Millwall fans - Will they ever change?

The areas itself where the club is based and draws it support from (Rotherhite, Bermondsey, Peckham, Surrey Quays) aren't particularly problem areas racially anymore (Peckham has a reputation for roughness but is actually a very ethnically diverse multicultural area) The problem is the club and its reputation and the idiot fans who feel the need to turn up and portray an image which is at odds with the area itself.

These are areas (Peckham aside which has always been ethically diverse for as long as I can remember) that quite rightly had a reputation as having racist elements during the 70's, 80's and early 90's due to the BNP, Combat 18 and such organisations having a presence there, however its gone through huge changes since then and is now an area where you wouldn't expect ethnic minorities to encounter too many issues, the problem isn't the area its the club and its reputation.
I drive through those areas every day on my commute to work. They are depressing places (as most of 'Saarf Landahn is tbh) but like you say, they're pretty ethnically diverse. Plenty of people from the African diaspora, Bengalis, Pakistanis etc. But I don't see it dying out. If you saw that video that went viral of the young Millwall fan calling black people cnuts, you can see how early that sort of shit gets embedded in to the young and impressionable. Their fans are cnuts, and to paraphrase their song, they really, really don't care...
I drive through those areas every day on my commute to work. They are depressing places (as most of 'Saarf Landahn is tbh) but like you say, they're pretty ethnically diverse. Plenty of people from the African diaspora, Bengalis, Pakistanis etc. But I don't see it dying out. If you saw that video that went viral of the young Millwall fan calling black people cnuts, you can see how early that sort of shit gets embedded in to the young and impressionable. Their fans are cnuts, and to paraphrase their song, they really, really don't care...

Trouble is they would be that anyway. Trouble for Millwall is they have attached themselves to their football club which gives them a reason to travel around from place to place.
I dont get it. One of my best friends is a scouser (hell my grandma used to pronounce purple like piirple good rest her soul) and while we rip the shit out of each we both know is just a game.
I have another friend that's Scottish. Same thing.
Tribal warfare is only fun when you know it's just sports. Why anyone would want to fight over the fact your team is in blue and mine is in red is beyond me.

I've always found the London clubs have more of a stigma about them from experience than Northern clubs in general. Clubs (or fans) from teams like Everton, Liverpool, United or City have a lot in common in terms of "local" fans. Liverpool and Manchester are really pretty similar places. I don't know why but it seems the London fans of London clubs aren't like that from my experience. I'm obviously not suggesting all of them it just seems to be the way.

And whilstI don't condone the Millwall fan punching the Spurs fan the Spurs guy is quite clearly a dick and just doing it for a reaction, albeit probably not one he plannedfor. Can't really feel sorry for him for being an absolute dick and someone retaliating.
I live in Korea, fact is they do eat dogs. And racism is much more of a problem in Korea than in the UK but you will rarely hear about it as it doesnt fit the media narrative on racism. The day to day racism that exists in Korea far outweighs anything Son will likely ever experience.
I don't understand posts like these. Do you not think people here already know that racism exists in every corner of the globe in varying degrees? Should we bring up racism in Africa every time an African player gets abused in Europe? It is true that there are places in Asia, Africa, South Amercia and Middle East that are far worse than in England or the western world. But it is not so much a difference in countries as it is of old ideas and new ideas and belief systems. The west leads the way and the others follow. The west is more exposed to globalisation and mixing of culture due to higher immigration. These countries are just where England used to be 10, 20, 30 years ago depending on their development. The west led in the bad (colonialism, slavery) but it also leads in the good. The others are just a step or two behind. But racism in one part of the world does not condone racism in another.
I don't know a single Millwall fan who is not a complete bellend. A guy I used to play football with was a bit thick, never had an opinion on anything other than foreigners but other than that was a quiet bloke...until it's Millwall vs some other London team who are considerable better then he turned into Danny Dyer and was up for a scrap with anyone.
Oh there are still plenty of problems there. I lived in that area for 4 years. The kids are growing up in a more diverse environment but there is still a big working class white population who don't like anyone who looks a bit foreign. And to be fair a lot on the other side who don't like anyone white.

As the old guard get older and younger fans replace them it will die out. Can't see much they can do until then, lots of them love the reputation.

It true to say the problem of actual racism hasn't completely gone away in these areas despite becoming more diverse, however its improved a great deal since the early 90's where at that point and before it wasn't uncommon to see somebody get a beating simply for being in the wrong area and having the wrong skin colour (I have an uncle who was attacked and racially abused around that area during the late 80's). Nowadays hate crimes are more of a rarity than during that period but however its still sad to see that some of attitudes that fueled those hate crimes still exist and get passed on through parents to their offspring.

