Gaming Nintendo 3DS vs PS Vita thread.

That is a good deal actually!

No share button though, so I'm afraid I have to say I'm out.


I've only discovered the subscription on Wednesday. I thought PS Plus was some crap that let you download games at a discount price when in reality it offers you two full PS3 titles and two Vita games a month, and they're all quite good. For this kind of price it's a no-brainer.
Played with my copy of Fire Emblem: Awakening, easily top 10 3DS game released so far.

Well anything half decent would be top 10 currently as there haven't been many top games for the system. Zelda, two Mario games, Kingdom Hearts, Kid Icarus, Paper Mario, Layton, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Starfox and Mario Kart, that's basically it.
Nintendo of Europe reveals that the European retail package of Luigi’s Mansion 2 will have an exclusive glow-in-the-dark cover while stocks last. Players who pre-order the game may also receive a limited edition Boo Anti-Stress Ball to settle their nerves when the going gets too spooky!

MGS HD Collection up tomorrow for Vita.

It's already up since 12th. I'd download it but I only got a 4GB card now which makes it pointless, I'll probably go and pick up a 16GB one at the weekend. It's pretty cool to be able to get Gravity Rush, Uncharted, Lumines, Wipeut and MGS for free with a subscription that only cost €10, isn't it? And they'll have to upload another title in April before my current subscription expires (I'll sign up for it for another three months anyway though), possibly Resistance or Ninja Gaiden because it hasn't been up yet.

Nintendo should take note.
Luigi's Mansion is going to be epic. It'll be a strong month for 3DS for sure with this, Monster Hunter 3 and Fire Emblem coming to Europe.
It's already up since 12th. I'd download it but I only got a 4GB card now which makes it pointless, I'll probably go and pick up a 16GB one at the weekend. It's pretty cool to be able to get Gravity Rush, Uncharted, Lumines, Wipeut and MGS for free with a subscription that only cost €10, isn't it? And they'll have to upload another title in April before my current subscription expires (I'll sign up for it for another three months anyway though), possibly Resistance or Ninja Gaiden because it hasn't been up yet.

Nintendo should take note.

I bought a 32GB card with the system. Wipeout I got free before because I bought the 3G version of the VITA and when you activated the Vodafone SIM Wipeout was free.

I've got the full year subscription to Plus (think I paid €39.99 at the time). What's up for PS3 ATM? Not looked in ages. Oh, Mass Effect 3, Dead or Alive 5, and Joe Danger, ok I'm off to download.

It's well worth the price, plus you get discounts on everything else.
They had Sleeping Dogs for free last month, I've downloaded and completed it. It was decent.
Great thing is you don't even have to download the stuff. Just initiate it as a buy and then have access to it whenever you want in the future as long as you keep up your subscription to Plus.

Indeed. I need to swap my hard drive in PS3 as I only got 40GB which isn't enough for Mass Effect 3, I'll purchase it and download next month though.

With Vita's limited library it's probably fair to expect all big titles to be available for free at one point or another.
I've bought Monster Hunter and Castlevania for 3DS. Not sure why I went for Castlevania because I normally don't like it but I'll sell it on when I finish it anyway so it won't cost much and it's got some great reviews (some terrible ones as well though, it's had a very mixed reception). I've only had a 15 minute go at each so can't comment much, I'm hoping Monster Hunter will keep me entertained for long - I opted for a 3DS version instead of Wii U because I feel it's the kind of game you'd prefer in your pocket instead of home.

In a different news, Luigi's Mansion 2 has got 9.3 from IGN. Awesomeness is coming.
I tried the demo for Castlevania, and while I did think it was quite good, I wasn't 100% convinced by it. I'm really hoping we get some proper 2D sidescrolling Castlevanias though, as I've always loved them and the ones on the DS are awesome games.

Luigi's Mansion is sounding really good. Gamespot gave it a 6.5 basically because it was too hard for them but yeah, it's getting 8's and 9's everywhere else. Link for anyone that's interested. Don't know whether I'll get it on launch day though, I may have to cut back my spending a bit if I come back with a Wii U later today ;)
Yeah, me too. I've gone and bought loads of stuff in March and redecorated my living room and bedroom in the previous few months so I'll need to cut my spending for another few months to settle my finances. I think I could squeeze Luigi and Lego City somewhere in my budget. :p
I'll probably end up thinking the same way. I keep telling myself to stop buying things for a while but that lasts about two days. Oh well, at least I'll have lots of new games to play when I have no money :D

I don't know if anyone played Dementium 1 or 2 on the DS, but Renegade Kid have announced a new horror FPS for the 3DS eShop, called 'Cult County'. There's hardly anything about it other than a few 3D screens from an early "atmosphere demo" and some brief info though at the moment.

