Full Member
I'm sorry but there's absolutely no circumstances in which it is acceptable for a fully-grown man to regularly share his bed with children who are not his own. Building a fecking fun-fair in his gaff is just taking the piss. People keep talking about his need to relive his own childhood or only feeling comfortable around kids but that's a fairly standard paedo excuse.
When that same man is clearly incapable/unwilling of having any kind of normal sexual relationship with adults then you don't need to be a forensic psychiatrist to work out that he's a nonce. The lack of evidence needed to prove this in a court of law is neither here nor there.
Talented dude but a seriously creepy individual.
Theres just no excuse for it. You cant go inviting kids into your bedroom.
There was obviously something wrong with the guy, but those around him should have put a stop to it.
Though i guess if they are on his payroll, then they may have turned a blind eye to it.