Mass Shooting in Christchurch, NZ Mosque | 14th March 2019


incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
Brave post. Like a child joining a group of bullies in the schoolyard.
Them being bullies would mean that I actually did care about their adolescent attempts at discussion.

I've posted all the numbers for economic, demographic and criminal effects divided by ethnicity for Norway. If someone finds material that proves me wrong then I will conced defeat.

That some waster who never had the dedication or abilities to educate himself and get a job which meant he could live a good life and provide for himself and his really doesn't bother me. Easier to skip through life and then hate some on those who had some dedication and put the effort in.

MJJ I hardly ever notice. Luckily there are probably frequent power outages where he is from, so he isn't around so often.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
Mhm, I didn't notice anyone of white knights in the thread where me and villain discussed sustainable immigration and I backed up every single one of my points with numbers from SSB (statistics bureau of Norway). Their findings is literal walkover for mye side of the argument.

But again, "the feelz" and the "compasshun" is more interesting when it comes to things like social economics, demography etc.
yeah, what kind of loser has feelings


incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
yeah, what kind of loser has feelings
No one, that would make you a psychopath.

But surely you can understand that something with the economic, demographic and sadly also safety related issues that uncritical mass immigration leads to must be considered with other things in mind?

Then again you advocate for "open borders" and has claimed "borders to be racist". That isn't even a political standpoint, it is something which NHS professionals should look into.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
No one, that would make you a psychopath.

But surely you can understand that something with the economic, demographic and sadly also safety related issues that uncritical mass immigration leads to must be considered with other things in mind?

Then again you advocate for "open borders" and has claimed "borders to be racist". That isn't even a political standpoint, it is something which NHS professionals should look into.
I'm agreeing with you man, just being very normal like you, why would anyone ever advocate any policy that might make them even 1% poorer


Full Member
Jul 7, 2013
4chan has been mean spirited since as long as I can remember
Anonymity is what makes people mean spirited, well that and lack of rules, but hes right, it used to be more about memes and jokes and crowdsourcing detective work in outing and locating pedophiles. Politics killed it.
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incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
why would anyone ever advocate any policy that might make them even 1% poorer
I would like numbers and stats for that statement. The official Norwegian numbers by the panel appointed by the govt. categorically claims that our welfare state will not be sustainable from 2025 onwards with current grade of employment amongst immigrants from certain parts of the world, combined with the money used to housing\welfare\vocational training\children support (it's govt. based in Norway) etc.

But sure, if Silva of the interwebs knows better than the panel put together of our best and impartial statisticians who got this as a profession, who am I to argue?

Edit: last post in here now. Take it elsewhere and tag me if you would like to continue (and if you have actual stats and numbers and realistic solutions).


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
No one, that would make you a psychopath.

But surely you can understand that something with the economic, demographic and sadly also safety related issues that uncritical mass immigration leads to must be considered with other things in mind?

Then again you advocate for "open borders" and has claimed "borders to be racist". That isn't even a political standpoint, it is something which NHS professionals should look into.
Of all threads to choose you take the one about a guy who literally crossed an ocean to commit a terrorist attack to raise your BS border point. Talk about mental health issues that need sorting out, ey?


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
I would like numbers and stats for that statement. The official Norwegian numbers by the panel appointed by the govt. categorically claims that our welfare state will not be sustainable from 2025 onwards with current grade of employment amongst immigrants from certain parts of the world, combined with the money used to housing\welfare\vocational training\children support (it's govt. based in Norway) etc.

But sure, if Silva of the interwebs knows better than the panel put together of our best and impartial statisticians who got this as a profession, who am I to argue?
won't someone think of the norweigan government, the real victims of the world


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
I think everyone should watch the footage of the shooting and I'd very much question the motive of those saying to avoid it.

This is where the right wing rabbit hold leads folks. The dehumanisation of the other goes precisely to this place. Watch it. Spread it. Show everyone where this leads.
I think I agree with this. I haven't watched it (yet) but I think confronting people with the brutal, vicious reality of this stuff might do more to wake people up than pointless wankery like "Don't say his name/don't show his face".

I read that the first guy he saw said "Hello brother" before being killed. I think the message of that and seeing that alone would change how so many people view the world.


