Gaming Nintendo 3DS vs PS Vita thread.

I finished Ocarina of Time 3D yesterday and now I want more remakes! I might give the mirrored Master Quest a shot as the normal game was no challenge whatsoever, could breeze through the water temple in my sleep!
I finished Ocarina of Time 3D yesterday and now I want more remakes! I might give the mirrored Master Quest a shot as the normal game was no challenge whatsoever, could breeze through the water temple in my sleep!

me too. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Ocarina but it is far shorter than I remembered. Would love to see Majoras Mask and a Link to the Past remakes
To be fair mobile devices still can't produce games upto the standard of 3ds. Yes a lot of them are free or very cheap but there are no games that I have played on a mobile device that have had much longevity bar a few. Also as long as there are Nintendo games, a system will continue to sell. Or are you talking about Sony only?

Hardware wise something like the iPhone 5 is superior to a 3DS minus the lack of tactile controls. That is not disputable. What you are talking about is software and design. What I am saying is that the viability of building an exclusive hardware platform is going out of the window. This is why Sony are moving towards PS Mobile and certifying any manufacture's devices with the Playstation brand, and Microsoft are moving towards using the XBox brand for games that don't actually run on an XBox. The money has always been made through software (with hardware sold at a loss to promote that). What is now happening is that the game market has exploded (Wii had its hand in this) and a lot of people that would once never have thought of buying a console are buying games for non-dedicated game devices. Companies look at the bottom line, and from a business perspective exclusive hardware with diminishing returns (both financially and impact wise) makes less and less sense.
Just played the KH3D demo, and from what I played I really enjoyed it. Never played a game in the series before so wasn't sure what to expect but I liked it. Too bad the demo was pretty damn short.
Just a bit of cool information, the Nintendo DS finally overtook the Playstation 2 as the best selling games console ever.

Those are VGChartz numbers though aren't they? Not sure they're 100% reliable.

EDIT: Actually looking at an official sales report from Nintendo's Japanese site from October, it was on 152.5 million as of October, so the two are probably very close now.

Also, if we're talking sales, 3DS has surpassed PS3's lifetime sales in Japan.
Why on earth do people compare sales of handhelds to those of consoles? Handhelds are not consoles!

It's like saying that the PSP has sold almost twice as much in Japan as the Wii. In fact, the way it's going, it will probably sell more than PS2 in Japan as well.
The iPhone's primary purpose is a phone. A games console's primary purpose is playing video games.

Anyway, regardless of the comparisons, the 3DS has done remarkably well for a machine with such a slow start and no defined identity.
Obviously, but the amount it has sold in this climate considering the start and lack of brand awareness (which I still think is a major problem with the Wii-U), it has picked up more than I and many (probably including yourself) expected.
Its a bit embarassing whipping out a DS on the train and seeing the 6 year old gilr opposite you also playing on one. Which is why I play all my games on an iPhone
:lol: Apple and the like really have you by the balls, don't they? That should be what really embarrasses you.

Not true. I have a PS3 at home and the reason I play on the iPhone rather than getting a Vita is because:

1. I have my games, phone, music player and everything else on one device so I can carry less items.

2. The Vita is too big to fit into my pocket.

3. The games on the iPhone are designed more towards 5-10min bursts, which you can quickly play on the train (Angry Birds, League Of Evil, Tetris etc) whereas the Vita games seem to require more time.

4. Most of the Vita games are rehashed PS3 games, why do I need the same game on TWO different platforms?

5. I dont fancy paying £150+ for a handheld console that is basically a portable PS3, I just dont see the point.

So no, Apple dont have me by the balls, their product is just more suited to my needs :)
Shut the feck up, Rayman is brilliant on the VITA, so is Stardust, and so is WipEout 2048 (RIP Sony Liverpool).

feck YOU, feck YOU, feck YOU!!!!!!!!!

I had Rayman come through the post this morning. I'm really looking forward to playing it later.

I have been totally blown away by the Vita and incredibly underwhelmed by the 3DS.

