Sweet Square
I slightly defended Kojima before the game came out mainly because MGS has always been a bit silly with it's character(I'm pretty in one part in MG2 you have to play as a naked man) but the Quiet stuff is just really sad because she's easily the most interesting character(Maybe Miller as well) in the game.The outfit(Well the lack of one) just kills certain parts of the game. Take the whole rolling ran in the rain thing(Which is ridiculous)it could of been something really odd and surreal like a scene from a Lynch movie had Quiet had been wearing normal clothes(like the XOF outfit) but instead you get a scene from a porno. The stuff in the ACC is as you said like a cat in heat and easily one of the least sexist things I've seen.Agree with this, Quiet's a great character, really enjoyed her backstory but her default outfit is embarrassing and the fact she acts like a cat in heat in the ACC was also ridiculous. Suppose it's the closest I'll get to a private lap dance from Stefanie Joosten though!
Thankfully they added the XOF outfit. And the Sniper Wolf outfit, although that one looks like bad cosplay.
Also(Although I was surprised by this) Kojima is in his 50's now so he's not some young guy who's got too excited because he has a pair of breasts in his game and gone overboard(Still that's not much of excuse but better than one given in the game)he's an actual grown man.