Music Michael Jackson is Dead (All general comment)

he may have been a bit strange ( what genius isn't it? ) and he certainly had his problems - i don't know about the kids thing, i always wanted not to believe it but i wasn't sure - but what i do know is that he was absolute star.
he had the most amazing voice and he danced like a dream.
it's very very sad news
RIP Michael.
seriously though, how did he become so frail? the man was only 50.

Never had bouts of ordinary life. Had everything from his youth to adulthood stolen by a demanding stage, didn't he.

As Livvie said a very depressed individual which none to confide and cradle in.

Shocking to what extent the industry can do to someone who's talented.

Wasn't into his music until I heard Human Nature on the radio and realised how amazing a vocalist he was. Quite saddened 'cos was starting to like him, even as a person. Controversies will always be a part of anyone who shares the limelight. Doesn't stop United fans from respecting the likes of Cantona, for instance. Shouldn't be less so for MJ.

RIP Mikhail. :(
I don't think he's dead. I will miss him, just sad to say that I never got to see him, even though I had tickets to a concert of his
Exactly. And for your friend that died not so long ago, where was his 16 page long thread? Good people die all the time and you people are mourning this man and buying tickets to his concert when it's quite clear what he was. And for those arguing about the state of his mind; no peadophile is in the right state of mind, every peadophile suffered abuse, it's the cycle of abuse but it doesn't make it any less sickening or any less wrong.

And the really annoying this is black people and Michael Jackson. This man changed his skin colour. This man has white children. This man invited only white children to his house. He gave money to his family but apart from that had nothing to do with them. This man did everything humanly possible to seperate himself from black people although our money was good enough for him. And yet you by his 'one-last-tour' tickets and you will mourn his death to a greater extent than Presley. It's really is that stupid.

Is it as stupid as telling people it's stupid to feel the way they feel hours after someone who played a significant role in their lives passes away?
Is it as stupid as telling people it's stupid to feel the way they feel hours after someone who played a significant role in their lives passes away?

I agree with you there. It is stupid to tell other people they shouldn't feel upset about Jackson kicking the bucket.

No more stupid than people who are attacking others who don't share those emotions, mind you. There's been some peculiar comments in this thread, none more so than those demanding people be banned or pilloried for expressing anything other than condolences.

This is a discussion forum and we're discussing a famous bloke who just died. I think it's just as valid to point out his death doesn't affect you as it is to claim to be upset. The jokes were probably a bit tasteless (purely in terms of timing, nobody would have given a shit, this time last week) but hey, this forum has always pushed the boundaries of taste.
Wonder who phoned the ambulance and who was with him. No doubt we'll hear in the next few days what he was doing and maybe his last words.

anybody else get the feeling that by sunday the papers will be dragging his name through themud again...

That's what we do over here!

The Sun was the only paper this morning to speculate that it was an overdose.....what a surprise! Now that he's dead it'll be gloves off time.No lawsiuts to worry about, just put the boot in
RIP... no doubt a massive figure of the twentieth century, wrote some iconic music, a very important figure in music and personally for a lot of people.

Aside from the murky side of his life I've always just felt a bit sorry for him, he never really had a chance. Abused and driven as a kid and it seems to me, that aside from his equally damaged family members, all he ever had around him were people there for the gravy train and nothing else. He was obviously a severely damaged individual.
I agree with you there. It is stupid to tell other people they shouldn't feel upset about Jackson kicking the bucket.

No more stupid than people who are attacking others who don't share those emotions, mind you. There's been some peculiar comments in this thread, none more so than those demanding people be banned or pilloried for expressing anything other than condolences.

This is a discussion forum and we're discussing a famous bloke who just died. I think it's just as valid to point out his death doesn't affect you as it is to claim to be upset. The jokes were probably a bit tasteless (purely in terms of timing, nobody would have given a shit, this time last week) but hey, this forum has always pushed the boundaries of taste.

