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Sad day...but he is coward....not for taking his own life but taking anothers.
We had people in the family who don't normally watch football cracking up at that one as they showed each replay. It may just be my favorite play ever.
Sad day...but he is coward....not for taking his own life but taking anothers.
I like Collinsworth, not my favorite analyst but he's decent. I hate the guys on FOX though.
Gostkowski out!
I like Collinsworth, not my favorite analyst but he's decent. I hate the guys on FOX though.
Colts win!!!!!!!! Luck shows he too can be clutch. Colts super season continues.
Luck the first QB picked #1 in the draft to win 8 games in his rookie season. Luck>>Peyton.
Rams win it in OT with a monster FG.
Turns out losses suck worse than ties.
I always end up feeling sorry for Troy Aikman when he's covering the Cowboys games. How he manages to hold his tongue and frustration is amazing. It must be killing him watching Romoception.
Funny that because Aikman has always supported Romo where as idiot fans who do not understand the complexity of the game only criticize him (Romo). Even Collinsworth in last night's game made positive points that fans always neglect to take into account when judging Romo (points like their bad defense for years, bad OL, inconsistent receivers, no running game).
Aikman doesn't seem to hold a fan's view of the Cowboys since he became a TV analyst. I find that he's done a great job of being unbiased save the odd monemental game (like Emmitt breaking the rushing record). He's made plenty of remarks in the past about Cowboys playing crap, about coaching and personnel moves, and about management.
Aikman is the exact opposite of Theisman in the regard. Theisman was the epitome of an overrated QB and never holds back his excitement and endorsement of Washington. I recall the Skins starting out in the mid-90s at 6/7-1 and Theisman took to being a prognosticator predicting the Skins would go "at least to the NFC Championship Game." They didn't qualify for the playoffs that season. Typical arrogant Theisman and the epitome of a biased TV analyst.