I drive through those areas every day on my commute to work. They are depressing places (as most of 'Saarf Landahn is tbh) but like you say, they're pretty ethnically diverse. Plenty of people from the African diaspora, Bengalis, Pakistanis etc. But I don't see it dying out. If you saw that video that went viral of the young Millwall fan calling black people cnuts, you can see how early that sort of shit gets embedded in to the young and impressionable. Their fans are cnuts, and to paraphrase their song, they really, really don't care...

Yeah I've heard of that video sadly and Its like I say a lot of it is the atmosphere surrounding that clubs supporters and how they feel the need to continue to live up to an image that IMO isn't an entirely fair reflection of the area itself which has gone through some huge changes since my time there as a young boy (I was born in Manchester and moved with family to around SE london when I was 7 before returning to Manchester in my late 20's). I think without a serious effort at a purge of those fans and their attitudes they might regress back to the darker days of the 90's and earlier.
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You wonder what these morons do in their every day life and if they ever stop to think during a normal 9-5 working day ''I was a bit of a fool with my behaviour at the weekend''. Somehow I doubt it.

Many many years ago I was at a Cork City home match and stuck 2 fingers up at an opposition player who got sent off after scoring and gestured to the home fans. Immediately felt like an idiot afterwards and hoped it wasn't seen by anyone I knew, even now Im embarrassed about it.
Caused troubles against Barnsley last season, made racist chants towards Son, punch a Spurs fan in the face and they know how to cause chaos everytime Millwall play. cnuts of the highest order.
On the pitch at the play off final whistle goading the Bradford players for losing.

Their Manager Stuart McCall was livid and "close to clocking a few of them".
Hate that a team that came 6th, 9 points behind those in 3rd & 4th and 6 behind Bradford in the league, can qualify this way. Just wrong. The other 3 must be gutted.
Hate that a team that came 6th, 9 points behind those in 3rd & 4th and 6 behind Bradford in the league, can qualify this way. Just wrong. The other 3 must be gutted.
Indeed. Why not just make it so the top 3 get automatically promoted?
Indeed. Why not just make it so the top 3 get automatically promoted?

Probably because it would leave too many teams without something to play for. As much as I don't like seeing Millwall promoted, the leagues would be much less entertaining without the play-offs. Fairer, sure, but not nearly as fun.
Most of the Millwall fans stayed in the stands and had their day spoilt by these idiots. Some of the photos look awful. But hopefully they get rounded up and handed banning orders.
Morison on his own idiotic Millwall fans: "I can't talk, they are annoying me. They've ruined this for everyone." #MillwallFC

Even the players hate their own fans :lol:
I saw a bunch of them on the tube earlier. They were drunk and noisy, boring more than bothersome. They did have a neanderthal council estate look though.
Was at the game in the Bradford end. We stayed to clap off Bradford but was ruined by their insufferable fans.

Didn't expect any less.

And as we were leaving the stadium they decided to send in riot police. Poorly organised.
I know you guys hate Millwall but would this be even an issue if it were another club? I don't know, I'm not that versed in English football culture but in Spain, pitch invasions in these situations are normal. Wembley isn't the Mecca.
I know you guys hate Millwall but would this be even an issue if it were another club? I don't know, I'm not that versed in English football culture but in Spain, pitch invasions in these situations are normal. Wembley isn't the Mecca.
It's not necessarily the invasion, it's the goading of the oppositions and the fans.

No need for it. Go celebrate with your own team.

The literally ran over to the Bradford end..
I know you guys hate Millwall but would this be even an issue if it were another club? I don't know, I'm not that versed in English football culture but in Spain, pitch invasions in these situations are normal. Wembley isn't the Mecca.

As far as I'm aware, for whatever reason, pitch invasions aren't really a thing at Wembley. With that said, although not for the reason you think, no, it wouldn't be an issue with another club. Millwall fans really are a scummy bunch that stand out from the rest.
Millwall fans being bellends, as sure a thing as night becoming day.

It's hilarious that even the Millwall players don't like their behaviour. They have become a parody of themselves, almost.
A club formed for Scots brought in to break the strikes on the London docks - why the Hammers have always hated them so much for so long - and that has managed to sustain racism and thuggery long beyond the sell by date. But even worse than the inbred local fan base is the bunch of middle class hangers on who support them - like the wimps in the playground who brown nosed the bully to stay in one piece.