Yeah, requesting bans and such is over the top. But I think some of the comments made around here last night were in poor taste. Nothing to do with Michael Jackson, it's a general question of respect for human life. As a doctor I'm sure you can appreciate that.
was jusy abnout to start a thread about that ... wondering if we'll all be ignoring Gary's victims in his eulogy?

as far as i know, material was found on glitters computer - where as, what was found in jacksons possesion?

I think the media are scum, rip jackson and just a point. How fecking hard must it be to live and be normal with every cnut under the sun looking at you, having opinions about you not just how you come across but forming opinions based on what they read...

maybe there is proof he was guilty? where is it? all i know is the ppl that said it made a mint...,
Yeah, requesting bans and such is over the top. But I think some of the comments made around here last night were in poor taste. Nothing to do with Michael Jackson, it's a general question of respect for human life. As a doctor I'm sure you can appreciate that.

I do appreciate that but, as Merman pointed out, nobody made that point when we were all having a chuckle about this year's Darwin Awards.

Well, apart from Merman anyway.
On a lighter note, has anybody seen Janet Jackson today? I always suspected they were the same person.
^ good point.

Ahh, well maybe he will be finally be able to get some peace now he has died.

Although something makes me doubt that somehow.
I think the problem with these threads on the caf is that its generally the same boring feckers doing nothing more than poking for a reaction when they know someone will bite..... basically just attention seekers.

Did he abuse those kids? Who knows, Pogue says its hard to find eyewitnesses in those types of cases, well they had eye witnesses both times, and the only time he was tried he was found not guilty, but then its one of those crimes that generally the accusation is enough to tar someone for the rest of their lives.

Looking at the facts he was certainly an easy target for some sort of shake down if thats what it was, and the main questions I'd ask is why parents would be allowing their young teen son to spend nights in the house with a grown man, would any of us do that, never mind if said man was a suspected child abuser? Something about it always just seemed to stink for me.

Like I said before I do feel sorry for him as an individual, his life was incredibly fecked up and he was very damaged from a very young age. His life and well being was basically sold away by his parents when he was a child.
^ good point.

Ahh, well maybe he will be finally be able to get some peace now he has died.

Although something makes me doubt that somehow.

It would take a lot to bother him directly now though. So he may be getting that peace irrespective of whatever anyone else does.
I saw a girl this morning in her mid 20's, pick up a paper at the news kiosk and she looked to be in shock.

A couple of mins later, i saw her on the platform at the station weeping.

Get a fecking grip.

I hate this outpouring of faux grief.
We all grow up in different circumstances. Our childhoods are the keynote of our lives. Some have good ones some have bad ones. Demons that were installed in early life are not easy to shift. First they need to be recognised and some people just can't. They are either lonely souls who are shunned by society because they don't fit in or they turn into tyrants. Some recognise it but do nothing about it because they just do not have the support. Often it is a matter of money as to how capable one is of getting the help needed when life goes off the rails for them. Money can also buy you out of the trouble that your demons get you into.

Clearly Jackson was talented, almost savant. It is a trait of some people with mental problems. But is there a difference between him a say, Gary Glitter? I actually didn't mind Glitters music when it was about. I even saw him put on one the most impressive shows I've ever seen back in the 70's.

Some cynics could contest that the difference is money. Glitter didn't have enough to cover up his sordid penchant.

To me Jackson had enough money and enough of a entourage to have done something about his childhood problems. He could have afforded the best care and advice on the planet. Something that ordinary people do not have access to and so they are left to find their own way. Other stars have managed their childhood demons, why couldn't Jackson?

One must not forget that this man sold millions of records and stood in front of massive audiences across the globe for 30 odd years. Many of his musical offerings preached moral opinions and resonated with millions of fans. So he must have had some sense of how society would perceive certain behaviour towards children.

I remember when his 'World and Children' song beat Pulps 'Common People' to best song in an award show. I was outraged because I personally considered Cocker's song a work of pure genius and for this suck-up-I'm-the-messiah offering from Jackson to be voted best was a complete joke.

Cocker felt the same.

All in all it is a matter of viewpoint. If Jacko rang your bell and made an impact on your life with his music then you may feel that his passing is a total tragedy.

