New French Tax rate

Probably you are not understanding what I am trying to say. My point is that the system is wrong, the capitalism is a system which benefits the top part of the population and which to me it is a bad evil system.

Top part of the population as in talented, intelligent and hard-working people?
That is the problem. No-one should earn a million for 45 min. And it's not only one, the money that singers, actors and sportsmen earns is fecking ridiculous.

Yep, nothing wrong with a doctor or highly placed public servent being paid a lot more than the lowest on the scale but footballers, singers and actors? feck off.
Probably you are not understanding what I am trying to say. My point is that the system is wrong, the capitalism is a system which benefits the top part of the population and which to me it is a bad evil system.

So Nicole is bad evil? So is Beiber? Rooney? Romney? Gates? Clinton? all millionaires...

The logic of it is flawless if you buy into capitalism, if you don't then it's ridiculous.

The logic makes sense. Because, these are REAL people, willing to pay for these people. It's not based on your hypothetical valuation of what you think people are worth.

Would you like to live without doctors, or without singers, actors and footballers together?

I wouldn't know. Both have existed since mankind was about and both are valued and essential.
Top part of the population as in talented, intelligent and hard-working people?

No, this is not right.

I have nothing against doctors, scientists, university professors, businessman or for that matter even actors, singers and sportsmen to earn more than most of the people. But scale is wrong. It is not right that a footballer earns more in a week that doctors win in a year. It is not right that a CEO earns a thousands time more than a worker in his company. It is not right that a sheikh could pay a singer one million for her to entertain 45 minutes.

I am against the ratio that the top tier earns in comparison to normal people. If a singer earns 3-5 times more than the normal people then it is ok. But if she earns hundreds or thousands of times more than this is mental and should change.
So Nicole is bad evil? So is Beiber? Rooney? Romney? Gates? Clinton? all millionaires...

I said that the system is evil not the individuals on it. The businessman often are evil but there are many good persons. The system is the problem, we are all pawns on it, even the billionaires.

I wouldn't know. Both have existed since mankind was about and both are valued and essential.

There is a high chance that you wouldn't be alive if there wouldn't be doctors. I doubt that the quality of your life would have been lower if there wouldn't be these entertaining persons.
And then Nicole Scherzinger earns for a 45 minute concert more money that the bright doctor earns for 2-3 years. Or more than he earns in lifetime if he is in a poor country.

Exactly, the doctor example was a poor one. The average doctor doesn't earn close to €1million a year, so would be unaffected by the 75% rate.
Actually investment bankers can do arithmetic due to the nature of the selection process. They don't need to once they are there. It's immensely competitive to get there, the testing is pretty difficult to land yourself in one of those jobs.

I studied with several people who got to be on half a million or more, they weren't great at maths. Of course I exaggerate a bit when I imply they couldn't manage everyday arithmetic, but some of them were really limited. One of them never managed to get a calculation right the moment a Greek letter was thrown into it, he was like a rabbit caught in headlights. As it turns out, he was the most successful of the lot.

I think you gotta be pretty insane to think these people are not 'clever' in some way, probably lacking common sense though.

It takes a lot of skill to survive in higher posts before your own colleagues and staff, other managers, directors begin to doubt your actions and capabilities. So it agree, it's survival of the fittest. It takes some doing to survive.

Oh sure, not saying they didn't have something going for them. I had this rugby mate, former Army guy, came back from Basra and did a few courses to help him get a top job. His mathematical or investment nous was limited but the gravitas, poise, cockiness and leadership was definitely there. He could sure schmooze people into certain big money investments, but I can guarantee you he didn't really understand them.
I studied with several people who got to be on half a million or more, they weren't great at maths. Of course I exaggerate a bit when I imply they couldn't manage everyday arithmetic, but some of them were really limited. One of them never managed to get a calculation right the moment a Greek letter was thrown into it, he was like a rabbit caught in headlights. As it turns out, he was the most successfl of the lot.

Oh sure, not saying they didn't have something going for them. I had this rugby mate, former Army guy, came back from Basra and did a few courses to help him get a top job. His mathematical or investment nous was limited but the gravitas, poise, cockiness and leadership was definitely there. He could sure schmooze people into certain big money investments, but I can guarantee you he didn't really understand them.

I know many economists and bankers (students, recently graduated and top professionals) and I can say that most of them are poor to average in the Maths. Most of them are limited to arithmetic (if there are big numbers in consideration they must use a calculator), and are hopeless in a little more advanced Maths.