New Member
Sep 2, 2009
Of all threads to choose you take the one about a guy who literally crossed an ocean to commit a terrorist attack to raise your BS border point. Talk about mental health issues that need sorting out, ey?
He is also imagining people making posts about grooming gangs but like I said its hard to take the racist blinkers off.


incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
It's no surprise @SwansonsTache has got nothing to say about the incident this thread is actually about.
What do you expect me to say? I hadn't even opened the thread before I got tagged here for some reason. I haven't read a single piece of news all day, I am slaving on Citrix RD.


Full Member
Jun 15, 2009
I can't remember why I joined this war.
Mhm, I didn't notice anyone of white knights in the thread where me and villain discussed sustainable immigration and I backed up every single one of my points with numbers from SSB (statistics bureau of Norway). Their findings is literal walkover for mye side of the argument.

But again, "the feelz" and the "compasshun" is more interesting when it comes to things like social economics, demography etc.
Strategy one - deflection: to a topic loosely related to the topic at hand and say "what about X.." This way you opponent won't be immediately able to refute what you said.
Strategy two - mock the opposition: so they will hopefully lose their cool and respond with ad hominem attack after which you can claim to have won the debate.
Nov 5, 2012
Learn me a booke
I think I agree with this. I haven't watched it (yet) but I think confronting people with the brutal, vicious reality of this stuff might do more to wake people up than pointless wankery like "Don't say his name/don't show his face".

I read that the first guy he saw said "Hello brother" before being killed. I think the message of that and seeing that alone would change how so many people view the world.
The problem is if you watch too much you become insensitive to it. I've seen too many of these, and I have to admit I am shocked by my own inability to be shocked by it anymore, even if I know what a horrible thing I'm seeing.

But yes, it's true. The first person he sees at the entrance greets him like a friend, only to get gunned down a second later. Crazy.


New Member
Sep 2, 2009
What do you expect me to say? I hadn't even opened the thread before I got tagged here for some reason. I haven't read a single piece of news all day, I am slaving on Citrix RD.
Surprised you and the rest of the brigade didn't mention the Norwegian and Danish girl raped and beheaded. Can't even remember a thread for it around here actually. Meanwhile the thread about some immigrant kid getting harassed at school in England had multiple pages.

Not surprised that you consequently chose to use the term "getting fecked" about the victims of the grooming gangs in England either. We call it sexually abused here in the civilized parts of the world. But it was probably some sly way for you to show a little more disrespect towards the kuffar victims.


incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
Strategy three: ignore that budgetary decissions and border control actually must be based on viable numbers and prognosis. Then point out that people who mention just that are the horrid ones.

God, it must be amazing to always be on the moral victory team.


Watches other men wank.Supports Real.Coincidence?
Feb 11, 2009
None of your fecking business
Real Madrid
What a sick fecking coward. How brave to gun down innocent civilians like that. Truly a hopeless world we live in.

RIP to all the victims.


incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
Today at 17:23 - Borden tags me

52 minutes ago - I reply since I understood from Borden' post that I was being discussed further up.

Anything else?


I’m afraid I just blue myself
Sep 18, 2008
Today at 17:23 - Borden tags me

52 minutes ago - I reply since I understood from Borden' post that I was being discussed further up.

Anything else?
Give it a fecking rest.

People have died. Go feck off with your agenda.


incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
Give it a fecking rest.

People have died. Go feck off with your agenda.
I had no wish of discussing in here. If people don't want my participation then do not tag me in the thread and initatiate the discussion.

And the post you quoted there was a false claim, that the usual bandwagon high-fived themselves over. That it was totally wrong didn't have any meaning.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
I had no wish of discussing in here. If people don't want my participation then do not tag me in the thread and initatiate the discussion.

And the post you quoted there was a false claim, that the usual bandwagon high-fived themselves over. That it was totally wrong didn't have any meaning.
You could just ignore the tag you know.i mean Jesus Christ, this is an internet forum, you don't have to have the last word...

Failing that, as many people have died in what is a awful, inhumane tragedy, you could just make a comment on that and move on.


We got another woman hater here.
Jul 18, 2002
Viva Karius!
So I've been walking around today thinking about this. Went to pray at a mosque ( in congregation). While walking out saw two policemen asking the imam how many people congregate regularly and taking notes. It was the first time I was getting the sense of being genuine victims of hatred as opposed to associated instigators.