If you are one of those millions of people who have battled against childhood demons all your life and managed to claw something out of it by pure determination and courage alone, you may be less sympathetic of him with all his money.

I liked Gary Glitter's music but I won't mourn him when he is gone.
I saw a girl this morning in her mid 20's, pick up a paper at the news kiosk and she looked to be in shock.

A couple of mins later, i saw her on the platform at the station weeping.

Get a fecking grip.

I hate this outpouring of faux grief.

Sorry but who the feck are you to call a strangers reaction fake?

You have absolutely no idea why it provoked that reaction in her and no place whatsoever to comment on it.

If it doesn't effect you fine but dont try own anyone else reaction.
I saw a girl this morning in her mid 20's, pick up a paper at the news kiosk and she looked to be in shock.

A couple of mins later, i saw her on the platform at the station weeping.

Get a fecking grip.

I hate this outpouring of faux grief.

Music has that affect on people. Just like football does with most of us.
Now that he's dead at least we might actually get to know the truth about this man

you and a few others - where did you get your facts from?

All it really shows is you didn't appriciate the fella. As biased as you think some of us are, your the closed mind opposite

People must surely know how the media works by now, that we really have to THINK before we speak. What if your reaseach is wrong?

The fact is we'll NEVER know the truth

and without people willing to see he could easily be innocent - how unfair would it be for him to be purely remembered as a pervert - when it could be one big fat lie

and before i forget - he said he paid the kid because he couldn't take it anymore and that is believeable. We're different and that level of accusation is a whole lot worse when the world is watching you....

And on the oj point - just because his first case was suspect - it don't mean any of michaels were. Thats just being simple minded

He is gone and his body of work remembered. People that feel need to talk shit, shoudn't as there was NO ABSOLUTE all...

get over it
To me Jackson had enough money and enough of a entourage to have done something about his childhood problems. He could have afforded the best care and advice on the planet. Something that ordinary people do not have access to and so they are left to find their own way. Other stars have managed their childhood demons, why couldn't Jackson?


If you are one of those millions of people who have battled against childhood demons all your life and managed to claw something out of it by pure determination and courage alone, you may be less sympathetic of him with all his money.

Hugely simplistic view of things. One of the most important things someone suffering from mental illness needs is genuine support around him. There is the real possibility that all Jackson had around him were people with a vested interest in keeping him the way he was.

I reserve my judgement on him as a person, but far too many people here think they know the in's and out's of his life, what he did and what he should have done, when in reality they have no idea about the details aside from what they've read in tabloids and gossip columns.
I saw a girl this morning in her mid 20's, pick up a paper at the news kiosk and she looked to be in shock.

A couple of mins later, i saw her on the platform at the station weeping.

Get a fecking grip.

I hate this outpouring of faux grief.

It baffles me too. I remember when Anna Nicole Smith died and it made no sense how the American media spent days covering it.

But I figure it's not my place to judge what type of impact so and so celebrity should have on someone else's life. Maybe Michael Jackson really did mean something to this girl. Maybe one of his songs reminds her of someone she cares about. You never really know.
She was obviously once touched by Michael.

That or maybe she buried her father at the weekend, or maybe a hundred thousand other possibilities.... she obviously missed the memo about checking validity with gaffs before something upsets you.
That or maybe she buried her father at the weekend, or maybe a hundred thousand other possibilities.... she obviously missed the memo about checking validity with gaffs before something upsets you.

A lot of good sense on this thread from Popper.

Doctors confrim Jacko dies of heart attack. Turns out heart diesease traced from his protestant fathers side of the family, known as the "Billy Gene".


I'm sorry I'm sorry, terrible joke to anyone but us Irish
He brought people together from all corners of the world and made the most compelling music ever to be heard. You will sorely be missed but never forgotten. A true musical genius and great inspiration to the world.

Thank you MJ, your music has changed this world for the better.

