New French Tax rate

Fair fecks to him I guess. 75% marginal tax is way above what's reasonable. The rich have to carry more of the load yes, but if France needs 75% then there are structural defects in the system that need to be fixed.
Fair fecks to him I guess. 75% marginal tax is way above what's reasonable. The rich have to carry more of the load yes, but if France needs 75% then there are structural defects in the system that need to be fixed.
The structural defects are in a system that allows anybody to earn so much in the first place, not in any system that seeks to redress this by taxing them.
Fair fecks to him I guess. 75% marginal tax is way above what's reasonable. The rich have to carry more of the load yes, but if France needs 75% then there are structural defects in the system that need to be fixed.

Yes, it's called Capitalism, how do you think he got so much in the first placE? It's fecked everywhere.
What a terrible boat to be on, earning over €1million.

Those in that wage bracket could of course just stop working altogether once they reach € 1 million, seeing as it's hardly worth the trouble when you're only working 1/4 of the hour for your own good. I'm sure that will really allow France's economy to pick up, when people decide it's just not worth the hassle to put in an extra shift.
Those in that wage bracket could of course just stop working altogether once they reach € 1 million, seeing as it's hardly worth the trouble when you're only working 1/4 of the hour for your own good. I'm sure that will really allow France's economy to pick up, when people decide it's just not worth the hassle to put in an extra shift.

Yeah... notorious shift workers those people earning £20k a week aren't they?
Those in that wage bracket could of course just stop working altogether once they reach € 1 million, seeing as it's hardly worth the trouble when you're only working 1/4 of the hour for your own good. I'm sure that will really allow France's economy to pick up, when people decide it's just not worth the hassle to put in an extra shift.

I don't think they are doing shift work though.
People are being very literal tonight, it would seem. I'm not suggesting they're actually stood at the assembly line, but they still work... a lot.
People are being very literal tonight, it would seem. I'm not suggesting they're actually stood at the assembly line.

Nobody earning £20k a week would intentionally stop earning at that point and start taking Fridays off, that's not how those kind of jobs work.
What a terrible boat to be on, earning over €1million.

So no one deserves to earn more?

Most of the rich people I know got their money through very hard work, taking risks very few people would dare to take or just simply being significantly better at something. Silly idea to punish them for that.
The structural defects are in a system that allows anybody to earn so much in the first place, not in any system that seeks to redress this by taxing them.

Yes, it's called Capitalism, how do you think he got so much in the first placE? It's fecked everywhere.

So you have a problem with people earning that much? Why?

As long as they earn their money legitimately and pay proper tax, why should we be concerned about how much they have?
So no one deserves to earn more?

Most of the rich people I know got their money through very hard work, taking risks very few people would dare to take or just simply being significantly better at something. Silly idea to punish them for that.

Let me guess...they did it all on their own too with no govt. help whatsoever.

This needs to head to the CE so we don't have to go over basics again.
People are being very literal tonight, it would seem. I'm not suggesting they're actually stood at the assembly line, but they still work... a lot.
You seem to be under the illusion that earnings are related to talent, hard work and social usefulness.
So no one deserves to earn more?

Most of the rich people I know got their money through very hard work, taking risks very few people would dare to take or just simply being significantly better at something. Silly idea to punish them for that.

They're not being 'punished' really though, if you earn that amount you're living in utter luxury. They don't know the meaning of the word punished.

The alternative in letting more ordinary people lose their jobs is punishment though.
Nobody earning £20k a week would intentionally stop earning at that point and start taking Fridays off, that's not how those kind of jobs work.

But the people earning that amount may very well decide that they can get paid a lot better, doing the same amount of work, elsewhere. If you had the opportunity to get paid a lot better for the same job, but you had to move to another country, wouldn't you at least consider it?
So you have a problem with people earning that much? Why?

As long as they earn their money legitimately and pay proper tax, why should we be concerned about how much they have?
Of course I have a problem with people earning that much. Ibra gathers the resources required to feed 43000 people, we live on a finite base of resources, as much as we'd all love to have everything we want, you can't as that way there isn't enough to go around.

There isn't and shouldn't be space on this planet for people to earn millions a year, if we do a mass cull then fair enough, but you can bet Ibra wouldn't be able to earn as much then.
Yeah, I'm sure you'd stick around out of sheer solidarity if you were in the same boat.

Yeah I would. If I had millions upon millions I would be happy to pay more in taxes so that my countrymen could put food on the table or send their kids to a decent school or get proper healthcare.

Revolutionary I know but some of us still believe in the common good.
As long as they earn their money legitimately and pay proper tax, why should we be concerned about how much they have?
Because the system is inherently flawed if someone can earn £250K a week when someone else earns £25K a year. Think about it for a minute... it's just lunacy.
But the people earning that amount may very well decide that they can get paid a lot better, doing the same amount of work, elsewhere. If you had the opportunity to get paid a lot better for the same job, but you had to move to another country, wouldn't you at least consider it?

I'm sure lots of people would do that (personally I wouldn't but then I like it here), however the benefits far outweigh the losses and that would be even more pronounced if we actually had a system that wasn't so flawed.
75% of everything over 1 million euros, it's much fairer than the 45% nonsense we have at the moment. People can't just keep holding those levels of resources, it's not sustainable.

then don't pay them/give them those resources.

problem solved. :wenger:
You seem to be under the illusion that earnings are related to talent, hard work and social usefulness.


Right, I think that's my cue. I've had a few beers, and don't think anything good's gonna come out of this. I can only say that I've had very different experiences with the rich compared to you, it would seem.

Have a very nice evening!
Yeah I would. If I had millions upon millions I would be happy to pay more in taxes so that my countrymen could put food on the table or send their kids to a decent school or get proper healthcare.

Revolutionary I know but some of us still believe in the common good.

Yes because the poor frenchman on unemployment benefit are going hungry, are without healthcare and homeless...

Or not.
Yes because the poor frenchman on unemployment benefit are going hungry, are without healthcare and homeless...

Or not.

Because France is completely isolated from the rest of the world...

Or not.
Why not cap earnings instead?

Because that's a stupid idea. They'll just get other benefits, shares in the company, free cars, houses, homes, usual stuff. It already happens. In fact a company I worked for gave free-cars and rent in Paris, and they were probably earning around 100k a year.
Wouldn't that just be a top rate of 100%? I'm all for that.

I know where you're coming from but it would raise no revenue as it wouldn't be paid out, so isn't a tax.
Looks like I have opened a can of worms with this thread :smirk:

I started really just wanting to know how the new 75% rate would effect PSG .
Thats why I started it in the Football Forum, but if any MOD feels it is more relevent to move it to CE, fair enough.
Because that's a stupid idea. They'll just get other benefits, shares in the company, free cars, houses, homes, usual stuff. It already happens. In fact a company I worked for gave free-cars and rent in Paris, and they were probably earning around 100k a year.

Sarcasm meter broken
Because we don't have multinational charitable organisations we can give money to if we wanted.. right?

What the hell has that got to do with all this? :lol: If the rich did make massive donations to multinational charities then this wouldn't be a problem. Your point about the French people not starving completely forgets that it isn't only the French people that benefit.