Memphis Depay | Corinthians player

People getting angry at him for releasing music are utter pr*cks. Get a life.

I don’t like his music, but he’s got a passion, so good for him.
Can’t play football forever.

I'd be very surprised if his music is going to finance all that much, especially not his current lifestyle.

Just find his entire character a bit weird, his whole "lion" fascination, the young king, but showing up for a reserves match (as a punishment after a poor performance) in a flashy leather jacket, cowboy hat and a RR even after being advised to keep a low profile.
As long as he's on form when playing for our national team, he can release as many shite songs as he wants.

No way Im listening to it without being held at gun point though.
I'd be very surprised if his music is going to finance all that much, especially not his current lifestyle.

Just find his entire character a bit weird, his whole "lion" fascination, the young king, but showing up for a reserves match (as a punishment after a poor performance) in a flashy leather jacket, cowboy hat and a RR even after being advised to keep a low profile.
There are many things he can do in the music industry besides making music. Don’t get me wrong, I think he acts like a bellend but he’s obviously an attention seeker and it appears to be working. I wonder if he’s still dating Steve Harvey’s daughter. If he got hitched to her, his ties to Harvey could be good for a non-footballing career.
There are many things he can do in the music industry besides making music. Don’t get me wrong, I think he acts like a bellend but he’s obviously an attention seeker and it appears to be working. I wonder if he’s still dating Steve Harvey’s daughter. If he got hitched to her, his ties to Harvey could be good for a non-footballing career.
There are many things he can do in the music industry besides making music. Don’t get me wrong, I think he acts like a bellend but he’s obviously an attention seeker and it appears to be working. I wonder if he’s still dating Steve Harvey’s daughter. If he got hitched to her, his ties to Harvey could be good for a non-footballing career.

It's working because he's an extremely well paid professional footballer.
I reckon if there are football players that have a talent in music and decide to make proper songs to showcase their voice/musical skills, people will appreciate it.

But most don't. They use auto tune, cliche edgy lyrics and bought the instrumental from other artists. This is the kind of quality you expect from a 15 y.o teenager who does mixtape and beatboxing on his skype headset before uploading it to soundcloud where his creation gets unnoticed.
He just comes across as a massive narcist, the music, football, fashion is just a means to full his need for attention. Which is a reason I find him hard to like.
These days you can be an average footballer with a superstars lifestyle.
For some reason I find his face far less annoying in that music video than normal. Maybe its a good fit for him and its his true calling. I mean I am sure I would find Drake on a football pitch weird as feck and annoying to look at too.
I reckon if there are football players that have a talent in music and decide to make proper songs to showcase their voice/musical skills, people will appreciate it.

But most don't. They use auto tune, cliche edgy lyrics and bought the instrumental from other artists. This is the kind of quality you expect from a 15 y.o teenager who does mixtape and beatboxing on his skype headset before uploading it to soundcloud where his creation gets unnoticed.
If Post Malone can do it why not Memphis
I've seen worse.

If you listen to the lyrics and and all, it's so much better than all this other stuff I've heard singing about drugs, violence against women and being a thug without hard work. I don't like this genre but if I had to choose between my kid following either Memphis or JLingz it's an easy choice. Much rather something like this than filming underage boys dry humping pillows.

Massive pretender this guy. His music is just as bad as his football.

What's he pretending to do? Even a nobody can film a music video and put it on YouTube. You don't have to be good at something to enjoy doing it. He just has more money than you to up the production values. And more followers than you to eat it up even if it's not great.

I can still say it's shit, right ? I hope it doesn't make me a hater.

Absolutely. I hate the auto tune nonsense.

He just comes across as a massive narcist, the music, football, fashion is just a means to full his need for attention. Which is a reason I find him hard to like.

Where do you live? The world, NYC especially for instance, is full of people far worse than your portraying Memphis to be.

This auto-tune era has ruined the music business.

Yeah. It really has. Does it bother anyone else on a physical level? It almost hurts my ears like tiniitis or something.
If you listen to the lyrics and and all, it's so much better than all this other stuff I've heard singing about drugs, violence against women and being a thug without hard work. I don't like this genre but if I had to choose between my kid following either Memphis or JLingz it's an easy choice. Much rather something like this than filming underage boys dry humping pillows.

What's he pretending to do? Even a nobody can film a music video and put it on YouTube. You don't have to be good at something to enjoy doing it. He just has more money than you to up the production values. And more followers than you to eat it up even if it's not great.

Absolutely. I hate the auto tune nonsense.

Where do you live? The world, NYC especially for instance, is full of people far worse than your portraying Memphis to be.

Yeah. It really has. Does it bother anyone else on a physical level? It almost hurts my ears like tiniitis or something
It annoys me a lot. Singing, rapping or whatever is supposed to be an art from and here you have morons auto tuning the shit out of their voices. I don't understand it how people can appreciate entire songs made in autotune, I can bear a few seconds here and there
He sings, so what? What's the difference between singing and having another type of business/passion when you're a football player?
If this bothers you it means you don't really get the world we live in. How can you hate a guy for having a different business than being a football player. That's plain crazy.
Love how if you critique the song you're out touch, dont like rap and hate young people having hobbies outside of their work.

That's one of the worst rap/hip hop songs over heard and I like the genre. The guy is having fun but it's like watching Chris Hoy drive a Nissan GTR at goodwood, i.e. poor.
What I don't understand is people are being criticized for voicing a negative opinion about his songs. He puts this shite on Instagram in order for people to see and judge it right? Take the likes and the dislikes on the chin. No one is forcing us to watch it in the same way that no one is forcing him to post it.
Where would he play? How would his attitude and mindset adjust to being in the spotlight again? Nowhere to hide at United and in the PL. At least he can't do a headed backwards pass at Stoke on a cold, windy day which went 1 yard and led to a Stoke goal in his own box.