Next Labour leader - Starmer and Rayner win

Was the only likely choice really, as the result suggests.

After Corbyn's abject failure a repositioning towards the centre was inevitable. Problem is that Starmer will also have to keep a large swathe of those to the left with him, which in effect means uniting two factions who will happily attack him as soon as he does something in line with the other. Good luck with that.

Given the scale of Labour's last defeat, I don't think there's much chance of them winning the next GE and I suspect Starmer will ultimately be unsuccessful too. Which says a lot given the other candidates would all likely fare worse.

Apologising for and promising to rip out anti-semitism in the party is the right start for anyone who was elected, let's see if his actions match his words.
I am quite happy with Starmer.
Someone with brains and ability.

Good riddance to Jeremy and his outdated policies.

Plenty of time for the country to fall out of love with bumbling Boris and time to really work on attracting both old and new voters to a Labour party that is once again electable.
I am quite happy with Starmer.
Someone with brains and ability.

Good riddance to Jeremy and his outdated policies.

Plenty of time for the country to fall out of love with bumbling Boris and time to really work on attracting both old and new voters to a Labour party that is once again electable.
So basically he sounds like Blair. By the way policies that were and are very popular
Worrying to me that the man who was in charge of Labour's disastrous Brexit policy is the new leader. Electing another privately educated white man from London is not a great look for the Labour Party either.
Good luck opposing their shit response whilst making yourself a willing party to it.
You'd prefer he opted for political point scoring over working with the opposition in this time of unprecedented global crisis?
I am quite happy with Starmer.
Someone with brains and ability.

Good riddance to Jeremy and his outdated policies.

Plenty of time for the country to fall out of love with bumbling Boris and time to really work on attracting both old and new voters to a Labour party that is once again electable.

You decry Corbyn's outdated policies, yet the policy promises Starmer himself has laid out are still quite radical by pre-Corbyn standards. He certainly hasn't gained power by rejecting the left's ideas.

Starmer's election might be seen as a victory for the centre but if that's the case then Corbynism has dragged the centre to the left in a way that will likely endure.

Though in a way you may have stumbled upon one of Starmer's actual qualities as Labour leader. Labour desperately needs to distance itself from Corbyn's disastrous reign and if Starmer immediately seems like that break even while keeping left wing policies then that's a plus.
Worrying to me that the man who was in charge of Labour's disastrous Brexit policy is the new leader. Electing another privately educated white man from London is not a great look for the Labour Party either.
Plenty of people who normally vote Labour voted for Boris. I don't think background is as important as it once was.
Worrying to me that the man who was in charge of Labour's disastrous Brexit policy is the new leader. Electing another privately educated white man from London is not a great look for the Labour Party either.

His views on Brexit will be proved to be correct.
Boris didn't do badly election wise as a white man from London.

It has to be about policies and not personality.
You decry Corbyn's outdated policies, yet the policy promises Starmer himself has laid out are still quite radical by pre-Corbyn standards. He certainly hasn't gained power by rejecting the left's ideas.

Starmer's election might be seen as a victory for the centre but if that's the case then Corbynism has dragged the centre to the left in a way that will likely endure.

Though in a way you may have stumbled upon one of Starmer's actual qualities as Labour leader. Labour desperately needs to distance itself from Corbyn's disastrous reign and if Starmer immediately seems like that break even while keeping left wing policies then that's a plus.

Don't think I actually stumbled on anything.

