He's had 3 seasons to prove himself and he has failed.
At what point do you conclude that a player just isn't good enough to play for MUFC?
Personally, I give a player 2 seasons to show something. If he shows something fantastic, then I give him a 3rd season (like Martial, who had a good first season, so gets a 3rd season), but Shaw has had one disastrous season, followed by another. the guy should've been sold this Summer, but because he is injured, we can't offload him.
Fellaini, who gets ridiculed, has had far more good games than Shaw has. Same goes for Anderson (remember him)?
Wow the kid had a career threatening injury and was out for almost a year . I had a similar injury over 3 years ago and I know that it will never be the same again and some days the pain from the arthiritus makes putting weight on it difficult .
He was one of our best players that season he got injured so saying he's not good enough is harsh.he wasn't great last season when he got a chance tho,maybe it's the injury or the McDonald's .