Moyes To Succeed Ferguson Anyone?

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At the end of the day, Moyes wouldn't be my first choice but some of the reactions from United fans (both on here and other places) have been embarrassing. Fans threatening not to renew their season tickets for feck sake!

The man will need all the support he can get because he's coming into such a huge job and has big boots to fill. Just get behind him and give him our 100% support. At least give him a chance before lambasting him.
Here we go... if you disagree with the appointment you're a glory supporter. Some right cockheads on here at the moment. It's called having an opinion.
If he had chosen Alan Pardew I could understand the dismay. You'd think we were going to employ someone from the Blue Square Premier or Fergie had chosen Darren Ferguson as his successor. Keep it in the family.
Most Everton fans seem to like United and wish him well.

One post for example:

"I hate the money bags Chelsea's and Man City's, but I have a begrudging respect for Man Utd. I think Moyes will do really well there and can't really blame him for taking what is one of the biggest jobs in world football. I wish him well."
Oh man, the stick he will get if we get off to a bad start to the season.

And this is a point I made loads already today.

He is instantly under more pressure than if it was Jose Klopp. They would have been afforded more patience from the support.

And he knows this. I know it's a hard job to turn down, but he will already show a tremendous amount of guts even accepting the position.
feck sake, if you're going to comment on a post read the train of posts it refers to. The discussion was about European experience.

Take a chill pill, not going to trawl throuh all the posts.

The focus should clearly be the league next season, and he will then gain European experience. Football is football anyway, be it Europe or PL football.
Football has moved on from when Fergie first came. The focus on league position is so strong and the competition is so fierce. Moyes has constantly achieved greater in terms of league position than his resources would suggest he should.

That's all well and good but this is Manchester United we're talking about here. I'm not disputing the fact that David Moyes has done well at Everton, I'm questioning the logic that sees that as being worthy of a chance to manage this club. Nothing in his club career suggests that to be the case.

I don't see why he couldn't come in and carry on what we've got but either way, not everything has to be immediate success, over the years from players to Fergie himself, as a club we've shown if you afford someone some time they can reward you significantly.

They have to be worthy of that time, as Liverpools continued decline has shown us.

I think he seems like a nice guy and respect the fact that he's done okay at Everton but, and I'm just being honest here, I don't think he's anywhere near up to the job. If we appoint him as manager I hope I'm horribly wrong but I don't believe that I will be. I just don't think he has it in him. I'm actually shocked that he's even being considered if I'm honest. It's like some strange footballing twilight zone in my opinion.
Most Everton fans seem to like United and wish him well.

One post for example:

"I hate the money bags Chelsea's and Man City's, but I have a begrudging respect for Man Utd. I think Moyes will do really well there and can't really blame him for taking what is one of the biggest jobs in world football. I wish him well."

Most of the ones on Sky Sports wished him well and understood why he was going. They admitted he had no funding.
Well at least this surely guarantees the safe keeping of Mike Phelan at the club.

God forbid we lose him as well.
How about this then: the scousers will be buzzing now that their much anticipated dream of Ferguson retiring has become reality earlier than expected and they must feel giddy about what they must perceive as the first step of a long 'transition' period.... City fans and other rivals will feel delighted about us appointing a nothing manager. The step down is huge.

Good, will be even better when we carry on winning. Don't know what City fans would be happy about either, may aswell kiss goodbye to the Manchester Derby
Here we go... if you disagree with the appointment you're a glory supporter. Some right cockheads on here at the moment. It's called having an opinion.

Too true. We can all agree that SAF is a completely unique phenomenon in the world of sport. What are the chances of appointing another Scottish manager, relatively young, ambitious and loyal will result in better than say, appointing someone who is equally hungry (or more) and has won the Champions League on more than one occasion and has proven nothing fazes him?

Of course people will support the manager appointed as they have supported the team
I'm sort of glad that it's Moyes.

Who else was going to get it really? I suppose if I could pick I would have liked a big name, but I would have liked Ancelotti. The only other available big name was Jose, and I as much as I like him, I would rather have someone who doesn't have a massive ego and will no doubt up and leave after a couple of years, for whatever reason. That's not to say Moyes will "do a Fergie" and stay here for years and years, but he could - provided he does well.

Moyes has done well with Everton, and this will no doubt be a huge step up for him (or anyone really) and I think he will do fine. He's a strong character and if Fergie has hand picked him then really, who are we to argue? If Moyes is Fergies last signing then I'll back him 100%.