In fact one of my best mates was one of the best students in Economic faculty. He couldn't solve a trigonometric equation even if his life was in sake. Interesting that in last months I am having more contacts with economists (cause I am working in a bank so most of them are economists) and they are idiots when it came to Maths. Everything that goes beyond simple arithmetics and they are fecked.
It doesn't really matter how good at maths they are, they must have some skills that get them the job ahead of others. The problem is like Nicole Whatzerface and Wayne Rooney, is it sustainable on a global scale to pay people who do those jobs what they do (or in the case of some banking sectors, should they even be allowed to do what they do)? The evidence suggests it isn't and the sooner everyone gets to grips with that the better. Even then it's nothing compared to the true billionaires, who are able to extract more money along every step along the chain while others go without.
I can see the arguments that taxing people at 75% stifles success (in that country) but ultimately society as a whole benefits more, which is more important than your personal concerns. But it's hardly surprising that some people who are actually paying those levels of tax rather than discussing it in the abstract on a forum would be upset.

All that being said, Ibrahimovic would be a bellend regardless of what he earned.
I know many economists and bankers (students, recently graduated and top professionals) and I can say that most of them are poor to average in the Maths. Most of them are limited to arithmetic (if there are big numbers in consideration they must use a calculator), and are hopeless in a little more advanced Maths.

In fact one of my best mates was one of the best students in Economic faculty. He couldn't solve a trigonometric equation even if his life was in sake. Interesting that in last months I am having more contacts with economists (cause I am working in a bank so most of them are economists) and they are idiots when it came to Maths. Everything that goes beyond simple arithmetics and they are fecked.

I find that hard to believe considering economics, as studied at university, is largely applied calculus.
I absolutely 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt believe thoase moaning and bitching in this thread would be up in arms against a 70% tax rate if they could actually do something society deemed worthy of such vast rewards themsleves.
I know many economists and bankers (students, recently graduated and top professionals) and I can say that most of them are poor to average in the Maths. Most of them are limited to arithmetic (if there are big numbers in consideration they must use a calculator), and are hopeless in a little more advanced Maths.

In fact one of my best mates was one of the best students in Economic faculty. He couldn't solve a trigonometric equation even if his life was in sake. Interesting that in last months I am having more contacts with economists (cause I am working in a bank so most of them are economists) and they are idiots when it came to Maths. Everything that goes beyond simple arithmetics and they are fecked.

I am an economist, and I'm also exceptionally good at maths as are all my economist friends.
I absolutely 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt believe thoase moaning and bitching in this thread would be up in arms against a 70% tax rate if they could actually do something society deemed worthy of such vast rewards themsleves.

That doesn't prove that the tax rate is good or bad though.
I absolutely 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt believe thoase moaning and bitching in this thread would be up in arms against a 70% tax rate if they could actually do something society deemed worthy of such vast rewards themsleves.

Tell that to Stephen King, some people just have a different view of right and wrong to you.
I absolutely 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt believe thoase moaning and bitching in this thread would be up in arms against a 70% tax rate if they could actually do something society deemed worthy of such vast rewards themsleves.

That has no relevance to the objective morality of the tax though, you have to take a wider view than what a few people think.
I am an economist, and I'm also exceptionally good at maths as are all my economist friends.

Of course; it's impossible to get an economics degree from a decent university if you aren't good at maths, the course is largely applied calculus. All these "I know an economist that can't do anything beyond mental arithmetic" stories are transparently bollocks.
Of course; it's impossible to get an economics degree from a decent university if you aren't good at maths, the course is largely applied calculus. All these "I know an economist that can't do anything beyond mental arithmetic" stories are transparently bollocks.

I didn't bring economists into the picture, just high-flying investment bankers. Being an economist myself I'm aware of the calculus side.

That said, there are increasingly loads of "common-sense" based observers -behavioural economists- who don't have as much regard for the graphs and the calculus and focus more on "the story". But those who do it properly are still very comfortable with numbers as there is significant statistical analysis and modelling behind it.
Tell that to Stephen King, some people just have a different view of right and wrong to you.

And Warren Buffet. Someone who is crying out for higher taxes for the rich, even though he is one of the richest men on the planet.
So looks like after all it was just a campaign gimmick from Hollande and his camp.This law was rejected for technical reasons by the french constitutional council.Footballers were really worried about it :lol:
So looks like after all it was just a campaign gimmick from Hollande and his camp.This law was rejected for technical reasons by the french constitutional council.Footballers were really worried about it :lol:

Doesn't mean it won't happen just not in its current form I.e. taxing individuals instead of households. Was their key campaign pledge so doubt it would be scrapped in its entirety.

Psg will be fecked regardless, assumIng there are no gaping loopholes/ffp is enforced properly/their sponsorship deals are properly scrutinised for fair value. Reasonably big assumption to make though...
It's not just the footballers.Many high profile celebrities, businessmen/women and generally rich people have threatened more or the less the governement to leave France (and their obligation to pay taxes) if this 75% thing is implemented.