that - again it's subjective and I am not saying that the Empire Top 10 is the benchmark either.

I didn't want people to simply name their top 5, as it would largely give films pre-2000 which is my point.

That said, do any films post the turn of the century feature in your top 5 or top 10, or come close for that matter.

I don't have a list that I can refer to but I'd have to say off the top of my head "City of God" would certainly be a contender
I'd put The Departed in my top 10 films, probably.. I think most of my favourite films come from the 90s, with some from the 80s, but I don't consider the 2000's to be some sort of black hole of good movies.
I guess it depends on what the criteria is and who did the voting. Is this list a public list, or a critics list?
If the criteria is sheer popcorn munching entertainment value, Raiders is worthy of a place in my opinion. If you're looking for things like plot, character development, cinematogrophy etc then it probably wouldn't be.

I for one would definitely not consider "popcorn munching entertainment" films to be considered in the "Greatest movies of all time" category just the same as lifting a book that you cannot literally put down until its finished as not considering it the best literature of all time, I think there is a difference between escapism and a carefully crafted thought provoking piece of art with depth and richness beyond mere entertainment.... but thats just my opinion
Gladiator was 2000 and that is probably my favourite film of all time. Although I guess most people wouldn't even put it in their top 10. I don't care though, it's ace.
A lot of people try to sound snobby when listing their top ten's. Its becomes almost a cliche in the end, for fear of ridicule.

My favourite films are generally ones that I can watch over and over again. Sideways, for one example, is a film I never tire of, but it isn't a great movie.

This is a good point, a persons top ten is unique to them yet some try to look for a pat on the back by throwing in some random abstract effort. Not everyone of course but that's just the impression I get at times.

I can think of a few that would be contenders in my top 10 that are from the year 2000 onward - Gran Torino, No Country for Old men, District 9 & hangover are all great films in my opinion. There are probably loads more too that slip my mind just now.
This is a good point, a persons top ten is unique to them yet some try to look for a pat on the back by throwing in some random abstract effort. Not everyone of course but that's just the impression I get at times.

I can think of a few that would be contenders in my top 10 that are from the year 2000 onward - Gran Torino, No Country for Old men, District 9 & hangover are all great films in my opinion. There are probably loads more too that slip my mind just now.

Not seen Gran Torino, but i've heard very good things about it.

I really liked No Country for Old Men, although I was somewhat left expecting more regarding the ending, but won't go in to detail for those that haven't seen it.

I liked District 9 too, loved the concept, and hope there is a sequel.

I absolutely loved The Hangover, but I probably wouldn't class it as one of my favourite ever films.

Saying that, I don't think I've ever thought of a single comedy as being one of my favourite films. It's interesting that comedies never seem to feature in awards or shortlists either. Which is a shame as comedy should be seen as strong as tragedy and drama.

An actor that can make you laugh hysterically doesn't seem to get a tenth of the plaudits that an actor who can make cry does. Why that is, I don't quite understand.
Not seen Gran Torino, but i've heard very good things about it.

I really liked No Country for Old Men, although I was somewhat left expecting more regarding the ending, but won't go in to detail for those that haven't seen it.

I liked District 9 too, loved the concept, and hope there is a sequel.

I absolutely loved The Hangover, but I probably wouldn't class it as one of my favourite ever films.

Saying that, I don't think I've ever thought of a single comedy as being one of my favourite films. It's interesting that comedies never seem to feature in awards or shortlists either. Which is a shame as comedy should be seen as strong as tragedy and drama.

An actor that can make you laugh hysterically doesn't seem to get a tenth of the plaudits that an actor who can make cry does. Why that is, I don't quite understand.

I think you're correct with the comedy point, and as you say yourself the hangover despite being a film you loved doesn't rate as highly as others. I don't know why this is the case, maybe it's because the awards shows etc are more serious affairs and that has an effect on the less serious films being nominated?? I don't know i'm perhaps clutching at straws with that idea.

