Mourinho at full time: "Pogba a virus. You don't play. You don't respect players/fans" [Castles]

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Neither of them is blameless here , as Manager the buck stops with Mourino and he has to take ultimate responsibility for the state we are in right now 2 1/2 seasons into his reign. It is just not good enough.

But Pogba also has to have a long hard look at himself and his erratic performances , you do not have to like the manager or agree with his tactics to still go out and put your best effort in when you take the filed , but regardless of the tactics etc there is no excuse for the laziness and wastefulness in possession that he shows far too often. The odd top notch display now and again does not cut it for a player of his supposed talents never mind the money paid put for him. He still does not look like or play like a leader.

Would not be surprised if both of them were not here next season. Neither look like they want to be at Man Utd.
Said it a million times, it's not a Jose vs Pogba issue. You don't have to take one side over the other.

You can think Jose is a miserable cnut who should have been sacked months ago whilst at the same time thinking Pogba was a disgrace on Saturday and it's not the first time he's put in similar half arsed displays in 2018.

That's certainly what I think anyway.
Agreed. I'd be happy for both of them to feck off.
Said it a million times, it's not a Jose vs Pogba issue. You don't have to take one side over the other.

You can think Jose is a miserable cnut who should have been sacked months ago whilst at the same time thinking Pogba was a disgrace on Saturday and it's not the first time he's put in similar half arsed displays in 2018.

That's certainly what I think anyway.
Ding ding.

If Mourinho goes, I think people will quickly see that Jose Mourinho was far from the only thing keeping him from being the sort of player he can be.
No one said they are, you walnut. Just that they can actually play football. On the ground.
So that means they are better than the others? What's the point when they actually aren't better footballers than some of the others you mentioned?

And how is Herrera now suddenly some technical virtuoso? The guy has never been United standard. Same with Perreira, just because he doesn't play, he must be better than the others because he's technical. I have some midget technical players in my 5 a side team. Let's start them for United.:lol: I'm not even surprised by the logic some of you are using, who probably are getting this from playing Fifa.

Do you even realise how ridiculous your argument is? You're the one who said Pogba is not passing to others because they're gonna lose the ball, when it's himself who actually loses it and then doesn't give a feck.
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Ding ding.

If Mourinho goes, I think people will quickly see that Jose Mourinho was far from the only thing keeping him from being the sort of player he can be.
That can happen. But unfortunately, when a team is not performing well and showing no signs of improvement, it is the manager who goes first. The players might be under-performing, not motivated or maybe genuinely crap, but it is always cheaper to fire the manager (one man) than many players. And then see how it goes.
Jose is a goner one way or other. It is just a matter of time.
Pogba is saying things that probably 9/10 members here would agree with. It's refreshing yet clearly thankless. I'm just shocked by the number of message board posters that feel like it's fine for them to have a go at the club and at the manager, but are aghast when the star employee does it. As if it affects the message board warriors more than it does Pogba and the players. For whatever number of reasons, people see this as Pogba being selfish when in all reality he's put his head on the line for the club and fans when no one else will. Getting dragged through the coals in the media, compared to Balotelli on here! He may not be remembered fondly because of the dysfunction during his time here, but if he is the impetus for major change then he'll deserve a different sort of credit from the fans.

Edit: I am adding here because I am out of posts for the day...but can we talk about how Pogba's performance Saturday (bad as it was) is somehow more appalling than the club's management? Than the club more or less throwing in the towel on the first of December? Again, there's something about Pogba that really irks people, but he's done nothing that the club in general hasn't already done this season. He and all the players and the manager and all of us know there's nothing to play for.

@RedorDead21 What you say down below would be fair...if Jose hadn't conceded the league before the season began. Why is the burden on Pogba to perform for that man, or any of the players for that matter? When he's thrown all but a couple of them (a couple of the most visibly inept footballers mind you) under the bus to protect himself. Pogba may be a selfish person, but compared to Mourinho he's Mother Theresa.
Yeah, that's what he's doing.:lol: If he wants the approval of the fans, he should start looking like he gives a feck and lead by example instead of just losing the ball and standing around afterwards.
Yeah, that's what he's doing.:lol:
If it's true that he is challenging Mourinho on our general tactics and player movement then yes, that is exactly what he's doing. How can you possibly say otherwise?

When I watch us play our forwards are generally all stood in a line on the edge of the opponents area, barely moving at all. This could be down to the players, but I don't think it is, as I've seen these players on international duty and they are moving a lot more and appear to know their roles a lot better.

I'm glad if Pogba asked the manager why they were not looking at this aspect more, and it looks as though he felt the brunt of the negative press as a result of expressing that opinion.
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Ding ding.