Moyes doesn't have a fancy name and good European experience, but to be fair to him if he can keep Everton going, and improving all the time then surely he can do it for us too? He knows what is required of him and I'm sure he will give it his heart and soul, which is something that's important to Manchester United, and I don't know if you would get that with another manager - more so a foreign one (debabtable I'm sure, but you know what I mean).

All in all, I'm glad that it will be Moyes. He strikes me as a fighter and with the extra resources at United I'm sure he will find his feet in no time. It is an impossible situation to replicate what Sir Alex has done, but I feel that Moyes will do us justice, and if it doesn't work out I know that he will fight tooth and nail to keep us going - It could be any manager in the world and it still wouldn't work out, but fingers crossed. SAF is only a call away, and has always been known to dish out advice so I'm sure he won't leave us high and dry.

Don't be so gloomy!
I have barely given a thought to some of the players.

Nani and Anderson, will they see this as a new opportunity?
He's been a favourite for the job for years, so I don't see why you are so shocked. It's not as if he has come from nowhere as a contender.

No he hasn't. His name was only bandied about for the top jobs this season (Chelsea job in particular). In fact, I believe his name was only ever mentioned in relation to the United job out of pure politeness. After all, if somebody had said that the next United manager after Fergie would be someone with no European experience or who had never won a major honour as manager, you'd laugh your fecking head off!

Incredibly safe decision and very uninspiring on the whole.

I will get behind whoever the new man is, and I think the majority will do the same.

As I will, but I would have just preferred if we were a little braver in our ambition. After all, I doubt a United fan alive wishes him to be a failure. Good luck to him if he does get the gig.
I refuse to believe it until there are official pics with Moyes signing. After that I'd refuse to believe it again.

PS: great banner at the top!
That's all well and good but this is Manchester United we're talking about here. I'm not disputing the fact that David Moyes has done well at Everton, I'm questioning the logic that sees that as being worthy of a chance to manage this club. Nothing in his club career suggests that to be the case.

They have to be worthy of that time, as Liverpools continued decline has shown us.

I think he seems like a nice guy and respect the fact that he's done okay at Everton but, and I'm just being honest here, I don't think he's anywhere near up to the job. If we appoint him as manager I hope I'm horribly wrong but I don't believe that I will be. I just don't think he has it in him. I'm actually shocked that he's even being considered if I'm honest. It's like some strange footballing twilight zone in my opinion.

What do you mean like holding the joint record with fergie himself for being voted LMA manager of the season? If his peers rate the job he's doing so highly than I think he must be doing something right. If that isn't worth of a chance then I don't know what is. Like I said winning the odd cup doesn't mean anything, everyone knows performing for a whole season in a league is the toughest test and that's what he's done.
No he hasn't. His name was only bandied about for the top jobs this season (Chelsea job in particular). In fact, I believe his name was only ever mentioned in relation to the United job out of pure politeness. After all, if somebody had said that the next United manager after Fergie would be someone with no European experience or who had never won a major honour as manager, you'd laugh your fecking head off!

Incredibly safe decision and very uninspiring on the whole.

Yes he has. He's been linked with United for at least three seasons. You can assume that it was merely 'politeness', but thats a genuinely mental view. He was linked based on merit and if he gets the job it's because the board think he deserves it.
Mourinho would be by far the safer appointment.

They are taking a much bigger risk giving it to someone unproven at the highest level.

I'd beg to differ, mate. Mourinho would have been a far bolder appointment as he would have been a challenge for the board themselves. Moyes will be like a starstruck teenager for the few season or two and will not rock the boat at all. In fact, so determined will he be not to lose games and be seen as weak, I envisage us playing very safe football next season.

I hope I'm wrong, mind.
For those wanting Mourinho, do you really believe he would stay for more than 2-3 years?

Yes. What's left for him to prove in the game? Staying somewhere for long enough to build team after team - and he'd probably relish the chance to compete with SAF's record.
I'd beg to differ, mate. Mourinho would have been a far bolder appointment as he would have been a challenge for the board themselves. Moyes will be like a starstruck teenager for the few season or two and will not rock the boat at all. In fact, so determined will he be not to lose games and be seen as weak, I envisage us playing very safe football next season.

I hope I'm wrong, mind.

So Moyes isn't going to challenge and try and change a perfectly functioning club...and this is bad?
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