Matteo Darmian image 36

Matteo Darmian Italy flag

2017-18 Performances

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5.3 Season Average Rating
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Yellow cards
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He just got 90 fecking minutes tonight, thats fecking insane. Nevermind players we have on loans, i would swap him with a kid he was holding at start.
Thought he defended okay, but when we had the ball, he spent the entire time pointing at other players to receive the ball when he was either in a good position or had space that he refused to run in to.

Valencia needed a rest though as he plays a lot of games, so no real complaints, but he is so lacklustre to watch.
:lol: the hate here, poor guy. Had a good game tonight, actually got forward a bit as well, which was surprising.

Juventus will pick him up and he'll carry on with his career.
He’s decent but nothing more. His acceleration is ridiculously bad though. Whenever any player runs at him they will easily accelerate past. He often catches up as he has good top speed and knows how to tackle, but he makes it far too easy for them on the outside.
Those who are saying he had a good game must have a rock bottom expectations for him.
As bad as Valencia has been going forward lately, he looks like Marcelo compared to Darmian going forward.

No complaints defensively from him, but he is incompetent going forward as harsh as that sounds.
Didn't see much difference from Valencia to be honest. Solid for Darmian's level.
Has barely played lads jesus. confidence is probably on the floor. This guy is a reasonable player for a defensive outfit. Hoping he can show it after his next move.
He is an awful player, Fabio might be better than him let alone Rafael, and both of them are erratic flakes.
I wasn't overly impressed but generally he was ok. Not an easy situation, having been left out for so long.
He's not that bad tbh. Like not great, but upper mid table level. He does ok in the vast majority of games whether he plays right back or left back, decent at the back and makes decent runs going forward (not the best final ball though). His biggest use is his versatility on either side and being solid all around. Obviously has had confidence issues from the start at United, but he'll be a decent player wherever he goes. Nothing spectacular, but solid.
Think he is a very capable defender actually but not the modern fullback we thought we bought. Pretty mediocre all things considered, but it has to be mentioned that he is better at defending than a lot of right backs currently.
Looked way off the pace understandably, was sucking wind with 20 minutes to go as usual and Rashford basically had to defend for him.

Did better than i expected though, in that i expected him to be his usual non entity going forward and gift the opposition at least one goal. So by those very low standards he was sort of ok i guess. No idea how low others standards for him are if they think he actually had a good game.

Hopefully thats his last game for United though. Best for all parties that he leaves.
Would rather play someone from academy than waste any time on Darmian.

Absolutely pointless player. He looks like a boy playing with men.
I actually think he did well last night. There was no drop in quality from having Valencia there at all, which considering he barely plays just highlights the obvious need for new fullbacks in the summer.
For what it's worth he was better than Shaw, I just wish he could have found someone with his two crosses in the box.
Good defender just cant attack. Shame because I like him

Was he ? Thought our right flank was exposed multiple times especially during first half but Bournemouth just lacked enough quality to exploit it.

Pointless on both sides of the pitch for me.
He isn't a good defender though. He is so shit at attacking and people have such low expectations for him that they act like he is good at defending when he is average at best. He is slow as feck and is terrible off the mark getting skinned consistently by wingers. The amount of shit Blind gets for being slow, at least Blind is smart enough of a footballer to counteract his weakness. Darmian is just shit. He is weak as feck and embarrassingly timid. He is bang average at defending if even that, and his on the ball ability simply doesn't even exist.

If he manages to get through a game without directly costing a goal people say he was decent or good. Which sums up how shit he is and how low expectations are. Stick Riley, Demi or O'Connor out there any day of the week.
Don't know why people are complaining about him. He was brought in to do a job after a couple of months without football and he did fine. De Gea even gave him a few pats on the back for dealing with awkward situations in his box. I would even prefer Darmian at LB as said to Ashley Young, at least the Italian can defend and has much more positioning sense
Yeah the guy just isn't very good. Constantly out of position last night and was covered well by Herrera. Probably one that needs to be shipped out in the summer.
Darmian was at best AVERAGE if not poor on Wed. He never ventured forward because he was afraid of losing his marker, then even if he does run forward, his cross is never good. He ran like a turtle and was simply incapable of marking pacy winger. Neville was never fast but he could offer good if not excellent delivery service, so if Darmian cannot overlap support, cannot contain pacy winger, then what can he offer?
That boy cant be Italian, because he sure doesnt defend like one and his beard is an embarrassment to the club.
His lack of pace just puts pure fear in him leaving man in space behind

He is actually a pretty good 1v1 defender I think. Not the type of full back we need as we tend to dominate games
At this point he is just an extra body. It's like playing with 10 men on the pitch when he's there. You can't defend and you can't attack. Why are you playing football? From the moment he got destroyed by Sanchez in that disastrous 3-0 game in October 2015 I knew he was not the right solution for us.
Man Utd 2:1 Tottenham
Got very nervy when i seen him coming on, luckily he was ok apart from 1 or 2 wild clearances. He really needs to work on that.
This forum likes to paint him as a bomb scare but he's always been a competent defender. I felt good about him coming on for Valencia who looked a bit ropey at times.
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