Next Labour leader - Starmer and Rayner win

I doubt I will be voting labour in my lifetime - but thank god it’s not Wrong-Daily who was just a Corbyn proxy.

I’ve got a lot of respect for Starmer - although perhaps he really needed to be the next labour leader as I’d be surprised if he survives to fight a general election.
Bit of a hiding to nothing, considering that, thanks to Corbyn, the Tories have their biggest majority in Parliament since 1987. That being said, this was probably the right call.
Probably the best outcome from the choices available.
Happy with that outcome. Really hope they can pull the party together and drive out the bad eggs.
The result I was expecting, though I'm surprised by the scale of Starmer's win. Seen plenty of gloating that 'Corbynism has been rejected' but Starmer's mandate is reliant on a huge number of left-leaning members who put their trust in Starmer when he said he wouldn't turn away from radical policies. A significant portion of the left of the party has shown a willingness to compromise which contrasts starkly with the behaviour we've seen from the right from the moment it became clear Corbyn had a shot in 2015. I guess now we wait and see whether we were played for fools or not.

Delighted Angela Rayner got the deputy leadership.
God you're boring Dobbs.

I'd say it's almost impressive that you've started factional infighting within an hour of the announcement after spending the last god knows how many years moaning about it, but the truth is you never really stopped.
Long-Bailly only got 5% of the vote among registered supporters. Looks like the surge in membership really was people wanting the Corbyn candidate to lose. Will be interesting to see if the increase among full members was the same, but that YouGov poll a while back suggested as much so it seems probable.
Chuka and other slimy career politicians will be crawling back into the party again. As well as those so offended Jews.
A significant portion of the left of the party has shown a willingness to compromise which contrasts starkly with the behaviour we've seen from the right from the moment it became clear Corbyn had a shot in 2015.
Funny how the left being smashed 4 elections in a row, which the right kept warning about, does that.

Being willing to compromise is a new and welcome development from the left, let’s hope we see more of.
Chuka and other slimy career politicians will be crawling back into the party again. As well as those so offended Jews.
If the new Labour Party kills this kind of nonsense it won’t be a moment too soon.
When is the next general election? 2021? I'm getting withdrawal symptoms already. Everyone will be out to try to save the NHS now.

I didn't know Rosena Allin Khan was vying for deputy. I've listened to her in my constituency and despite being from a medical background doesn't have much substantial to offer. Let's hope this Angela lady, and Starker obviously, (yes auto correct will forever know him as Starker) are the real deal. The country needs real brains, not buffoons.
When is the next general election? 2021? I'm getting withdrawal symptoms already. Everyone will be out to try to save the NHS now.

I didn't know Rosena Allin Khan was vying for deputy. I've listened to her in my constituency and despite being from a medical background doesn't have much substantial to offer. Let's hope this Angela lady, and Starker obviously, (yes auto correct will forever know him as Starker) are the real deal. The country needs real brains, not buffoons.

thankfully not until 2024. No need for any snap elections given the huge majority Boris has got.
Big win. Long Bailey was third in the affiliate vote which doesn't say much for Unite's sway.
Sorry, I forgot how boring Labour found the idea of migrants being treated like human beings and disabled people being able to access benefits before Corbyn and the entryists turned up.
You're not half as witty as you think you are.
imagine watching the centre and left lose election after election throughout the west and thinking: actually, it's because they didn't follow my particular ideology
Starmer looks like the lead role in a comfy,political satire film directed by Richard Curtis.
Funny how the left being smashed 4 elections in a row, which the right kept warning about, does that.

Ah yeah, the famously left-wing 2010 and 2015 manifestos which promised radical socialist measures such as ideological cuts to public spending and pandering to racists on immigration policy.

I'm perfectly happy to have a discussion of why Labour failed to win in 2017 and 2019 which includes critique of Corbyn and the left in general - god knows I have a lot of anger over how the 2019 campaign especially was run. I don't think you'd be a great person to have that sort of discussion with if the be-all and end-all of your ability to analyse political events is 'it was the left's fault'.

I'd also have more sympathy with the right and faith in their ability to predict the outcome of elections if it hadn't spent the bulk of its effort over the last 5 years actively working to make sure those predictions came true.
Is having two votes (one for leader, one for deputy), the norm? Just had it in my head that parties either voted once (winner is leader, second is deputy) OR party votes for leader and winner picks deputy/the rest.


Yeah the Leader and Deputy Leadership are always separate. You run specifically for one or the other (I'm not sure if they're allowed to go for both)
Ah yeah, the famously left-wing 2010 and 2015 manifestos which promised radical socialist measures such as ideological cuts to public spending and pandering to racists on immigration policy.

Never fails to amuse me how both the left and the right of the party keep trying to foist Ed Milliband on each other.
Non-Momentum candidates (Baxter and Josan) also won the NEC by-elections, so quite a sea change overall
The Daily Mail on Saturday published comments reportedly made by the late London Rabbi Dr David Goldberg, who died last year of cancer. A friend of Goldberg said the rabbi had told him he was “very disappointed with Keir Starmer.

“Particularly as his wife and children are members of my synagogue. It’s their community which is under threat and yet he’s done so little. It’s pathetic,” Goldberg’s friend quoted him as saying.