First day of the playoffs and no posts ?
Cavs dominate Bulls as expected
Heat and Wade could slip up the Cavs. On top form, Wade is the most unstoppable player in the league.
THere is no way Wade will stay in Miami
Boring first round of the playoffs huh ?
Chicago are running the Cavs close
OKC is about to level with the Lakers with a blowout win
A depleted Jazz are leading the Nuggets
Spurs leading the Mavs
Portland tied with the Suns
Dallas kicking some Kings ass tonight.
Lights out shooting and a lot of forced turnovers.
Oh and a quiet triple double by Jason Kidd.
I'll go on record to say this team will win the West.
On a happier note, look who's Rookie of the Year!
Stat stuffer.Arguably Jennings had more of an impact on his team, and Curry is a better player in the long run.
Stat stuffer.Arguably Jennings had more of an impact on his team, and Curry is a better player in the long run.
Lakers prevail on a last-second Gasol rebound. I was feeling sympathy for Barca until I remembered this Catalan cnut.
Jazz win their series. I really like this edition of the Jazz. Deron Williams is so good to watch.
Stat stuffer.Arguably Jennings had more of an impact on his team, and Curry is a better player in the long run.
Lakers prevail on a last-second Gasol rebound. I was feeling sympathy for Barca until I remembered this Catalan cnut.
Jazz win their series. I really like this edition of the Jazz. Deron Williams is so good to watch.
WARNING: Lots of numbers ahead, including references to PER, rebounding percentages, and even per 48 minute stats. Abandon all hope ye who read past here.
Scoring: Not a lot to say on this first category. Tyreke is better at creating his own shot, by a huge margin. 24% of his shots are assisted, while a full 40% of Curry's are. I don't that this is a huge surprise to anyone. I think it's also important to note that Curry is overwhelmingly a jump shooter. 80% of Stephen's shots are jump shots, while Tyreke is more balanced. 47% of Tyreke's shots are jumpers and 51% are at the rim.
I've seen some Warrior fans talk about Curry being the much better passer, or the much better 'point guard' as a whole. The stats don't bear this out. I'll say this, I'm not sure how 82games comes up with their 'passing rating' (and I'm sure it's listed on their site somewhere, I just didn't go look), but they do rate Curry an 8.9 (.1 higher than Tyreke's 8.8).
Looking at Turnovers, Tyreke's Assist/TO ratio was 1.91. Curry's was 1.93, so slightly better, but when the type of TO is figured in, Tyreke's Assist/Bad Pass Turnover ratio is 5.6, while Curry's is significantly worse at 3.5. Tyreke is statistically at his best at the PG position, posting a PER of 22.6 (.4 less than Deron Williams, at the same position). Curry, on the other hand, is statistically best at SG, posting a PER of 19.4, and only 17.6 at the point.
I'm not sure that this is really up for debate, GS basically plays gimmick defense, just like their offense, but I've seen some people trot out the fact that Curry is 4th in the league in steals as somehow proving he's the better defender (never mind the fact that his teammate, Monta Ellis was 2nd in the league in the same stat). Looking at the stats, both seem more well suited defending shooting guards. Against Curry, points average a per of 20.7, and shooting guards average 15.9. Against Tyreke, points average 17.7, and 2 guards average 16.1. The problem with the above stats, though, is that it only takes in to account which position the opposing player is playing, and not necessarily who's guarding who. If anybody has links to better defensive stats, I'd be very interesting to look into this in more detail.
The 'Clutch':
It gets bad for Curry here. The Kings as a whole performed better than the GS in the clutch, and Tyreke is especially better than Curry.
Per 48 clutch minutes (last 5 minutes of the 4th or overtime, neither team ahead by more than 5 points), Tyreke scores 36 points (his overall average is 26pts/48minutes) while Curry scores 26 points (his overall average is 23.2pts/48minutes). Also, only 15% of Tyreke's clutch buckets were assisted, while 29% of Curry's were (though, you should take into account the fact that Curry is primarily a jump shooter, that however has its own implications with regards to winning). Again, for reference, Williams averages 23.1 points in the clutch.
With regards to passing, we have a very small sample size for both players, which should be a factor, but Curry has a total of 6 assists in the clutch all season (despite playing in 32 clutch situations), while Tyreke has 18 (playing in 38 clutch situations). In said situations, Evan's had 3 bad pass turnovers (pretty low, actually, Deron had 7 in 26 clutch situations), Curry also had 3. This gives a clutch assist/bad pass ratio of 6.0(!) for Tyreke and 2.0 for Curry (Deron was 3.4). Suffice it to say that, at the end of games, Tyreke is much better with the ball in his hands than Curry...and as ridiculous as it sounds, maybe even Deron Williams.
Both are solid rebounders in the clutch. Curry has offensive rebound percentage (amount of offensive rebounds he snagged vs. how many were available to his team) of 1.6% (what can you say, he's a skinny 6'3"). Tyreke grabbed 5.6% for the Kings. Stephen had a 12.6% defensive rebound percentage while Tyreke had 12.4%. Pretty close overall, maybe a nod to Tyreke for the significantly better offensive rebounding (let's not talk about Deron's rebounding...Thompson for reference is a 11.7% offensive and 10.4% defensive rebounder in the clutch). As an aside, both Tyreke and Stephen are good rebounders in non-clutch situations as well. Tyreke is about twice as good as Curry grabbing offensive boards, and 2% better than him grabbing defensive boards.
