Listen, language is short-hand... if we were to specify everything we meant and how we meant it we'd need intonation, stress and other things to come through, plus we'd need a shitload of asterisks directing your attention to elaboratioins on intent and implication and whatnot. How I read your sentence is how most people would read it, and you'll see that the guy I was paraphrasing you to took my point the same way after I'd clarified it to him, as well as wondering why he didn't upon first reading himself.
Secondly, I said I'd pay attention to things that might point to there being a subtext and nuance in the show, if not then I'd prolly not give it another chance. What with McIntyre being so big in the UK I've not been able to avoid him when I was studying there, and when I got home, lo and behold, he's on the telly with his roadshow there as well. I've seen plenty of him and I don't find him clever, funny or worth my time as a viewer.
Then again, I'm a fan of thinking when it comes to humour... which you've already stated an aversion to... so little wonder that our sense of humour has little overlap.