Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Excellent statement from Arnold, perfect response and shows the club acted with due diligence throughout.

Also highlights that they deem MG to be innocent of the acts from the information they had.

Interesting to note as well that Arnold seemed to be the one making the final decision which highlights how the Glazers seem to be taking a more hands off approach now.
City kept Mendy throughout the length of his contract as well. It might not be easy to get rid of football players under contract when criminality cannot be established. Is there an expert on this subject here?
Not much expertise needed I think. If no criminal conduct is at play and the player is not guilty of anything they were accused of in the eyes of the law, then they didn't do anything to warrant to sack them, unless I guess they had specific morality clauses in there?
Greenwood case has an audio and pictures while the Arsenal case from what I understand has no such thing.

There are text messages where the victim has gone to great lengths to prove the validity, where the player admits he shoved his dick down her throat while she was sleeping but doesnt understand why thats a problem....

I am happy Greenwood wont play for us again, but the media absolutely has different standards when it comes to United.
There was a thread about what I would have liked to see, but it's now locked. Let me answer that here.

Honest communication, true signs of repentance. Within a week of charges being dropped, Mason should have held a presser in United colors to offer whatever explanation legally possible. Apologize to the family. Apologize to his team. To his club. To his manager. To the fans. He should have told us if he loved his new family, and how he'd never let any harm befall them anymore. He should have said that he's offering 80% of the wages he's collected while suspended to a DV charity. He should have been vulnerable in measures he's taking to be better - the therapy he's receiving, the social good he wishes to do. And that he'll continue to do that for the remainder of his contract. United should have then released a statement stating that despite MG's presser, they would conduct an internal investigation. That as folks raising him since he was a child, they take responsibility for his mistakes, and will conduct an internal review and overhaul of the cultural systems in place so this can never happen again. They should apologize to the family, to the players, to the fans.

A week later, they could have released somewhat similar statements they did now - that they couldn't find any evidence to hold him guilty. He should have been on the tour, with the team. Training separately. Coming on for 5 minutes, repeat. After every game he should have stayed with the fans, taking the abuse, but apologizing. A shirt that says sorry. Hands put together in repentance. Just persist, show us how much you wish you hadn't hurt your family and everyone else. Put in the minutes, the grunt work to earn your spot back. Once the season began, he should do the rounds every game, take the abuse. And stay back again after every game to apologize. If he can win his wife over, make a public appearance with her - let people know she has chosen to forgive him, that the most important person in this situation truly thinks he deserves a second chance. Continue donating your wages, continue putting in the social work, continue trying to be sincere in your apology.

None of this may work, and he may not be able to make it. But at least we'd have appreciated him trying to show repentance. And the club for allowing him to do so. Not this shit show with DVs being flagged as hostile, and ambiguous statements as damage control.
Agreed, although it seems we live in a different world these days where it's the norm to adopt a wait-and-see attitude - be it ill-advised PR teams deferring to on-the-ground sentiment, cancel culture, lack of individual/shared responsibility etc. Mason also has to take the blame for not being proactive IMHO. And so we're left with this mess.
Must disagree. United’s women team by all accounts did not want him back, which is completely understandable. It would have been awful to see us turn our backs on their opinion and felt it was more important to “rehabilitate” a person who has done the things he has done - the audio is enough to make my blood boil.
Whether he’s been at our club from the age of 7 or not, his actions must have consequences. He isn’t seeing the back of a prison cell astonishingly, so the last thing he deserves is getting to stay at a club like ours. If that happened, he literally gets away with everything without barely a repercussion.
Hence my point that it's a reflection of society.
It's not even the innocent until proven guilty thing that bothers me. That's not a standard anyone other than the criminal court has any obligation to uphold.

It's the fact he's being tried by social media and he can't even put up a defence because of anonymity laws. The court of social media has heard the case for the prosecution, the defence isn't allowed to be heard, so the verdict has been delivered and is being acted upon. The CPS and United have this mysterious new evidence and we have no idea what it is, ridiculous.
He can't defend himself because he'll end up incriminating himself. All of these fecking Greenwood apologists in here, he's a disgusting little wrong'un and I'm in disbelief there are so many here that are so supportive of him.
There was a thread about what I would have liked to see, but it's now locked. Let me answer that here.

