Lakers should easily take Game 7, that said I could still see them losing, too many of their players show up whenever they feel like it. I guess it is the same with the Celtics now. It could be a good one. Stern must be loving it 7 games.
This is in two hours right?
I must add that, regardless if Boston or LA wins, Kobe deserves to be MVP. For me he's consistently been the best player in the finals, and although Gasol/Pierce/Rondo etc. have had moments or games where they've shone, Kobe's been the only player to have played to his ability in all 6 games, and will do so again tonight (hopefully!)
No disrespect to your opinion but I'd give an athlete playing against opposition that presents a direct physical barrier a much bigger respect nod over a golfer.
It's golf. There is no direct physical opponent - just yourself. Thousands of people go to work everyday with severe injuries. Good for Tiger. But it's still golf.
Damn straight feck the neighbors, do you live in a LA?
If they do call the cops, just invite the cops in and give them some beer.
No mate, I live in Birmingham, England (England's equivalent of LA).
Kobe is trying to do too damn much early. It's as if he wants to score 40 or 50 tonight for personal reasons.