He actually gives some of the same credit that you do to Perkins. In a way. He says Perkins actually “did it” (although Draymond isn’t exactly complimentary of how good Perkins is) and shouldn’t need to resort to the talking head status of the others he trashes. Which I guess makes it even worse because that’s what he does do.

Skip has nothing else to work with, Perkins does or at least SHOULD, so the fact that he’s operating in the same way is sad.
As for liking Perkins, we’ll just have to disagree here. The man is an oaf and a fool, and clearly with the last few years with the Warriors thought he was getting a chance to trash them without any real substance, . Saying “he is who he is” (a) I’m not sure about that, a lot of these ‘pundits’ or commentators are extremely performative, and (b) it doesn’t say much if “who he is” for real is a gobshite.
Agree with that. Also see the Rodney McGruder thing: even then he could have, and did somewhat, made the fair point that so many people in the league act tough. But he and Klay kind of shit on him.
I really am not fond of Wright but I could almost see why someone would be. Almost. If I knew him in person I might not mind talking to him. I think he can probably do the non shouty stuff if he tried. My problem with him, with most of them really, is that they behave in a way that aims for these “hot takes” as he calls them, and sometimes those takes end up wrong and sometimes right. Mostly wrong. But if they’re right they crow, and if they’re wrong they make a big deal of “hey I was wrong, but I admit it!” But then they go back to doing the exact. Same. Thing. No thought of should my analysis change. No thought of should my method change. No thought of what do I need to improve. Just more hot takes, another (to varying degrees depending on the individual) educated guess with the hope of earning some “legitimacy” by being right next time (for example Stephen A called the Warriors winning it this year, so what). Let’s just continue in the exact same fashion as though this didn’t blow up in our faces last time or the ten times before that.
Perkins could, and probably will, say each year “no more titles for Steph.” Eventually he’s going to be right? So what? It doesn’t mean that year his analysis is better of his input is more useful. He’s just the broken clock that’s right that time, eventually.
also none of these types are educating any of their viewers. They’re not teaching you anything explaining anything. It’s just noise. Nothing like Thinking Basketball or some of the Athletic’s articles breaking stuff down. Even if those guys make a prediction and end up wrong, at least you see their work and can respect that, and learn from their thought process.Way more than some talking head on tv shouting “warriors(or whoever) for the chip!” That’s ultimately just a guess and you hope you get lucky.