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There are an awful lot of people who seem completely unable sit back and say "I don't really like Stewart Lee" like they would with most other things, but instead simply have to trot out lines about him being "smug" or "arrogant", and his fans not really finding him funny but instead putting on some show to prove how high-brow they are, via their taste in comedians. To be frank, when I want to pretend to be intelligent I talk about my taste in philosophy or opera, but maybe I'm just missing a trick and stand-up is the real indicator of high culture. I'm annoyed you lot ran the chairty gigs joke into the ground, I really wanted in on it...
I think anything where people are told they don't get it because they're not clever enough triggers defensive mechanisms. I'll be honest with people and tell them that they just might not have enough of an understanding of music and of what's going on to appreciate jazz as opposed to the pop or whatever they usually lap up. They'll roll their eyes and think me an elitist, or they'll be defensive and get loud about how people are prolly just nodding their heads to this shit to be perceived as part of the clever in-crowd... I think the same sort of thing is going on here.
Let me just say that when I say "not clever enough", I don't mean as a whole... I mean with regards to how they perceive comedy. I might not perceive Rooney as what seems to be a clever person by my definitions, but boy is he a genius on the field in the way that he reads the game and brings himself and others into play. Idiot savants may play brilliantly on classical instruments yet not be able to follow a conversation. I am in no way trying to rubbish people outright, we all have our talents and I'm incompetent in a fair few areas myself, of that I'm sure.