If Mourinho goes, I think people will quickly see that Jose Mourinho was far from the only thing keeping him from being the sort of player he can be.
I think many posters can see that. Mourinho has been rubbish but Pogba has weaknesses , particularly mental, that are very obvious.
Because his teammates have been pretty bad over the same period of time. And we gain more points per game when he plays than when he doesn't.

Also bear in mind that I don't rate Pogba that highly and that I wouldn't mind if we were able to get our money back. I already said that in my opinion no club with a shred of common sense would pay more for him but people go way too far in their Pogba bashing. He has been by some distance our best midfielder over the last 2 and half years while being surrounded by absolutely useless teammates.
none of which makes him good. and two years ago I'd have picked a bloke called Michael Carrick ahead of him!
Absolute bobbins. It's these sorts of fans which make us a laughing stock.

I bet you're all about The United Way™ too.
I don't even know what that means but if you think Pogba has been even close to a good buy, I suggest SpecSavers
Pogba was a disgrace against Southampton and has no right to be giving out about anything.

Whatever else about Mourinho he should have been f*cking ashamed with that display.
If it's true that he is challenging Mourinho on our general tactics and player movement then yes, that is exactly what he's doing. How can you possibly say otherwise?

When I watch us play our forwards are generally all stood in a line on the edge of the opponents area, barely moving at all. This could be down to the players, but I don't think it is, as I've seen these players on international duty and they are moving a lot more and appear to know their roles a lot better.

I'm glad if Pogba asked the manager why they were not looking at this aspect more, and it looks as though he felt the brunt of the negative press as a result of expressing that opinion.
It's not Pogba's job to tell the manager which tactics to use. It's the board who should have fired him if they think he's not good enough. So what happens if Pogba decides he doesn't like the next managers tactics? Do we then fire that manager as well? Player power will never be a positive thing.

If we were talking peak performance then of course I totally agree but we are talking here and now. Pogba has won league titles, played in CL finals, Euro finals and won a World Cup. So in recent terms he has far out performed anything Mourinho has achieved in the last 8 years. So how does your opinion stack up unless you’re going to argue that the entirety of Jose’s career needs to be taken into account and no one can ever be past their peak?
Well,maybe you can explain what the WC has to do with things. In case you hadn't noticed, France has 10 other players on the pitch including a guy called Kante, who made ordinary Leicester City players look better than they actually are
Don’t agree with the last bit, Mourinho simply has to go but you’re spot on with your assessment of Pogba - he’s not even close to World Class. Get rid of them both along with that muppet Woodward and let’s start again.
can't disagree with that - although I'm not ready to call for Jose's head. If he goes, fine. I just don't like calling for anyone to be fired (selling a player is not the same of course)
It's not Pogba's job to tell the manager which tactics to use. It's the board who should have fired him if they think he's not good enough. So what happens if Pogba decides he doesn't like the next managers tactics? Do we then fire that manager as well? Player power will never be a positive thing.
Funny, because I'm pretty sure Mourinho has admitted to speaking about tactics with Pogba before during half time, in a game we went on to win.

A player should not be giving instructions to a manager, but that does not mean he cannot suggest something. Also, if a manager was performing well and we had a functioning team with a plan then there would be no need for a player to question a managers tactics.

If my manager at work was giving me instructions which I thought were completely wrong, and the results being delivered were incredibly poor, then of course I would voice my opinion.
Yes Pogba is not as good as he himself thinks he is. However not a single player is performing consistently well for years now and you would rather get rid of a player than the manager? What is that gonna solve?
getting a better midfielder! or two...
This is just so irrational.
maybe explain that... for instance by telling me whole games Pogba has played well in and influenced. or when he has outclassed players from teams in the relegation zone or championship level players
I don't even know what that means but if you think Pogba has been even close to a good buy, I suggest SpecSavers

He's constantly been our best player, the majority of our good play goes through him, and we're generally always better with him in the side than without, but aye yeah I'm the one who should go to SpecSavers.
He's constantly been our best player, the majority of our good play goes through him, and we're generally always better with him in the side than without, but aye yeah I'm the one who should go to SpecSavers.
I think you are watching different games to me (and a lot of people on here)
He's constantly been our best player, the majority of our good play goes through him, and we're generally always better with him in the side than without, but aye yeah I'm the one who should go to SpecSavers.

Well, apparently none of that makes him good.
I think you are watching different games to me (and a lot of people on here)
Pogba shows moments of his quality, which is more than can be said for nearly all of our players. Which players, if any, have played consistently well for United since Pogba was signed? (and please don't say De Gea, as his performance is not dependent on tactics). If the answer is no one, then maybe we should be looking for the problem elsewhere.
Would be great to see the reaction from some caftards if Pogba is just to pass it safely, backwards and sideways like Mourinho's other bots are doing.