It was and still is absolutely obvious to anyone that Labour has to distance itself from the disaster of Corbyn.
It was he that was unelectable. Not Labour.
Non-Momentum candidates (Baxter and Josan) also won the NEC by-elections, so quite a sea change overall

And Carol Sewell as the BAME rep. The CLPD and Momentum offered different slates and split the vote. I always thought Corbyn united the left in a way no-one else could & it looks like its turning out that way.
You'd prefer he opted for political point scoring over working with the opposition in this time of unprecedented global crisis?
I'd prefer he put himself in a position to point out the enormous flaws in the response and the ideological political back stories to all of them, with the aim of ensuring those ideologies never lead us to this sort of piss poor response to an international crisis ever again. The government doesn't need any help pushing through power X, Y and Z to combat the current situation, yet Keir has spent his first 90 minute as leader nominating himself to be whipping boy for all the negatives within that response. Even Clegg wanted a job title and a car before he went along with that.
Yeah the Leader and Deputy Leadership are always separate. You run specifically for one or the other (I'm not sure if they're allowed to go for both)

Proof was last election with Tom Watson and Corbyn elected as polar opposites and falling out within a few months!
I'd prefer he put himself in a position to point out the enormous flaws in the response and the ideological political back stories to all of them, with the aim of ensuring those ideologies never lead us to this sort of piss poor response to an international crisis ever again. The government doesn't need any help pushing through power X, Y and Z to combat the current situation, yet Keir has spent his first 90 minute as leader nominating himself to be whipping boy for all the negatives within that response. Even Clegg wanted a job title and a car before he went along with that.

Nah, at times of crisis like this the only option is to offer to support the government. It doesn’t mean he can’t hold their feet to the fire over things they feck up, and certainly things they did before the crisis started. If he said he wouldn’t work with the government he’s look like he was putting politics over the public health.
He can't be any worse than Corbyn. I'm desperately hoping he can be more electable. Labour haven't had a likeable personality as leader since Blair.
I would expect any opposition party leader to say they would work constructively with the government at a time like this. It would be stupid to say otherwise, as the alternative is being cast as refusing to help the country in a time of crisis and playing politics with people's lives.
Nah, at times of crisis like this the only option is to offer to support the government. It doesn’t mean he can’t hold their feet to the fire over things they feck up, and certainly things they did before the crisis started. If he said he wouldn’t work with the government he’s look like he was putting politics over the public health.
Putting politics over the public health is what lead directly to this shit show of a response that Keir has now just signed his party up to. He hasn't named one member of his cabinet, yet the Tories desperately need his team's assistance in getting through this crisis? They've done him up like a kipper.

It's ok, the media will be along shortly to label him "Commie Keir" when he says he'd like to invest in a new doctor for the NHS.
Don't worry, if the rumours about his shadow cabinet are anything close to the truth it won't have many people calling for anything like that.
And Carol Sewell as the BAME rep. The CLPD and Momentum offered different slates and split the vote. I always thought Corbyn united the left in a way no-one else could & it looks like its turning out that way.
Yup, think that's correct. Fractures were already appearing between the unions and Momentum, not sure a Burgon-led Campaign group is going to be a figure to rally behind either.
I would expect any opposition party leader to say they would work constructively with the government at a time like this. It would be stupid to say otherwise, as the alternative is being cast as refusing to help the country in a time of crisis and playing politics with people's lives.
It's kinda funny watching this, he's basically said he'll go to some meetings with the government and health advisers... which is what Corbyn's been doing. Some people are broken records, it seems.
I'd prefer he put himself in a position to point out the enormous flaws in the response and the ideological political back stories to all of them, with the aim of ensuring those ideologies never lead us to this sort of piss poor response to an international crisis ever again. The government doesn't need any help pushing through power X, Y and Z to combat the current situation, yet Keir has spent his first 90 minute as leader nominating himself to be whipping boy for all the negatives within that response. Even Clegg wanted a job title and a car before he went along with that.

No doubt you’d have told Atlee not to go into coalition with the Tories too.

Watson's happy.

I can't tell whether his stats are good or bad.

Pitching Statistics
Player Wire
You see, the country desperately needs the expertise of Keir's currently unnamed shadow cabinet and advisory team to steer the country through the current crisis. It definitely isn't an exercise by the Tories to limit the political fallout of the clusterfeck of a response to Covid-19 that he's fallen hook line and sinker for.