What does it all mean? I don't know. Maybe I'm not smart enough to draw conclusions from these numbers, but with some of the stats that the Warrior's are throwing around regarding shooting percentages and single game numbers (Curry joined a group of like 6 rookies to have posted triple doubles with 35 points or higher and is the first rookie with his particular set of shooting percentages, I believe (hooray for arbitrary benchmarks), I thought I'd take a look at the advanced stats at 82games. It's important to note that Curry did have a better overall +/- than Tyreke, but that stat is hopelessly flawed (as are some of the one's I posted above, I'm sure). I know most here are a much bigger fan of the 'eyeball test' (which player appears to be better when actually watching them play and ignoring the numbers), and I think Tyreke wins here too. How many game winners did Curry have? I honestly don't know. I Googled it, and I didn't find anything. Tyreke had 2 game winners and one game winning steal that I recall. Anyways, I know what player I'd rather have, and it's not the 6'3" skinny 2-guard, although I think he's going to be a pretty darned good player himself. My concern regarding jump shooting players is universal. How many championships teams have featured a jump-shooter as their number one option (maybe last year's Lakers with Kobe, though that team was/is stacked)? A few, I'm sure, but I can think of many, many counter-examples.
I think Tyreke deserves it, he's been a great player this season for (sorry Jveez) an absolute shower of shite. It would be easy for him to disappear for a couple years and claim he was "developing" but he's stood up and been counted.
I won't go off on one like last time, but the Kings aren't that bad. They're one of the youngest teams in the league and now have their leader and superstar in Evans. Add to that a top draft pick this year and the Kings have an extremely bright future. A core of Evans/Greene/Casspi/Thompson/Hawes/Landry along with one of Wall/Turner/Favors/Cousins, makes for a very exciting young group. That's not even taking into account the cap space the Kings have in the Off-season. Like it or not, the future is bright in Sactown!
You're quite clueless, aren't you? The Warriors, who are absolutely notorious for inflating players stats in their shoot-first-think-second system, actively and openly inflated Curry's stats in garbage time. They left him in games til the end when there was no point, deferred to him completely if he was a few rebounds, assists or point off a triple double, it was a joke! Meanwhile, Westphal ignored the stats of Evans, taking him out of games with 6 minutes to go when triple doubles were possible. I mean, Evans was one rebound and one assist off three triple doubles in a week! Could have left him in the game and didn't. Because like any normal coach, it wasn't worth risking injury to inflate stats.
Curry better player down the road? Utter bullshit.
Do you feel better now?
First off, I don't really care. I was being a bit facetious. Obviously Tyreke deserves his accolades. The Kings have a hell of a player, and so do the Warriors.
Second, Curry playing in garbage time/games. Of course that was horrible, because it was counterproductive to try to win those games. I count at least 10 games in which the Warriors could have got a precious loss, but Curry or a scrub player with too much heart and hustle won it for them. fecking hell.
Third, this internecine warfare between fans of shit gaytard clubs is embarrassing. The whole world reads this site. Thanks for outing me. Now I'll have to leave and start supporting Tottenham. See you everyone, hope you win the league against Chelsea.
Do you feel better now?
First off, I don't really care. I was being a bit facetious. Obviously Tyreke deserves his accolades. The Kings have a hell of a player, and so do the Warriors.
Second, Curry playing in garbage time/games. Of course that was horrible, because it was counterproductive to try to win those games. I count at least 10 games in which the Warriors could have got a precious loss, but Curry or a scrub player with too much heart and hustle won it for them. fecking hell.
Third, this internecine warfare between fans of shit gaytard clubs is embarrassing. The whole world reads this site. Thanks for outing me. Now I'll have to leave and start supporting Tottenham. See you everyone, hope you win the league against Chelsea.
All fun and games.
I quite like having a rivalry between the Kings and Warriors even though both teams are shit. Besides what else do we have when we have nothing else to play for? Isn't that why all derby's are important no matter whether both teams are shit or not? I think there's quite too many people in Northern California who jumped ship when the Kings stopped making the playoffs and put on We Believe t shirts when the Warriors made their first round upset a couple years ago.
jvezzy, you need to have more faith. Don't listen to the idiots who think current record = talent and/or future. The Kings have one of the brightest futures in the league. A bonafide star, a top pick in a strong draft, FA money, a good coach and a solid GM. Not to mention a very young team overall. This team will be competing for a playoff spot in 2-3 years. To dismiss the Kings as shit is a bit silly. It's not all about record. We have plenty to play for.
I won't go off on one like last time, but the Kings aren't that bad. They're one of the youngest teams in the league and now have their leader and superstar in Evans. Add to that a top draft pick this year and the Kings have an extremely bright future. A core of Evans/Greene/Casspi/Thompson/Hawes/Landry along with one of Wall/Turner/Favors/Cousins, makes for a very exciting young group. That's not even taking into account the cap space the Kings have in the Off-season. Like it or not, the future is bright in Sactown!
I was kinda joking.
In fact i'm thinking of becoming a Sac fan, just because SacTown sounds like an awesome euphemism for errmmm well you know.
I am Lakers fan by default because I was nick named Baby Shaq at the Channel 4 basketball camps way back in the days of yay yonder.
I was kinda joking.
In fact i'm thinking of becoming a Sac fan, just because SacTown sounds like an awesome euphemism for errmmm well you know.
I am Lakers fan by default because I was nick named Baby Shaq at the Channel 4 basketball camps way back in the days of yay yonder.