It's amazing how some people around here are thinking that tactics, lineups and formation don't matter all that much when it comes to individual performance.
It's not Pogba's job to tell the manager which tactics to use. It's the board who should have fired him if they think he's not good enough. So what happens if Pogba decides he doesn't like the next managers tactics? Do we then fire that manager as well? Player power will never be a positive thing.

True. However is it a coincidence that mou seem to be the only manager pogba has ever had who can't manage him? Especially since most pf our players seem underperforming under moaninho
Ah yes because comparing a superstar player (Pogba) to bang average and possibly below average (Matic this season) players is valid.

Keep hiding from and ignoring racism whether it's your own or that of others. See how far you get.
Ah yes because comparing a superstar player (Pogba) to bang average and possibly below average (Matic this season) players is valid.

Keep hiding from and ignoring racism whether it's your own or that of others. See how far you get.

'Superstar' or not it's totally irrelevant. Pogba was absolutely shocking against Southampton and it's not the 1st time he's performed like that. He got called out for it and rightly so. Have you ever considered that maybe the fact he is this so called 'superstar' is the reason he gets heavily criticised when he plays badly and not because of the colour of his skin?

Oh and don't imply i'm racist either when you know nothing about me you bell end.

For what it's worth I didn't want to bring this thread back to the racism thing but I've not had chance to reply until now and I'm not having someone accuse me of being racist. Absolute clown.
People constantly cry out for big characters and great footballers, and then we get one and it's "he should know his place!!!".

Even funnier given the clubs track record or lack thereof of finding suitable/half decent replacements for said footballers
I don't even know what that means but if you think Pogba has been even close to a good buy, I suggest SpecSavers
Absolute crap. No player has been more involved in goals since his arrival . Best player in the EL campaign . But don't let the stats get in the way of the agenda
If you want Pogba out of this club you are an idiot, simple as. He's our best outfield player and if you remove Martial he's our best outfield player by a country-mile.
Watching him at Juventus and United, Pogba is a self indulgent player, that needs strong personalities around him to keep him in check. Although calling him a virus is over the top. Pogba is a leader in this squad, and when your leader switches off for large parts of the game, especially against minnows then this will reflect on the team.

Pogba when he loses the ball often shrugs/complains and slowly jogs back into position. I can only assume no one is actually telling him to get back.

Jose Mourinho's biggest mistake at United was earmarking Pogba as a midfield general, we've seen enough to know that Pogba is not an all action type of player, he is a moments player. He is not a player that is involved in all phases of play, he's a player that suddenly comes alive.
getting a better midfielder! or two...

What a midfielder of two? Isn't Pogba one of Mourinho's buys? I thought he said he needed 2 CB's which he bought but weren't good enough. I would like two attackers, two backs and 2 wingers. And be honest we need all those too!

When does your love for Mourinho stop and realise he already bought shitloads players, they failed and he is responsible and not a single player?
Watching him at Juventus and United, Pogba is a self indulgent player, that needs strong pe rsonalities around him to keep him in check. Although calling him a virus is over the top. Pogba is a leader in this squad, and when your leader switches off for large parts of the game, especially against minnows then this will reflect on the team.

Pogba when he loses the ball often shrugs/complains and slowly jogs back into position. I can only assume no one is actually telling him to get back.

Jose Mourinho's biggest mistake at United was earmarking Pogba as a midfield general, we've seen enough to know that Pogba is not an all action type of player, he is a moments player. He is not a player that is involved in all phases of play, he's a player that suddenly comes alive.

So by your logic, the next manager wil have to replace 80% to 90% of the sqaud, because they do not have strong personalites.
If he was at Juve today and was acting up this way, he would be not only get strung up by his team mates, and the fans would of given him what for.

Jose mistake is not earmarking Pogba as a midfield general, it's that Pogba thinks he's the recarnation of Zidane, but his skillset does not support that,

Pogba is no Scholes,Modric or Erikssen, but is more than capable of playing and fufilling his potential of playing in the mold of Yaya or Essien, just by developing his positioning, awareness and concerntration on the pitch.

Look at what we have seen of Fred in a Man Utd shirt, similar skillset, the only difference is Pogba's application, you see Fred affecting the defence by making interceptions and in attack, playing the ball quickly, to start attacks, playing the ball over the top or thru balls.
This whole thing is Mourinho just trying to deflect. Putting attention on Pogba and trying to scapegoat him in an attempt to shift the narrative (evidently plenty have fallen for it on here). What a contemptible little man.
It’s funny how in the City game we bent over and took it because no Paul Pogba. But apparently he’s an overrated, overpriced dab merchant. He doesn’t add creativity the team, he alone literally is the fecking creativity and I find it bewildering how anyone can claim to watch United and hold such contrasting views as some expressed in this thread. Not to say he doesn’t have bad games, but then we as a team have been turd more often than we have been good when you strictly look at the performances.

