Music Michael Jackson is Dead (All general comment)

The ONE fecking year I don't do a death pool... the person I ALWAYS put on my death pool list goes and crokes!!! typical!

I liked everything up to Off The Wall, bits of Thriller and BAD. The Jackson 5 stuff was great.

He deserves all the bad shit that people are saying about him. I'm just sad that he never went to jail and got what he had coming to him.
One can bet Sir Paul McCartney is going to go after the Beatles catalogue once it goes up for sale.
I thought Wacks already cashed those chips in...?
He had sold 50% to Sony/ATV Music Publishing. The Mirror published an article in January that stated that Michael Jackson had left the Beatles catalog to Paul McCartney in his will.
Sorry for not finding child abuse jokes funny, because ultimately that is what it has boiled down to.

I think he was referring to your first post in this thread, in which you called those making light of/talking down Michael Jackson 'cretins', despite doing just that yourself about Jade Goody when she died.
No modern dance routines would excist without him. His performance at Mowtown 25 is still the greatest individual live performance of all time (even though it was mimed, which is saying something)

He also, rather bizarrely, had a great impact on race relations in american music and culture

Don't like the man, but his legacy is great and will last a long long time

Can't say that I much agree with that bolded part, but the rest, I agree with.

I still recall vividly watching his electrifying Motown performance. A monumental moment in modern music history.
I think he was referring to your first post in this thread, in which you called those making light of/talking down Michael Jackson 'cretins', despite doing just that yourself about Jade Goody when she died.
Elvis wasn't even alive when the deceased was in his musical prime so what would he know about 'touching billions'. He was a damn paedophile but because of his money and influence he escaped punishment.

All Jade Goody ever did wrong was be ignorant.
I never change my Facebook status, tonight is no exception.

Uri Gellar should be brought up on perverting the course of justice charges for not coming forward with his evidence for Jackson's innocence before now.
Facebook as ever is full of bandwagon jumpers so it's to be expected. Everyone wants to be heard.
I think he was referring to your first post in this thread, in which you called those making light of/talking down Michael Jackson 'cretins', despite doing just that yourself about Jade Goody when she died.

No, see, I didn't. What I was referring to, was those who a) State as fact that Jackson was a peadophile and b) Making jokes about child abuse.

If people could learn to read properly and not misinterpret things I say, I wouldn't have had so many people jumping on my back in this thread.

Anyway, I've said what I've had to say, if people want to continue making up shit, then let them.
Elvis wasn't even alive when the deceased was in his musical prime so what would he know about 'touching billions'. He was a damn paedophile but because of his money and influence he escaped punishment.

All Jade Goody ever did wrong was be ignorant.

I wasn't alive when Hitler tried to take over Europe, but I know about the effect that had.

What a stupid fecking argument.
What evidence is this?

In one of his many interviews this evening, he said that he once hypnotised Michael Jackson in order to get him to stop eating a certain food that he no longer wanted to eat and whilst he was hypnotised, he said that he asked him if he ever touched children inappropriately and he immediately replied 'no.'

So that's cleared that up then.
I wasn't alive when Hitler tried to take over Europe, but I know about the effect that had.

What a stupid fecking argument.

How do you know what effect that had? You know one persons' perspective, one side of the argument and one side of historical recollection. Do you know how the average German felt about Hitler?

You're a moron if you want to champion a peadophile. A simple moron.
I wasn't alive when Hitler tried to take over Europe, but I know about the effect that had.

What a stupid fecking argument.

Hitler's reputation was forged in years after his death.

The force and extent of 'Naziism' really wasn't understood or comprehended until, and after, the Nuremberg trials. Classic case of the victors writing history (not that i'm denying...).
In one of his many interviews this evening, he said that he once hypnotised Michael Jackson in order to get him to stop eating a certain food that he no longer wanted to eat and whilst he was hypnotised, he said that he asked him if he ever touched children inappropriately and he immediately replied 'no.'

So that's cleared that up then.

:lol:...Just reading that made me laugh...Uri Gelller is amazing
I guess he got enough. I wonder how it happened. Did he see Ghosts and get scared? Was there Blood On the Dance Floor? Is he on Morphine? That's a Heartbreaker if it happens to someone so seemingly Unbreakable. I'm sure some people are Speachless. Whatever Happens, Don't Walk Away and Cry for the Lost Children. They can always try and bring him back with 2000 Watts of electricity. Whatever happens, just Keep the Faith. Death is part of Human Nature, but such an icon would be a sad end so much HIStory.
How do you know what effect that had? You know one persons' perspective, one side of the argument and one side of historical recollection. Do you know how the average German felt about Hitler?

You're a moron if you want to champion a peadophile. A simple moron.

Right, so you know with 100% certainty that he was a peadophile then?
In one of his many interviews this evening, he said that he once hypnotised Michael Jackson in order to get him to stop eating a certain food that he no longer wanted to eat and whilst he was hypnotised, he said that he asked him if he ever touched children inappropriately and he immediately replied 'no.'