- Sandstorm effect is this game's "mist." Game takes place in Texas.

- Might be released in 2013, but most likely a 2014 release.

- Will be released episodically; there will be three episodes per season, each episode will be about fours long, and each season will take about a year to wrap up. (Might be faster or slower depending on sales.)

- Bigger emphasis on story than any previous Renegade Kid game.

- Probably won't be 60fps.

- They know the game looks like a DS game right now, but they wanted some footage to go with the announcement to set the feel. (The demo is called an "atmosphere" demo and there's basically no gameplay other than walking around the area.)

- Jools Watsham (RK co-founder, designer) said they have the story all planned, but Gregg Hargrove (RK co-founder, art director) said they keep thinking of gameplay stuff they want to add to it ("Really do something special for our original fans", paraphrased.)

- Circle Pad Pro-compatible.
My Luigi's Mansion will arrive tomorrow, but I have no idea when I'll start it... Too busy with Monster Hunter at the moment.

Sarni, I cannot stress enough that Monster Hunter needs online to be fully appreciated. However, I do believe you can download an App on Wii U which allows you to connect your 3DS version to the Wii U and play online that way (without owning the Wii U version). Give it a go :)
I'll be playing it away from home 90% of the time so it's not really a viable alternative. I've enjoyed the single player mode so far, perhaps if I get into it more I'll invest in a Wii U version. At the minute with Luigi's Mansion, Lego City and Bioshock Infinite I'll have about £100 of spending next week so I don't worry about Monster Hunter too much.
I'm still considering an order for Luigi's Mansion and Lego City (won't be able to play Lego City until I get back to Krakow from my family town next week) before Easter but meanwhile Castlevania has kept me occupied. I didn't like it very much at first but got into it a lot now and I'll probably finish it in a couple of days as I keep playing it. It's a brilliant little game, I don't get the 4.7 from IGN at all.

On Vita front I got the 16 GB card finally so now it's going to download MGS, Lumines, Gravity Rush, Uncharted and Wipeout from my PS+ collection. Zero Escape will be offered next month, brilliant.

I've stockpiled so many handheld games that I don't think I'll be able to finish them all in half a year. Luigi's Mansion is a must though, give it to me.
I traded a few games in to Game when GOW:Ascension came out, they gave me a free preorder for any game worth £5 (which I put down on Luigi's Mansion). So I have £5 off of it, and about £12 worth of Game reward points to redeem which will put the game at like £15 max for me, plus a free stress ball. Yay
I'd just pick it up rather than wait so you have it ready for whenever you want to play it.

Some peoples' copies from Tesco arrived today, but mine didn't :( I've read that Tesco sometime use Yodel for delivery. Hopefully not for mine though otherwise Luigi's Mansion 3 will probably be out by the time they deliver it.
I'd just pick it up rather than wait so you have it ready for whenever you want to play it.

Some peoples' copies from Tesco arrived today, but mine didn't :( I've read that Tesco sometime use Yodel for delivery. Hopefully not for mine though otherwise Luigi's Manision 3 will probably be out by the time they deliver it.


Thanks for posting that offer, Olly.
I've still managed to keep myself away from Luigi's Mansion as I'll be staying at home until next Thursday at least so there's no need for a handheld game (not that there'll be any then, I have about six games that I'm yet to complete but I can't fool myself - Luigi's Mansion has to be bought within the next two weeks).

Meanwhile I've finished and sold Castlevania, it was good but really forgettable and repetitive. Not a classic definitely but will be worth a buy when the price drops.
I'll probably get it when it's a fiver somewhere. Not desperate to play it but I'm slightly interested to see what it's like after the bits from the demo.
I've given in and ordered it today, should be delivered tomorrow along with Lego City for Wii U.

Anyway, do you use 3DS XL or the standard one? I got the standard but am considering buying the XL one, a bigger screen is certainly tempting. I won't even have to pay much more, I could probably sell mine, add £20 and get an XL.
I have the original. I'm not usually bothered about redesigns but the Pikachu XL one keeps tempting me :p I might end getting an XL at some point but I'm alright with my one for now.

My copy of Professor Layton arrived today so looking forward to playing that after Luigi's Mansion.
I have Layton but haven't finished it yet, it's the sort of game I don't play continously, more like in spare moments between playing other games. I'm still yet to complete this and Paper Mario which I got for Christmas but Luigi's Mansion will take the driving seat for now. :drool: