NFL Thread 2014-2015

He was on a terrible contract. Was due to the uncapped year pushing up prices around the time Pats having to extend him. Good player, very good actually, but was paid like he was an elite left tackle
So I'm the type of guy who only watched the Super Bowl when it's on.

Who's the favourites this year?

It was the Seahawks vs Broncos last year if I recall (under the influence of alcohol during the whole thing). Were they favourites at all when the season started?
So I'm the type of guy who only watched the Super Bowl when it's on.

Who's the favourites this year?

It was the Seahawks vs Broncos last year if I recall (under the influence of alcohol during the whole thing). Were they favourites at all when the season started?

They were my favourites last year and most peoples picks to make the SB.

Without having followed much of the off-season news, I'm picking a Denver/Patriots v Saints SuperBowl for this year.
Denver vs Saints/Seahawks for me.

Pats offensive line looks shaky now, and Vollmer is extremely injury prone. Also Gronk is made of glass nowadays. If the O line copes, and Gronk stays fit, they'll possibly be better than Denver
Patriots v Seahawks I think. Does anyone do fantasy football on here?
Man, this starts next week pretty much doesn't it? Never followed the pre-season, but can't wait for it to all start again :drool:
I'm predicting that we'll see a repeat of the championship games from last season but this time the two losers will be the two winners. So I'm going for a Patriots / 49ers Super Bowl.
Josh Gordon suspended for 1 year. Apparently misses next year's pre-season camp stuff too.
My International Series tickets arrived today. Buzzing.
Aldon Smith banned for 9 games.

Not going to help the Niners chances - especially with Bowman out for at least the first 6 games.

If we can put a good run together, then it will be good having them back fresh for the latter part of the season...
I see Michael Sam has been cut but the Rams. Even if it is for Football reasons people are going to second guess that it wasn't (like me I guess).
Aldon Smith banned for 9 games.

Not going to help the Niners chances - especially with Bowman out for at least the first 6 games.

If we can put a good run together, then it will be good having them back fresh for the latter part of the season...

FFS, now Ray McDonald has been arrested.

We need to get a good start to the season, otherwise I think it could be over before its begun - as in we will have no chance of getting homefield advantage from the Seahawks.

The last few years has seen our defense as our strength - I think our O is going to have to carry them for the first half. Kap now has legitimate threats at WR, so now he need to get the ball to them.

If they can do that, and we can get to a good record at the mid-point, then I will be very confident given that we will have great players coming back to the team for the 2nd half of the season.
I see Michael Sam has been cut but the Rams. Even if it is for Football reasons people are going to second guess that it wasn't (like me I guess).

And that was probably part of the reason a few teams passed on him. Knowing that if they decided souly on football terms not to keep him, that they would still have to deal with people assuming that other factors played into it. A very sad reality.
Welker's been a naughty boy...
Sky Sports 1 has been showing NFL: A Football Life most of the day, and it's getting me properly hyped!

The brand new NFL: America's Game looking back at the Seahawks' run to the Super Bowl last season is on before the game tonight on SS1 (11pm)
The America's Game series is a great watch. Up there with the 30 for 30 films as my favourite sports documentaries.