If developers start taking the Vita seriously and stop releasing sub par ports (I'm talking to you Fifa13!) then it will surely take off in a big way next year.
Personally I fecking hate playing games on my iPhone. I downloaded megaman onto it a few years back and hated it. My thumbs were covering up half the screen!

It will be a sad day if smartphones fully replace the Vita's and 3Ds' of the handheld market.
I much prefer playing proper games on my Vita, rather than my iPhone.

For example, FIFA, Assassins Creed, Rayman. All are either hard to use, or really cut down versions of the proper game. Always play those on the Vita because it's definitely more satisfying and enjoyable.

Short games, Angry Birds, Doodle Jump, Temple Run, Score! etc are the type of games iPhones should play. None of this "FIFA 13 now on iPhone" rubbish.
I like iPhone games as well. They look very good and there's a huge choice from every genre. Modern Combat 4 blows any FPS you could get for 3DS or Vita away easily and is basically a portable CoD, Real Racing 3 is going to be superior to any racing game available for Vita or 3DS, then you have great remakes in GTA, Jet Set Radio and Max Payne, and next week you'll have a Skyrim mini - Ravensword 2. A selection of sports games is great too and FIFA13 is very fun on the go. On top of all they're cheap - mostly about €5 per game so I don't have to think too much before buying them.

Another advantage it has is that I have iPhone with me all the time, so I can pick it up and play whenver I feel like it. I won't carry a Vita or 3DS with me when I go out because they're too big, I have to specifically plan to take them when I bring a bag with me because otherwise there's no point.
I much prefer playing proper games on my Vita, rather than my iPhone.

For example, FIFA, Assassins Creed, Rayman. All are either hard to use, or really cut down versions of the proper game. Always play those on the Vita because it's definitely more satisfying and enjoyable.

Short games, Angry Birds, Doodle Jump, Temple Run, Score! etc are the type of games iPhones should play. None of this "FIFA 13 now on iPhone" rubbish.

Well you've chosen very bad examples there. Rayman for iOS is a completely different game altogether, Origins was always going to be better because it's a full Rayman game. There's no proper Assassins Creed for iOS, the one you are talking about is about 2 years old and was optimised for previous generation so it's unfair to compare them. FIFA is simplified because you couldn't have a proper version without physical buttons.

Try to compare different genres between the two systems and it's not that far. As I said, in terms of FPS Modern Combat beats everything hands down even without physical buttons which would make aiming even more comfortable. Real Racing is the best racing game you're going to get on the go. Ravensword 2 is going to be the best western RPG available for a portable system too.
I've bought myself a 3DS XL with New Super Mario Bros 2 and Super Mario 3D Land. Apart from Zelda, what else should I get?

Mario Kart, Resi Evil: Revelations, Kid Icarus, Theatrhythm, Pullblox, Fallblox, Mighty Switch Force, Mutant Mudds, Dead or Alive Dimensions.

I've also enjoyed Pilotwings quite a lot, but for you it might only worth buying if you can get it quite cheap.

I've only played the demo of Kingdom Hearts, but I enjoyed that, so while I can't recommend the full game I recommend trying the demo at least.

Also, don't forget to do this and get a free game -
Well if it was me I'd choose Art Academy. From what I've seen you can draw some really good things with it. I've seen people who have never drawn anything in their life do some great stuff.

I quite like drawing though, if you hate it then it might not be such a good choice :D
Just as another option, I got Paper Mario: Sticker Star for 3DS and it is my favourite 3DS game out of what I have played for it. It combines the map features of New Super Mario Bros. with the RPG and turn-based battle functions of a game like Final Fantasy, while being unique in many other ways. Might not be an essential purchase for everyone at £30, but if you see it cheaper, buy it.
Paper Mario on the Wii is one of my favorite games.. Pity they haven't gone down that route for the 3ds game.
I'm getting it for Christmas and when I asked for it, I thought it was a classic platforming Mario game. :lol: I kind of like to play RPGs from time to time so it'll be a nice change though.
I do have a Wii and I'll be looking at extending my rather poor Wii library in the next few weeks so thanks for the advice, for the time being I'll stick with the 3DS version when I get it for Christmas. :)