May you now finally rest in peace.
I'm sorry but there's absolutely no circumstances in which it is acceptable for a fully-grown man to regularly share his bed with children who are not his own. Building a fecking fun-fair in his gaff is just taking the piss. People keep talking about his need to relive his own childhood or only feeling comfortable around kids but that's a fairly standard paedo excuse.

When that same man is clearly incapable/unwilling of having any kind of normal sexual relationship with adults then you don't need to be a forensic psychiatrist to work out that he's a nonce. The lack of evidence needed to prove this in a court of law is neither here nor there.

Talented dude but a seriously creepy individual.
To me Jackson had enough money and enough of a entourage to have done something about his childhood problems. He could have afforded the best care and advice on the planet. Something that ordinary people do not have access to and so they are left to find their own way. Other stars have managed their childhood demons, why couldn't Jackson?

No amount of money can buy you health, either physical or mental.

And I'm no fan of MJ, but to compare him to Gary Glitter is a bit like comparing a Rolls Royce to a Skoda.
I think the problem with these threads on the caf is that its generally the same boring feckers doing nothing more than poking for a reaction when they know someone will bite..... basically just attention seekers.

Did he abuse those kids? Who knows, Pogue says its hard to find eyewitnesses in those types of cases, well they had eye witnesses both times, and the only time he was tried he was found not guilty, but then its one of those crimes that generally the accusation is enough to tar someone for the rest of their lives.

Looking at the facts he was certainly an easy target for some sort of shake down if thats what it was, and the main questions I'd ask is why parents would be allowing their young teen son to spend nights in the house with a grown man, would any of us do that, never mind if said man was a suspected child abuser? Something about it always just seemed to stink for me.

Like I said before I do feel sorry for him as an individual, his life was incredibly fecked up and he was very damaged from a very young age. His life and well being was basically sold away by his parents when he was a child.

That's the word.

He was obviously very, very peculiar. I do think there is a big element of doubt over allegations that he was a child-abuser/paedophile.

We have two or so allegations, how many more children must have stayed around his house in that period?

I think that, in fitting with the criteria of most paedophiles (although i don't discount that he was), there would be a plethora of abuse cases and people ready to come forward. This is America, of course.

And to anybody suspicious of the out of court settlement...

I think it is quite clear that the last court case destroyed any reputation he had left. When statements are released, no matter what the verdict is, there tends to be a large body of people ready to believe them without really assessing the validity of the claims. Defending/upholding a reputation in a media court is nigh on impossible and i should imagine it is even harder for an individual as deeply affected and eccentric as Jacko was.

Did 'they' find anything on his computer?

It's quite clear he doesn't fit the mould of the archetypal paedophile.
I'm sorry but there's absolutely no circumstances in which it is acceptable for a fully-grown man to regularly share his bed with children who are not his own. Building a fecking fun-fair in his gaff is just taking the piss. People keep talking about his need to relive his own childhood or only feeling comfortable around kids but that's a fairly standard paedo excuse.

When that same man is clearly incapable/unwilling of having any kind of normal sexual relationship with adults then you don't need to be a forensic psychiatrist to work out that he's a nonce. The lack of evidence needed to prove this in a court of law is neither here nor there.

Talented dude but a seriously creepy individual.

Ancient Rome/Greece.

Plato said something along the lines of...

The anus of a small boy is a perfect fit for a man's penis.

Father of Western Philosophy that, Christ!
I'm sorry but there's absolutely no circumstances in which it is acceptable for a fully-grown man to regularly share his bed with children who are not his own. Building a fecking fun-fair in his gaff is just taking the piss. People keep talking about his need to relive his own childhood or only feeling comfortable around kids but that's a fairly standard paedo excuse.

When that same man is clearly incapable/unwilling of having any kind of normal sexual relationship with adults then you don't need to be a forensic psychiatrist to work out that he's a nonce. The lack of evidence needed to prove this in a court of law is neither here nor there.

Talented dude but a seriously creepy individual.

For some reason the parents of the child involved in the second case against him, seemed to think it was fine...

I just dont think its as clear cut as people make out Pogue.