go Canucks go! 
Originally posted by Tomo:
<strong>go Canucks go!</strong><hr></blockquote>
Unfortunately they need a miracle now.
Originally posted by Dans:
<strong>Redwings are OUT!!!
3-2 in OT to the Ducks.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Originally posted by RUDDY:
<strong> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
back in it</strong><hr></blockquote>
Sucks. We need Mogilny back.
Originally posted by Dans:
<strong>But would they play? The World Championship (yearly competition is it not?) seems to be a vastly overrated competition and especially so to those playing in the nhl.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Yeah, Sweden has a problem with their star players. Forsberg is a loyal player, but Sundin and these are different. They don't remember who made them into the players they are today in the first place.
The slovaks and us have the best team at the moment, russians are always good especially as they have such superb young players in their league. Besides, it is played in Finland this year and thus there is alot of audience for the games, all games are sold out already. Hockey is the biggest sport here. And the american and canadian NHL players usually come to drink during the first phase (and start playing in the playoffs) and because they've heard that the women are good looking as one of them said.
But the competetion is over-rated and shouldn't be played as often as now, but it is a good window for the players to show themself for the NHL teams. This you can see especially among the russians as they want to do everything themselfs.
And finally it is played on big ice, will be amazing to see Saku Koivu on big ice. He is half decent in NHL where he has less space but he is bloody fantastic on big ice. Forsberg is even better.
Originally posted by Dans:
<strong> Shame this won't be the case in Canada or the US though.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Ahh, this is how it has always been because they have a better league running there at the moment. It is more of a european tournament and should work as a window to sell it here. But it is essentially impossible as football is so big and so few nations have ice in the first place and those from continental europe you speak to like NHL because of the fights. But there are always some players who will be the future NHL stars in it. We have only established players at the moment though, as we intend to win it. But Russia is always interesting.
Originally posted by Dans:
<strong>Thing is how can you sell a World Championships without the strongest teams from Canada and the US? It'll never have the credibility it needs to really sell itself. Take your point about it being a good stage for talent, but that alone isn't really enough when you are calling it a World Championships. I think if they reverted to the once every four years format then it might mean something. In between they can have Euro Championships or something - so long as the nhl players still wanna come back and play that is.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Yeah, it has lost somewhat if its meaning now that the Russian (Soviet) players are allowed to play in the NHL. But when the Soviets had Makarov - Larionov - Krutov- Kasatonov - Fetisov there and were not allowed to leave Soviet alive and won it for 20 years in a row it was different. If you managed to beat the soviets it was already one hell of an achievement, we drew against in calgary and got silver and that was seen as one hell of an achivement. This same team kicked the canadians ass in the Canada cup when canda had all their best <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" /> .
So the fall of the east has really made it into a second rate tournament.
Originally posted by Dans:
<strong>And the frequency of it![]()
Anyway, back to nhl - why have 4 teams got to play back to back games?? That can't be right, especially for a game 7.</strong><hr></blockquote>
They ended up in the lower end of the qualification table? You have to get some advantages. Knowing the yank system it could also be that they have rented the arena for some concert these days because it is more profitable and thus the teams have to re-schedule.
Originally posted by RUDDY:
<strong>cant be accused of glory supporting can i</strong><hr></blockquote>
You can't be accused of glory supporting because they suck![]()
Originally posted by mathiaslg:
You can't be accused of glory supporting because they suck</strong><hr></blockquote>
I think you may regret those words soon......![]()
Originally posted by Dans:
<strong>Defensive??? Bloody hell mate dunno where you get that from. They are one of the most attacking teams out there. Lehtinen had his best ever year goalswise.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Attacking, attacking is when you play Forsberg, tonguay and hejduk. Lehtinen - niko kapanen are defensive experts. Ok, so Niko wasn't before he joined Dallas he could actually play. But now the NHL has turned another one of our bright talents into defensive forwards. Playing with zubov they get their + points in order.
Originally posted by mathiaslg:
You can't be accused of glory supporting because they suck</strong><hr></blockquote>
this comment will be remembered
Originally posted by Dans:
<strong>Lehtinen and Kapanen are thrid liners - there to play the checking game. In fact Lehtinen is thought of very highly for his all round game, especially his defensive play. Think of Modano, Guerin, Arnott, Turgeon, Dahlen and Young for the first two lines and you have a pretty attack minded team wouldn't you say?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Dahlen <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />
This is the point. they are always put in the third line that is there to destroy the game. so typical of NHL, the fourth line has the goons. Well, Lehtinen has been voted the best defensive forward in the league but he has more potential than that.
It is the third line that wins Dallas their games, they are so good at stopping the other teams first lines. The first 2 with Turgeon and these aren't better than the competitors.