Honest communication, true signs of repentance. Within a week of charges being dropped, Mason should have held a presser in United colors to offer whatever explanation legally possible. Apologize to the family. Apologize to his team. To his club. To his manager. To the fans. He should have told us if he loved his new family, and how he'd never let any harm befall them anymore. He should have said that he's offering 80% of the wages he's collected while suspended to a DV charity. He should have been vulnerable in measures he's taking to be better - the therapy he's receiving, the social good he wishes to do. And that he'll continue to do that for the remainder of his contract. United should have then released a statement stating that despite MG's presser, they would conduct an internal investigation. That as folks raising him since he was a child, they take responsibility for his mistakes, and will conduct an internal review and overhaul of the cultural systems in place so this can never happen again. They should apologize to the family, to the players, to the fans.

A week later, they could have released somewhat similar statements they did now - that they couldn't find any evidence to hold him guilty. He should have been on the tour, with the team. Training separately. Coming on for 5 minutes, repeat. After every game he should have stayed with the fans, taking the abuse, but apologizing. A shirt that says sorry. Hands put together in repentance. Just persist, show us how much you wish you hadn't hurt your family and everyone else. Put in the minutes, the grunt work to earn your spot back. Once the season began, he should do the rounds every game, take the abuse. And stay back again after every game to apologize. If he can win his wife over, make a public appearance with her - let people know she has chosen to forgive him, that the most important person in this situation truly thinks he deserves a second chance. Continue donating your wages, continue putting in the social work, continue trying to be sincere in your apology.

None of this may work, and he may not be able to make it. But at least we'd have appreciated him trying to show repentance. And the club for allowing him to do so. Not this shit show with DVs being flagged as hostile, and ambiguous statements as damage control.

This was broadly where I was in terms of any possible reintroduction. Still, it wasn’t the path taken and given it wasn’t, this decision the club have now taken is realistically the only one left available.

People need to move on and forget about him.
I dont understand anyone giving the club any credit in this. The club wanted him back, but changed their minds due to outrage from the media.
It was the correct decision but there is zero reason to give the club any credit here.
There's absolutely no way the full facts of what happened would not have been presented if they cleared Greenwood of what it looks like he has done.

That is the crucial thing here. A plausible explanation for what actually happened is the only thing that needed to be provided. There has been a clear failure to produce that, which immediately undermines his case.

Nah, what it looks most like is he was acting like an arsehole but he stopped short of anything actually criminal.
It was never in the press.

Maybe not in the UK but it was certainly out there, as that is why I know who it is and who at least one of the accusers is. There are now only a few references still out there and where I originally read it is no longer findable.
The club probably leaked that story about brining him back to gauge the fan reaction.

The situation he put himself in, it was always gonna be a lose lose. As usual, the club handled it horribly, and if anything their statement has made it worse, with them implying he's innocent.
Club Instagram and Facebook pages are getting battered with negative post about letting Greenwood go.
Don’t get why everyone on social media is now against letting him go when they was probably apart of the crowd that protested against wolves about not letting him stay.
So as long as law enforcement isn't involved we should let them play?
I don’t see what the alternative can be.
We live in a world where footballers are targets for false accusations (I’m not talking about Greenwood here)

So unless evidence can be substantiated then clubs can’t really take action. And if the can substantiate evidence it should be reported to law enforcement for verification.

Open to suggestions though, also I have not looked deep into the Arsenal players case either.
He can't defend himself because he'll end up incriminating himself. All of these fecking Greenwood apologists in here, he's a disgusting little wrong'un and I'm in disbelief there are so many here that are so supportive of him.
It fecking bleak. He didn't come out and defend himself because he couldn't, like literally the audio was him, what could he say? "Oh that wasn't me?"
He was guilty end of the day. We heard the audio… That was more than enough for most people. Court case didn’t find him innocent.

In a left leaning western institution he is redundant as an employee. The odd Andrew Tate fan seems shocked that’s a thing for some reason.

Apparently he should “move to Real and win lots of trophies” according to some. Nobody with anything to lose is going near this clown in reality.

The real loser is the female he’s with. The odds of them having a healthy relationship down the line are slim.

When that implodes I want the circus nowhere near our club that’s for damn sure.
I don’t see what the alternative can be.
We live in a world where footballers are targets for false accusations (I’m not talking about Greenwood here)

So unless evidence can be substantiated then clubs can’t really take action. And if the can substantiate evidence it should be reported to law enforcement for verification.

