Gaming Modern Warfare 2

I've had 88 kills so there. Not on Rust either, what map/game type was that on BTW Biccy?

Also, why would you hide your Gamertag when you use it to play online with strangers all the time?! :lol:

Yes... but why?:nervous:

Because some fecking cnut was taking all my kills. I mean the fecking cnuts were going into last stand after I blasted them with my akimbo shotguns, then my stupid spastic teammate thought it a good idea to piss me off by keep taking my kills. This caused me to throw my pad in anger, thus breaking it and rendering all the shoulder buttons useless. So until my dualcock 3 comes through the post, i can only knife. I can't even get care packages or whatnot.

I was knifing before I broke my pad though, because it's quite fun. Have a go with this setup:

Primary weapon: Anything light - you won't be using it anyway
Secondary weapon: Choice of handgun - with tactical knife (switch to this as soon as you spawn)

Marathon Pro
Lightweight (haven't unlocked Pro yet)
Commando Pro
Throwing Knife
Flash Grenade

Watch this youtube:

After a while, you realise that you've achieved enlightenment.

Actually, I got one care package by sticking my finger in where R1 used to be, but it appears to have stopped working now.

That was the first time I've ever got angry over COD. It's normally PES which is the controller-breaker.
Right, ive gone ahead and exchanged my 360 copy for a PS3 one. Yes ive lost all my ranks, challenges and what not but feck it ive had it with these little shits, and it also helps that everyman and his dog that plays this does on the triple.

So go ahead and add me ya planks:
PSN: ChaosFalling.
I've had 88 kills so there. Not on Rust either, what map/game type was that on BTW Biccy?

Also, why would you hide your Gamertag when you use it to play online with strangers all the time?! :lol:

Yeah. Not my record number of kills, but the only one i've had a phone near by for.

Domination on sub base.

Don't want randomers off RAWK adding me.
VivaVII you got it for PS3 of 360?


Yeah. Not my record number of kills, but the only one i've had a phone near by for.

Domination on sub base.

Don't want randomers off RAWK adding me.

Ah cool, I'm too used to Hardcore to play Domination. Sub Base is a good map though. Scrapyards probs my favourite.

Fair poon, didn't think of RAWK.
I'm getting better at this game. Just turned the corner where I can now dominate or do well in matches consistently.
havent got a tactical nuke yet even though i managed to pul a 26 kill streak one day feckin eejit should have tried going for it, i personally dislike the nuke though kinda ruins it when someone fires it with half the game still to go
The matchmaking on the PS3 version is fecking terrible, takes as long as 10 minutes sometimes to get myself a game, whereas on the 360 im usually in within 10 seconds. Controls are awkward too but on the plus side there seems to be less juveniles.
A lad a play with gets the regularly, its great win your losing :lol:

I'm coming up to prestiging atm, but I've lost my bottle and gone shite, can't even put 5 kills together
Right time for a game where I imagine the faces of every cnut I knife is Mike Dean or Calrso Twatish.

Harsh.......... harsh but fair.
Just downloaded the new PS3 software thing. 3.15 or something. Is it just me or are the graphics in this game suddenly ten times better if that was possible!?
I heard around Spring they're bringing new maps out. Was obvious from the start they didn't put that many maps in so people would buy more.
Played HC deathmatch last night, using only the riot shield. Was bloody hilarious, people didn't know what to do so i'd just charge at them and butt away. Ended up as second top scorer with 15 for 6, which i thought was pretty good seeing as i didn't use a gun!
It's pretty much the same as MW1's online, except the maps are bigger. There's also a couple of 3rd person modes, but I don't really use them.

I've not bothered with MW2 offline. I got to the Favela bit and I was just being shot from every angle, realised it was a bit stupid, so I quit the game.
I had an absolute stinker last night, started off well finishing top of the board three times then just seemed to lose all ability and was getting killed constantly. Was also getting really quite frustrated by people camping.
It's pretty much the same as MW1's online, except the maps are bigger. There's also a couple of 3rd person modes, but I don't really use them.

I've not bothered with MW2 offline. I got to the Favela bit and I was just being shot from every angle, realised it was a bit stupid, so I quit the game.

:wenger: So you couldn't do it and quit?! Jesus you've stopped well early there, there's some cracking missions left to play.
It's pretty much the same as MW1's online, except the maps are bigger. There's also a couple of 3rd person modes, but I don't really use them.

I've not bothered with MW2 offline. I got to the Favela bit and I was just being shot from every angle, realised it was a bit stupid, so I quit the game.

Hmm, sounds like I won't bother playing multiplayer then, i'll reserve that honour for Bad Company 2 when it comes out.

I'm at the oilrig at the momment on the hardest setting and i'm finding it pretty difficult...
Played HC deathmatch last night, using only the riot shield. Was bloody hilarious, people didn't know what to do so i'd just charge at them and butt away. Ended up as second top scorer with 15 for 6, which i thought was pretty good seeing as i didn't use a gun!

The Riot Shield is for noobs. Knives are where it's at.

Big, feck-off shiny ones. Ones that look like they could skin a crocodile. Knives are good, because they don't make any noise, and the less noise they make, the more likely we are to use them. Shit 'em right up. Makes it look like we're serious. Guns for show, knives for a pro.
Hmm, sounds like I won't bother playing multiplayer then, i'll reserve that honour for Bad Company 2 when it comes out.

I'm at the oilrig at the momment on the hardest setting and i'm finding it pretty difficult...

I loved that level, the bit with all the smoke grenades and using thermal scopes is tricky though.

There's a spec-ops level on that which is pretty difficult too.
:wenger: So you couldn't do it and quit?! Jesus you've stopped well early there, there's some cracking missions left to play.

No, I could quite easily do it, I just couldn't see the point.

The gameplay isn't really smart enough for me to bother using guile, so I just run through it and get shot from every angle by 20 enemies. Massive yawn.

I'm a stealth guy.