Would love to host a draft sometime in the future with the below idea.
The Away Goals draft:
Teams face each other twice, 1 home leg and 1 away leg.
You could change your team and tactics in the second leg based on inputs in the first leg. Sort of like a redemption.
If Team A and B were facing each other, and the votes come out as below
First leg - Team A 17-13 Team B (30 votes)
Second Leg - Team B 12-8 Team A (20 votes)
The ratio comes down to 3:2 for first leg:second leg.
So every 3 votes in first leg counts as 1 goal. Every 2 votes in second leg counts as 1 goal.
This is done to avoid unfairness to either team based on voter turn out and brings more probability of the away goals rule coming into the picture.
So the score line of the first leg become
Team A 5-4 Team B (Residual votes Team A(2), Team B(1) )
Team B 6-4 Team A (Residual votes Team A(0), Team B(0 )
Team B wins 10-9 on aggregate.
If after both legs, the scoreline remains same (example 10-10), the team with more away goals wins.
If the away goals are same too, team with more residual votes wins.
Residual votes basically makes sure people don't get harsh losses with scoreline 13-12.
My apologies, if it is too Mathematic a draft for your liking