Van Piorsing
Lost his light sabre
Demotions to newbie forum = better idea with chance of improvment for demoted.
Someone asked me about traffic increases, Weaste I think. There is only data going back for 4 years. The number of registered users per day has increased from 250-320 per day in august 03 to 1600-2100 per day recently. Daily post numbers averaged about 6-700 in mid 03 and are now averaging at almost 4000 per day with 5250 post days not unknown. In mid 03 we had days with 1 or 2 new registrations and a day with over 20 registrations was rare. More recently we have had quite a few days where over 100 people have registered and the record is 180 in a day. On average we are having at least 4x as many people sign up per month.
Nah, that'd be the easy part. A few of us will decide. . .and if the majority are against a certain poster, for example, then they'll just have to be left out.
Someone asked me about traffic increases, Weaste I think. There is only data going back for 4 years. The number of registered users per day has increased from 250-320 per day in august 03 to 1600-2100 per day recently. Daily post numbers averaged about 6-700 in mid 03 and are now averaging at almost 4000 per day with 5250 post days not unknown. In mid 03 we had days with 1 or 2 new registrations and a day with over 20 registrations was rare. More recently we have had quite a few days where over 100 people have registered and the record is 180 in a day. On average we are having at least 4x as many people sign up per month.
a couple of days ago i sent you two pms that you never answered
DO IT!!!![]()
Do you lot really not see what is happening here? Davo isn't doing this to wind people up, he probably really feels that way. How many of the original posters have been lost?
Hopefully that is what will happen in the new season.
I don't have time to read through all this,
An "elite" forum wouldn't be about how many posts you've got. Yes it's easier to be noticed if you've been here years, but would prefer someone who doesn't post often like "Smiths Cove" to a spastic like Afro with loads of posts who'll send every thread off tangent with comments about how many posts I have or the like
If an "elite" forum is too much work, or totally off the agenda we'd be better served by just having an extra forum - you could call it "Davo's serious football discussion" or something equally as catchy. Let everyone in from the off, and then ban the spazzers as soon as they step out of line. Weaste's minimum words per post thing would work well here if it's doable.
Yeah understandable, the amount of crap posted in here is a good indicator of what you have to wade through in what could be a decent football thread thesedays....
My concern with a focus on just changing the level of moderation in the football forum is that it'll be confusing, and may end up going too far the other way. I'm not suggesting we should look to remove the banter, and in some cases decent abuse from the Caf altogether....if you remove this it loses it's edge and the traffic will die down too much.
Plus, if posters are worried that anything off topic/non-serious they say could lead to a ban, the level of humour will be impacted. Mods will probably end up giving the longer serving posters more benefit of the doubt, which is fine...otherwise you get banned for calling Van a virgin or summat daft....but leaves new posters with little chance of being able to have a laugh.
The whole plan of "getting the better posters to act as an example" is too idealistic...the numbers of retards are too high now, hence this thread and the support for it amongst so many of the older/better posters.
If an "elite" forum is too much work, or totally off the agenda we'd be better served by just having an extra forum - you could call it "Davo's serious football discussion" or something equally as catchy. Let everyone in from the off, and then ban the spazzers as soon as they step out of line. Weaste's minimum words per post thing would work well here if it's doable.
Still think starting top down as opposed to idiots up would work'd still get the infamous computer game/myspace gimps posting what they believe to be fair opinions, but which are actually spastic...without really crossing the line so that you could justifiably bin them
Your forum, your choice....just seems that more and more of the decent posters can't really be arsed anymore
As for some of the other points raised...
Not really arsed about how the newbie forum is scouted and understand the point re stopping invasions. The scouting clearly isn't working very well mind given the levels of muppets that get through
An "elite" forum wouldn't be about how many posts you've got. Yes it's easier to be noticed if you've been here years, but would prefer someone who doesn't post often like "Smiths Cove" to a spastic like Afro with loads of posts who'll send every thread off tangent with comments about how many posts I have or the like
You should promote ScipioAfricanus from the newbies, anyone with that name has to be great.
how do you know that theres someone in there with that name?
how do you know that theres someone in there with that name?
how do you know that theres someone in there with that name?
how do you know that theres someone in there with that name?
It's by far the better alternative. If people are really that annoyed about the current state of the Football Forum, then they should get over the 'snitching' factor and just report them....
Anyway, if they are asking for them to be banned in here, it's no different from reporting them, so it should be alright.
Perhaps he saw them in the members list at the top of the page and when he clicked that persons profile, saw they were in the Newbies?
he he he.
Snitching isn't the problem. I am always reporting Newton FC for being a retard. You seem to think these idiots will somehow grow up to become great posters. What you're failing to comprehend is most of them are children. And that is the problem. This isn't some forum with Utopian ideals. No. It's a place where we can discuss football, have a bit of banter and talk about numerous other non football related stuff. However, as I've said a billion times, due to the age of the average poster, there's not much you can do. . . the only way is either; a separate forum for the posters with normal IQ levels or we could simply can all the spastics. Demote them for all I care.
Afro with loads of posts who'll send every thread off tangent with comments about how many posts I have or the like
This is getting ridiculous ...
Ban all the bin dippers I say.
You are a prime example of why this is being discussed in the first place.
Ban all the bin dippers I say.
Idiot. The football forum would be extremely dull without the possibility to debate with rival fans. There are some mighty decent ones out there aswell. The two hammers, Spammy and JazzG for example.
True, but the dippers are bitter and deluded.