Because they prefer a serial winner. What’s that saying — hard work beats talent when talents doesn’t work hard enough? Something like that. And it summarizes Cristiano vs. Messi when comparing the 2 (not anyone else). And to state the obvious again, not to say Messi doesn’t work hard. But this is specifically when comparing the 2. And it’s Ronnie without a doubt. His work ethic and consistency is untouchable.
Like imo, Messi is the better all arounder talented footballer. It’s cool and all but often times it’s not enough as he doesn’t put it together when it matters most. Ronaldo on the other hand? He doesn’t do as many things that he used to in the past (people forget how dynamic he was in his United/early RM days and it’s quite sad) because he’s become efficient and has specialized in what makes him most effective better than any other footballer. Not saying that 1 is better/worse than the other because both are so so amazing. It’s just that when you put the chips in the middle and stack them both against each other, Ronnie’s clutch gene is better and it’s undeniable. It’s the cherry on top for not only me, but the new generation of footballers. However I’m certain there’s others (like Greenwood) who prefer Messi because he has all the tools in the tool kit. … personally, I don’t really care about the amount of tools (or lack of) specifically when comparing the 2. The difference maker is who shows up with their tools when it matters most. Again, that’s Cristiano.
as well as mentality which I haven’t really touched on either. It’s funny to think how misconceived Ronnie was only a few years ago, that people/media span it as if he was some piss poor teammate. Turns out that’s a lot more-so Messi (when comparing the 2!) than him and it’s well known now in the footballing universe. I get that not everyone is or has to be a vocal leader to lead (which Messi doesn’t do nearly as much to the extent as CR7); if not that, then it’s by play and body language. And boy when the tough gets going, Messi slouches around, head down, walking with not a single care in the world, with honestly quite shocking body language for someone as talented as he is. Whereas Ronnie, not only vocally is he making a difference with his teammates but his demeanour never lets down. How inspiring is that when your best player that everyone looks to in the biggest moment is optimistic and never giving up? So it’s honestly not all that surprising when considering that, why Messi more often has disappeared in the biggest stages/moments/spotlight/whatever you want to call it than Ronaldo. Goes back to that whole talent-hard work thing…behaviour and mannerisms don’t go unnoticed either and clearly it’s had an impact to their legacies and lasting images in the eyes of footballing fans.
& in my opinion (plus a whole lot of others), it’s why the balance is tipped in favour of one/CR7 over the other/Messi. Like I said before it’s not really a huge deal but it’s the icing on top. That’s why Ronnie earns the nod. In the biggest stage, everyone knows he’ll show up and won’t go down without a fight — same can’t be said for Lionel. He’s like the Tom Brady or Kobe Bryant/MJ of football. May not be as all around talented as another player that’s in their league and close enough to be a compared to (like Peyton Manning or Lebron). But everyone knows those players never-say-die effort, thus always being reliable on to show up when the stakes are raised the highest is what propels then above their competitors.