Literally nobody gives a sh!t about seeing new challengers. If PSG and City had pulled themselves up through natural means then nobody would mind at all. I dare say that most people would be thrilled. You'll notice that we don't somplain about Chelsea because, while they have a rich owner, they have made themselves self-sufficient and are not a rich man using his plaything to buy 'success'. If deals like this become commonplace and City, PSG or whoever, are rrgularly buying the world's best players for fees that are far beyond the means of regular clubs, it'll ruin football permanently. Nobody will take it as seriously with joke clubs like this acting in such a way. If the pretence of a relatively even playing field and the pretence that they're 'real clubs' goes on, then people can try to forget that their status is artifical, but if they start acting like this then they'll make a mockery of themselves and the sport.