Gaming Nintendo Switch

If anyone wants a laugh go to the Xenoblade subreddit and check out their reaction to their NSFW waifu art being banned.
Xenoblade 2 has turned out to be a waste of money so far, can't get the hang of the battle system at all.

Enjoying Okami HD to bits though, I'm not missing the Wii Remote mechanics even though it makes it less difficult.
Xenoblade 2 has turned out to be a waste of money so far, can't get the hang of the battle system at all.

Enjoying Okami HD to bits though, I'm not missing the Wii Remote mechanics even though it makes it less difficult.
It took me around 15-18 hours of game time and 2 or 3 months of leaving the game and going back before I started to in any way like it. There is a point around that when the battle system does click when you finally get access to everything and it turns into a really fun game. But yeah, it's very difficult to keep going early on.

I'm around 60 hours in now and not too far from the end and really enjoying it .I've seen people say they sink hundreds of hours into it to get all sidequests and blades and mega bosses but I don't like it enough to do that because a lot of it outside of the main story is so frustratingly shite.
It took me around 15-18 hours of game time and 2 or 3 months of leaving the game and going back before I started to in any way like it. There is a point around that when the battle system does click when you finally get access to everything and it turns into a really fun game. But yeah, it's very difficult to keep going early on.

I'm around 60 hours in now and not too far from the end and really enjoying it .I've seen people say they sink hundreds of hours into it to get all sidequests and blades and mega bosses but I don't like it enough to do that because a lot of it outside of the main story is so frustratingly shite.
Completely agree with you though when you get the hang of it and further into the story its phantastic. The final three chapters are spectacular.
Getting back into Axiom Verge after 2-3 months of not playing. I'm really enjoying it again. I just saw an outdoors bit with grass and tree things, it looks amazing :drool: Haven't got the right power up to go any further in that section at the moment though.
I found Axiom Verge a bit frustrating by the end (so much backtracking!!!) but it's a decent game. Made by just one dude too.
I found Axiom Verge a bit frustrating by the end (so much backtracking!!!) but it's a decent game. Made by just one dude too.
I like the whole backtracking thing if the game has the right atmosphere and setting. For me this does for sure.

Yeah it's super impressive that one guy made it. I also learned today that Stardew Valley was done by one guy as well. These chaps are far more talented and have a lot more patience than I ever will :lol:
Not sure why I've been watching it all. Don't even have a Switch. And just after I typed that they showed loads of Final Fantasy announcements including the VII, IX and X bundle. Like they were speaking to me... needed VIII to be sold on it though.
My life has been made. Now I just need to live till next year.

Also how many fecking RPG’s are there gonna be oh lord
My life has been made. Now I just need to live till next year.

Also how many fecking RPG’s are there gonna be oh lord
There are going to be enough to make me happy by the end of the consoles life span.
So 2019 has new Pokemon game, new Animal Crossing Game, Luigi's Mansion 3, Yoshi Crafted World which finally looks like a game rather than an idea, Daemon Ex Machina, Towns, and Fire Emblem, promising stuff.
Xenoblade DLC releases and a free weekend :drool:

So many games I want to play, those special edition Super Smash and Pokemon switches are bastards though because I really want them but obviously cannot justify it