New French Tax rate


May 4, 2005
I wonder how this will affect the greedy feckers at PSG.

If they are on" before tax", their take home pay is cut in half

or if they are on "after Tax" it could double PSG's wage bill (200 euros a week will cost PSG 800 euros at 75% tax)
The likes of Zlatan (or his agent rather) will have been aware of it so I imagine it will be PSG taking the hit.
Zlatans contract is for a 'net' amount I think. So no difference to him, when the sheikhs are paying the taxes.
If FFP had any meaning then it might make a difference as it surely raises the wages bill.
It's ok the we should penalise the rich and take all their money away!

The top rate of tax used to be 99% in the UK under a proper socialist government. Did it affect investment or did all the 'wealth-producers' feck off. Did they feck.
75% of everything over 1 million euros, it's much fairer than the 45% nonsense we have at the moment. People can't just keep holding those levels of resources, it's not sustainable.
So you work hard for the benefit of the lazy. What fecking crap.

Who is John Galt?

That was a shit novel.

And I approve of this new taxe rate (though it lacks some progressivity). Enough of the obscene accumulation of wealth between the hands of a few.
Two wrongs don't make one right. You cannot penalize people for being successful.

I know feck all about economics and boy I'm glad I don't live in France anymore :angel:
This decision is more than likely a political one, to appease the masses who will soon be hit with tough taxes due to general bad taste of the country's finances
The top rate of tax used to be 99% in the UK under a proper socialist government. Did it affect investment or did all the 'wealth-producers' feck off. Did they feck.

When was it 99% in the UK?
I was reading the other day about Bernard Arnault, the richest man in France, trying to get Belgian nationality to avoid this.
Even if they earned it?

I'm sure there are people on minimum wage that work far harder than a lot of people who earn these massive amounts (I'm not saying none of them work hard btw) its not really to do with the level of knowledge required either. A highly qualified plumber is probably a harder job to learn than say being a famous singer or probably a lot of top finacial positions but they will never get paid on level terms.
Zlatan has a special clause in the contract that makes PSG pay all his taxes.The wages he negotiated are tax free

That is astonishing piece of business on his part. Just think what PSGs gross wage bill will be. :eek: