Gaming Modern Warfare 2

FMJ doesn't give your weapon any greater stopping power anyway....even though it shows a slight improvement on the weapon's stat's bar. It actually just improves penetration. :nervous:

I'd agree fully with the need for Scavenger. So many times, whilst using Bling, i have been on a potential nuke streak, ran out of ammo and then got killed whilst running to find another weapon. Not having to think about ammo allows 100% concentration on combat. Scavenger is a must for me.
I got rid of this, without downloading any "new" maps.

You can still get a decent trade in price for it.
Yeah. They are good. Definitely the best map pack out of the lot. On whether it's worth getting or not, i'd say it depends on how often you play the game.
I traded mine in. MP is just pointless unless you spend your life on it.
You should have traded in your life. Living is pointless unless you spend it playing call of duty.
Yeah. They are good. Definitely the best map pack out of the lot. On whether it's worth getting or not, i'd say it depends on how often you play the game.

Of the last pack of maps I only like one so I've not bothered getting these new ones. I will now though and if I don't like them I'm holding you personally responsible busquets.
I bought it yesterday and can't get over the fact how difficult it is, I get killed online almost all the time, like for every two people that I kill there are twenty that kill me.
Online takes some getting used too. Thing is, you're playing against 6/7/8 or higher prestige most likely who have spent hours and hours playing it knowing the maps well and know what guns are best.

Once you get used to it, you'll be getting positive scores in no time.
Online takes some getting used too. Thing is, you're playing against 6/7/8 or higher prestige most likely who have spent hours and hours playing it knowing the maps well and know what guns are best.

Once you get used to it, you'll be getting positive scores in no time.

Yeah, and I've never really played any FPS games that much so I'm not very good at it. I've switched my role into a sniper so I spend most of the time concealed and try to shot a few opposition, my last team game was 3-5 so not really that bad and my team won. I will probably spend the best part of this weekend trying to sort it out and hopefully I will be able to get positive scores next month at this pace. :lol:

Is there any point buying a headset? Do people use it online and is it any help in this one? Cause I remember how I thought it would be helpful in Xbox FPS games and it wasn't at all, the sound quality was poor and people basically only talked shit there.
Get a headset if you want to listen to prepubescent kids shrieking and being racist.
Is there any point buying a headset? Do people use it online and is it any help in this one? Cause I remember how I thought it would be helpful in Xbox FPS games and it wasn't at all, the sound quality was poor and people basically only talked shit there.

Depends. I used to play a lot with a group of mates so that was obviously helpful. Letting each other know where abouts people where when we spotted them, etc etc.

But for general online play with randomers, it's not really worth it. If you play TDM, Groud War or Sabotage everyone constantly talks shit. But on Search and Destroy people talk about the game and who's got the bomb, where to plant and that. But that's the only game mode really.
I got a headset when I bought my DVD remote and the only time it ever got used was when me and a mate were completing the spec ops missions in cooperative mode. For that they are useful, otherwise like has already been said you'll just hear kids screaming rubbish.
Modern Warfare 1 is better anyway. Although saying that, been playing a lot of COD3 online recently. What a fun game
Modern Warfare 1 is better anyway. Although saying that, been playing a lot of COD3 online recently. What a fun game

Same here. I busted out MW1 and COD3 yesterday and this morning and played the online on them for the first time in ages. MW1 maps are much better than MW2.
Same here. I busted out MW1 and COD3 yesterday and this morning and played the online on them for the first time in ages. MW1 maps are much better than MW2.

You play on PS3 or 360? COD3 is such an under rated game I reckon. There are a few things they got spot on that were mysteriously then left out of COD4- the ability to punish team killers, and a migrating host for example.

The maps on COD3 are immense as well, so much bigger than the two MW's. And there is no greater feeling than sniping someone in a moving tank/jeep/bike. Nor is there anything funnier than watching someone on a bike trying to take out a tank by repeatedly ramming into it. Love Poisson- what a level
I've got MW1 and COD3 on PS3. MW2 is on 360.

I didn't really put much time into COD3 online, played it on off but nothing like I did with the MW's. There is one map I absolutely love though, can't remember the name. Has loads of trenches outside and then like passages and underground tunnels inside. Epic map.
I love CoD but can't play it because of losers that spend their life on it. The game should try and keep players of a similar skill set together to make it more enjoyable for different types of gamers.
I love CoD but can't play it because of losers that spend their life on it. The game should try and keep players of a similar skill set together to make it more enjoyable for different types of gamers.

They do.

Well they don't do a very good job of it, I was playing with players of very high ability almost right from the start.

I got rid of it a few months back now so can't remember what level I was or what level I was but the numerical difference between my level and other's was huge.

So if they do do it, they don't do it very well.
Level's don't mean anything though. I'm like level 7 or something at the moment, and regularly playing with level 55's on MW1. The fact you can go from level 55/70 to level 1 shows how irrelevant levels are
It's more to do with KDR, Accuracy and other stats.

Those people you play against who seem to be very good at it may have been awful for their first few months, having a KDR of 0.20 or something. Then they started getting good and building up their ratio by playing with people with a similar one.

It's not the best matchmaking process, but at least you don't have to play against people with a KDR of 35.0 or something stupid.
Level's don't mean anything though. I'm like level 7 or something at the moment, and regularly playing with level 55's on MW1. The fact you can go from level 55/70 to level 1 shows how irrelevant levels are

It's more to do with KDR, Accuracy and other stats.

Those people you play against who seem to be very good at it may have been awful for their first few months, having a KDR of 0.20 or something. Then they started getting good and building up their ratio by playing with people with a similar one.

It's not the best matchmaking process, but at least you don't have to play against people with a KDR of 35.0 or something stupid.

In which case they need to look at how people are getting matched and come up with a solution.

It will all change soon anyway what with a bunch of the design team or whatever it was going to EA.
Match making is based on 'true rank score' which is nothing to do with your rank/prestige.
I never actually play this game anymore, thinking about it. I rarely play xbox at all actually.
I know! It probably explains why my post count has gone through the roof. I'm hoping Black OPs/FIFA 11 can rekindle my addiction.