Could it be the alt-right are actually hurting the cause/sympathy that was being built up? All they're doing is inadvertently educating people that extremists really do exist outside of any religion or race. That can't help the cause of extremist media and groups like Fox, Edl, etc.

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
I had no wish of discussing in here. If people don't want my participation then do not tag me in the thread and initatiate the discussion.

And the post you quoted there was a false claim, that the usual bandwagon high-fived themselves over. That it was totally wrong didn't have any meaning.
I don’t know the context of the resentment against you, but does it not upset you that these events happened? Pashtun(?) Muslims in New Zealand aren’t even remotely like the mass immigration of middle eastern and north africans in europe where there is a notable cultural tension. They were such a small population and were all peaceful.


Full Member
May 20, 2001
I think I agree with this. I haven't watched it (yet) but I think confronting people with the brutal, vicious reality of this stuff might do more to wake people up than pointless wankery like "Don't say his name/don't show his face".

I read that the first guy he saw said "Hello brother" before being killed. I think the message of that and seeing that alone would change how so many people view the world.
Nah. You don't need to watch a snuff video to understand that murder is wrong.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
So I've been walking around today thinking about this. Went to pray at a mosque ( in congregation). While walking out saw two policemen asking the imam how many people congregate regularly and taking notes. It was the first time I was getting the sense of being genuine victims of hatred as opposed to associated instigators.

Could it be the alt-right are actually hurting the cause/sympathy that was being built up? All they're doing is inadvertently educating people that extremists really do exist outside of any religion or race. That can't help the cause of extremist media and groups like Fox, Edl, etc.
Hello Dumpy, good to see you're still kicking about. It's a mess, keep your head down and your eyes open when you're going to mosque.


Full Member
May 20, 2001
Wow, such terrible news. This is why we shouldn’t give those who speak about hate a platform. Having watched the video, the part that really got me was when the first victim said hello brother and he was gun downed. I can’t believe there are people like this who exists. Hopefully, the victims families gets more than just thought and prayers.
The irony of saying we shouldn't give hate a platform then straight away that you watched the video. If you really don't want to give hate a platform, then don't provide an audience.


Honorary Straw Hat
Jan 10, 2011
Surprised you and the rest of the brigade didn't mention the Norwegian and Danish girl raped and beheaded. Can't even remember a thread for it around here actually. Meanwhile the thread about some immigrant kid getting harassed at school in England had multiple pages.

Not surprised that you consequently chose to use the term "getting fecked" about the victims of the grooming gangs in England either. We call it sexually abused here in the civilized parts of the world. But it was probably some sly way for you to show a little more disrespect towards the kuffar victims.
Oh wow, what a racist.


Full Member
May 20, 2001
I agree with that. Watching these things is sickening but, perhaps somehow paradoxically, I think it raises my humanity and empathy. The last time I saw something extremely violent (it was a video of narcos torturing and killing, but the worst they have ever done) I didn't manage to sleep for some good 5 or 6 hours, felt sick for days, nearly created a thread here about it. I had seen plenty, but that was the last straw, the worst of the worst, and I'm convinced worst evil than that I'll never see, only equal. However, the consequence of that, is that every time I see something in the news relating a similar event, I feel more revolted than I used to, and I don't think that is a bad thing at all.

Another example was a car crash I witnessed when I was 19. I saw two colleagues die (not even an immediate death, which made it far far worse), completely helpless to do something about it, but what that did was change my stance about driving and safety for the rest of my life. I'm not fundamentalist about many things, but safe driving is one of them, and to this day, even a three-line non-descriptive bit of news about a death on the road makes me feel worse than I should. As much as one would be led to think "I wish I hadn't seen that", I do think it made me get a more complete view of reality, and I desire that.

I want to watch the video of this incidence. I won't do it now, will give it some distance, a few weeks, but it's something I feel almost obliged to do, as much as it costs.

That said, there are people who get off on watching these things, they literally masturbate to it. Sick sick world. And it's right here in the palm of our hands to explore. Haunting.
No disrespect intended but what have you actually done as a result of consuming these videos, to try to reduce the likelihood of it happening? I mean it's great these videos make you feel bad and everything but if that's all they are doing what is the point? Again I'm not trying to be dismissive but it seems a very weak reason for providing this stuff with an audience.
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