Mount will be an issue. If you play like City, then he would be fine. We dont. Stick Mount in midfield, and he would not be as good as you hope. He is too lightweight and not press resistant enough, compared to someone like FdJ. This is the type of player we need, not another player running around a lot but with no positional sense for a central midfielder and with no real playmaking skills (i.e. metronome and dictating tempo). He would be better than Eriksen, but we need someone behind Bruno and next to Casemiro with the magic touch. We basically/ideally need the closest thing to a prime Modric. Mount is not that, and it will show. He will just be another squad player that we overpaid for, and that we dont get full use of. We will have discussion on here wher ehe should play and next to whom, and what his best position is etc, without him performing as we all hope. He is not an 8.