Anchorman - that's another I could sit and watch over and over again and if I had to pick ten films I could chose from for the rest of mylife i'd have to include a comedy or two and both anchorman and hangover are amongst my favourite comedies.

With regards to an actor who perhaps didn't get the credit deserved for being able to make you laugh, Leslie Nielsen? Sure he recieved credit but not the kind of acclaim more serious actors recieve.
I would guess that it's because comedies are not known for using serious cinematic techniques...also they can really become dated depending on their content whereas the best films are timeless.
I would guess that it's because comedies are not known for using serious cinematic techniques...also they can really become dated depending on their content whereas the best films are timeless.

The dated point is a good one, are there many comedies that have stood the test of time?

I still personally find the Leslie Nielsen stuff very good Airplane and Hot Shots are still as funny for me today as when i first saw them.
Yes, everything was so much better in the good ol' days, blablabla.

Lots of quality films being made. You're either looking in the wrong places, or you have a ridiculously high standard for what constitutes a great film. Give it 20 years and plenty of movies from the past decade will feature in "best of" lists.
Memento was 2000, if that counts. It should. City of God and The Departed are immense too.
Saying that, I don't think I've ever thought of a single comedy as being one of my favourite films. It's interesting that comedies never seem to feature in awards or shortlists either. Which is a shame as comedy should be seen as strong as tragedy and drama.

An actor that can make you laugh hysterically doesn't seem to get a tenth of the plaudits that an actor who can make cry does. Why that is, I don't quite understand.

A good French farce IMO is generally a few steps above the American type comedy, Daniel Auteuill is the master of this genre, check out “The Closet” with him and Gérard Depardieu.... excellent, excellent movie, almost everything he has been in has been hilarious without having to descend into slapstick and stereotypes
For me, two of Michael Haneke's films released post-2000 (Cache and Time of the Wolf)are better than 7 of the films listed in Empire's top 10..
Time of the Wolf was a disappointment for me, The Piano Teacher should be in there & Wong Kar Wei's In the Mood for Love.
I would guess that it's because comedies are not known for using serious cinematic techniques...also they can really become dated depending on their content whereas the best films are timeless.

I think you have a point there Doc, not really considered how comedy ages, but the majority of humour is a generation thing.

The dated point is a good one, are there many comedies that have stood the test of time?

I still personally find the Leslie Nielsen stuff very good Airplane and Hot Shots are still as funny for me today as when i first saw them.

Good point, and a good actor in his day. Probably a mass generalisation on my part, but I just couldn't think of many comedians on shortlists for awards. But now's not the time to go into whether the Academy applauds genuine talent, which I know many posters and people in general don't.

Yes, everything was so much better in the good ol' days, blablabla.

Lots of quality films being made. You're either looking in the wrong places, or you have a ridiculously high standard for what constitutes a great film. Give it 20 years and plenty of movies from the past decade will feature in "best of" lists.

I'm only 25 - I'm hardly saying it was better back in my day. If you read my post, I've not said that no great films have been made in the last decade, but for me, I haven"t seen anything that rivals Pulp Fiction, The Godfather, Back to the Future, American History X.

I'm just trying to see what films of the last decade are, in their opinion. Up there with the best. At work, nobody named a film post-2000 that they'd class as an all-time favourite. Something you've neglected to do also.
The dated point is a good one, are there many comedies that have stood the test of time?

I still personally find the Leslie Nielsen stuff very good Airplane and Hot Shots are still as funny for me today as when i first saw them.

Yeah those Zucker Abrhams and Zucker comedies from the late 70s early 80s are great, pretty well every single one.
Fight Club was in 1990?? :eek:
Some of my favourite films are from the last decade but oddly I wouldn't argue to have them in a top 100 list. Some probably aren't among the best 100 films ever made, but their the ones that I like the most.

Did any of that make sense?