So that's cleared that up then.

What he sees as 'appropriate' (not 'inappropriate') may be 'inappropriate' to the wider world.
How do you know what effect that had? You know one persons' perspective, one side of the argument and one side of historical recollection. Do you know how the average German felt about Hitler?

You're a moron if you want to champion a peadophile. A simple moron.

Hitler's reputation was forged in years after his death.

The force and extent of 'Naziism' really wasn't felt until, and after, the Nuremberg trials. Classic case of the victors writing history (not that i'm denying...).

Exactly, he would only ever know somebody else's perspective just like all of us who didn't live during that era.
Right, so you know with 100% certainty that he was a peadophile then?

Elvis, don't bother because no matter what you try to say you're never gonna be right in the eyes of these idiots.

There's mourners, and then there's people who want to shove the idea of him being a peado / we shouldnt mourn the death of a celebrity... there's no grey area, so ignore it mate.
What was a grown man doing with children in his bed?

That's the thing though, whilst physically he was a grown man, mentally he wasn't. Whilst it's something I don't condone, I don't believe he molested any of the children who claimed he did.

If you believe differently then fine, but don't call me a stupid fecking moron for having a different opinion than yourself.
I don't think that anyone attempting to argue whether Jacko was/wasn't innocent really should be.

You just don't know. The context is very important.

What i will say, and do believe, is that there isn't that much smoke without some fire. To quantify the extent of that fire isn't advisable as logical arguments can be made for and against.

He was clearly a troubled man. This doesn't make him sub-human. The furore in which he lived his later life is irrelevant and now that he is dead he will leave some great music that makes the lives of future beings that much easier to live. I'm not excusing it at all but Plato was also a paedophile (by today's standards)... who actually fecked young boys... with probably a similar justification/ignorance to that which Jacko exercised (although i'm not sure about the extent to which the latter was 'predatory'). Michael Jackson was clearly an extremely troubled individual.

Let's not cry over spilt milk.
What was a grown man doing with children in his bed?

There's no doubting that he was a very strange man. My bet is that he was very confused. He didn't understand that acting like that with children was socially unacceptable - this can be seen by his openess to it in the documentary. If he was abusing those children, do you really think he would have invited cameras into his house, telling them of how he lets them sleep in the same bed?
Gotta say, some of you are being extremely cnutish for the sake of it... and no, it doesn't make you seem cool.

I don't know whether the fella was guilty as accused or not, but the fact that I don't know is what defines my opinion. It's a pity the aquittal wasn't enough to clear him but lets be honest, shit like that sticks regardless.

MJ, Musical legend, and cautionary tale. RIP.
There's no doubting that he was a very strange man. My bet is that he was very confused. He didn't understand that acting like that with children was socially unacceptable - this can be seen by his openess to it in the documentary. If he was abusing those children, do you really think he would have invited cameras into his house, telling them of how he lets them sleep in the same bed?
You can't tell me that he was both irrational and then ask me why he would do something irrational in the same paragraph - that's not going to work.
To the people old enough to remember Elvis' death (not the caf one), what was the fallout like from that? Do you think Jackson's will be bigger? Or even already has started to be?
I've not called you a moron because of that - I've said it because of the ridiculous contrast in the way you've commented on the deaths of people. If you're going to argue that Jackson wasn't fully there in the head then you could proabably do the same for Goody, so why did she deserve the reaction you gave her?

People seem to have misinterpreted what i have said and what I actually meant with regards to Jade Goody. Did I hate her? No. What I hated was the way the media portrayed her when she contracted cancer, and the way they portrayed her prior to that. That is what annoyed me, not particularly Jade Goody herself.

Jackson was a musical genius and a troubled human being (As is often the case with 'geniuses'). A man who was a child mentally and, because of some very greedy and sick individuals, had his career and his life tainted irreperably.
You can't tell me that he was both irrational and then ask me if he would do something irrational in the same paragraph - that's not going to work.

He had a skin colour change (who the feck do you know that has one of these? - he hardly made them fashionable either) and an array of plastic surgery operations.

That is clear.
Create a 16 page long to mourn the death of a celebrity? Do you even know the name of one man from your state or your town who gave his life for your country?

Unlucky, you tried to delete it for the sake of? Exactly, useless comment, which seems to be the general term with 95% of the people who are coming out of the bushes to diss us who are mourning the death of Michael Jackson.

And for the record, i've lost friends, family, and a grandfather, as well as has a turbulant and mostly fatherless childhood because of their devotion to represent our nation overseas in conflict... so shall we dig deeper or are you done trying to get my life story?

Edit: Ole_Gunnar said this by the way, ironic he's talking about contrasting of deaths
I also think the thread should be separated... leave the mourners be and open a thread for the twats, I mean non-mourners ;)
To the people old enough to remember Elvis' death (not the caf one), what was the fallout like from that? Do you think Jackson's will be bigger? Or even already has started to be?

THe thread on RedCafe was even bigger