Mourinho’s choice of words in the thread title is also painfully hilarious; lack of ‘respect’ for players, fans and the shirt...rings a bell that :rolleyes: Physical professional sport isn’t quite the same as writing something up on a computer at your 9-5, you want people to run themselves in to the ground - give that little bit extra - it is up to you to get them buying in to what you’re selling, to motivate them. Apparently some people don’t respond well to being mugged off from one week to the next, and it can supposedly have a detrimental effect on performances in physically taxing team sports. Maybe, possibly; you can’t remove the human aspects of sports that require cooperation, cohesion, and simply reduce it to ‘well we pay them to do a jaaahb’.
It’s funny how in the City game we bent over and took it because no Paul Pogba. But apparently he’s an overrated, overpriced dab merchant. He doesn’t add creativity the team, he alone literally is the fecking creativity and I find it bewildering how anyone can claim to watch United and hold such contrasting views as some expressed in this thread. Not to say he doesn’t have bad games, but then we as a team have been turd more often than we have been good when you strictly look at the performances.

Mourinho’s choice of words in the thread title is also painfully hilarious; lack of ‘respect’ for players, fans and the shirt...rings a bell that :rolleyes: Physical professional sport isn’t quite the same as writing something up on a computer at your 9-5, you want people to run themselves in to the ground - give that little bit extra - it is up to you to get them buying in to what you’re selling, to motivate them. Apparently some people don’t respond well to being mugged off from one week to the next, and it can supposedly have a detrimental effect on performances in physically taxing team sports. Maybe, possibly; you can’t remove the human aspects of sports that require cooperation, cohesion, and simply reduce it to ‘well we pay them to do a jaaahb’.

Your spot on, maybe people neee to look at Jose’s fave players who are anything but what a team needs. It starts from the back and the midfield to the no9 and all fail, and look at the backbone of his go to guys when fit

Young jones smalling Shaw
Matic fellani

That basically would be the teams spine slash backbone and main creativity, so we have two quality players in Shaw and DDG and the shower of you know what infront of him he keeps relying on, and he bullied Shaw last year and he was wrong there

From the back jones and smalling are has good of ball playing CB’s has two drunks trying to walk straight after 9 pints. In midfield his two pivots who are week in week out now fellaini and matic have very little mobility, they don’t press, passing is limited and they sit very deep. Now upfront, we got the immobile striker who is supposed to be a number 9, does not run the channels enough, he doesn’t press much, and he can control the ball has well as bamby on ice.

So if you look at the three stages of our game, Jones, smalling, matic, Fellaini, Lukaku, the ball does not move fast enough because these players don’t have that ability, so if neither can pass from the back, midfield gets overrun because it’s very technically inept and slow in its passing, and the number 9 can’t hold onto the ball and movement is very one conservative because he’s awful at this, we have a problem that’s bottom 10 standard of players and that’s all on the Portuguese clown, who thinks ball playing players are not needed, it’s dark ages football if you big and tell your his go to guy if your a sheep to his cause.

The entire spine of our team are not good on the ball or slow getting the ball to the final phase, and the no 9 is has bad has the other 2 phases, then that’s a big problem. You can buy has many quality players has possible, no one is moving his fave core players who are past it, or should be in the MLS and even they wouldn’t take them
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Absolute crap. No player has been more involved in goals since his arrival . Best player in the EL campaign . But don't let the stats get in the way of the agenda
It is really hard for people to see that Pogba has been one of the better ones as we are collectively so sh't. There is no player that has been constantly good par de gea, which is a different thing as he is a goalkeeper.
Neither of them is blameless here , as Manager the buck stops with Mourino and he has to take ultimate responsibility for the state we are in right now 2 1/2 seasons into his reign. It is just not good enough.

But Pogba also has to have a long hard look at himself and his erratic performances , you do not have to like the manager or agree with his tactics to still go out and put your best effort in when you take the filed , but regardless of the tactics etc there is no excuse for the laziness and wastefulness in possession that he shows far too often. The odd top notch display now and again does not cut it for a player of his supposed talents never mind the money paid put for him. He still does not look like or play like a leader.

Would not be surprised if both of them were not here next season. Neither look like they want to be at Man Utd.

Perfectly reasonable post.
We are all both disappointed and dissatisfied with what has happened this season and quite rightly Jose should carry the can as manager.

Nevertheless, it is completely unacceptable for any team member to both undermind the manager and give such an calculated piss taking performance which he knew would adversely affect the rest of the team.

If he is that unhappy fine. Put in a transfer request and take that stupid penalty run up with him.
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