Open to suggestions though, also I have not looked deep into the Arsenal players case either.
Not this false accusation crap.
I don’t see what the alternative can be.
We live in a world where footballers are targets for false accusations (I’m not talking about Greenwood here)

So unless evidence can be substantiated then clubs can’t really take action. And if the can substantiate evidence it should be reported to law enforcement for verification.

Open to suggestions though, also I have not looked deep into the Arsenal players case either.

You might want to look into it, as the victim went to great length to prove the validity of the texts.
(with the associated financial hit - possibly really what they really cared about, but who knows for sure?)

I think sponsors stayed away from this (sponsors I am talking about are the ones working with United, not Greenwood), and treated the matter as a matter between employer and employee, if they say anything or react in any way to United's decision or try to involve themselves in, it will open the door for them to also consider ethical matters in other companies they sponsor.
Already starting to get fans of other clubs wanting Greenwood. Just logged on Twitter today and apparently last night there was an Everton fan live where they spoke about it ffs.
Yeah for Dorking Wanderers

Nah man, he’ll be going to a big club.

He’s a top PL forward and will be available for nothing, he has no charges and is married to a beautiful young woman who now has his baby girl.

Now he’s free from the Utd situation I’d imagine they’ll both put a few pics up on social media (as Utd should’ve encouraged them to) and the support will (rightly) be there for them as a family. This’ll help to mend the image and from there it’ll clear the way for many clubs to go for him.

He won’t be languishing in the lower leagues, trust me.
There are text messages where the victim has gone to great lengths to prove the validity, where the player admits he shoved his dick down her throat while she was sleeping but doesnt understand why thats a problem....

I am happy Greenwood wont play for us again, but the media absolutely has different standards when it comes to United.
That's true but I see it as a good thing. We're held to a higher standard because we're the best.
He was guilty end of the day. We heard the audio… That was more than enough for most people. Court case didn’t find him innocent.

In a left leaning western institution he is redundant as an employee. The odd Andrew Tate fan seems shocked that’s a thing for some reason.

Apparently he should “move to Real and win lots of trophies” according to some. Nobody with anything to lose is going near this clown in reality.
I said it earlier but a huge amount of people hate women and they want to see a guy treat women like that and not face any consequences, to them he would be a "top G", having success and Lamborghini's while doing as he pleases.
Nah man, he’ll be going to a big club.

He’s a top PL forward and will be available for nothing, he has no charges and is married to a beautiful young woman who now has his baby girl.

Now he’s free from the Utd situation I’d imagine they’ll both put a few pics up on social media (as Utd should’ve encouraged them to) and the support will (rightly) be there for them as a family. This’ll help to mend the image and from there it’ll clear the way for many clubs to go for him.

He won’t be languishing in the lower leagues, trust me.
I remember people moaning he wasn't kicking on and had been found out (cut onto his left and shoot) and that he needed to start passing before all this.

Same as injured players being bigged up.
You got to be absolutely insane to turn to MG right now. They would face an endless shitstorm that will never go away. Unless MG pulls a Johnny Depp, and we both know that he won't, this story will follow him for the rest of his life.

Women abuse is a particularly sensitive subject (rightly so) and the bigger the club, the bigger the backlash. Also Barca and Real don't really have a problem finding talent and they certainly do have enough reputation to not shoot themselves in the foot. A smaller club might take the risk, but the big fish? Can't see it, sorry.

And if I'm wrong, so be it.

I mean Chris Brown has pictures against him on one of the most famous women on the planet and he just sold out concerts.

My point is how long to rehabilitate and allow people to move on. It’s been nearly two years.
Wasn't it there was new evidence and a key witness pulling out. Lets get the narrative correct to begin with.
Given the police statement when the CPS dropped the case and the fact Greenwood has been shipped, it seems apparent that the 'new evidence', whatever it was, did not clear him.
I don't see 'victim changed her mind; anywhere in their official statement. I see instead 2 things: 1. withdrawal of key witnesses ( no one but they have an idea who those are) 2. new material ( possibly exculpatory, which again is speculation) evidence.

Suffice to say I don't believe you have any such evidence beyond mere speculation

What are you on about? Do you really think that the complainant wasn't a key witness who withdrew their cooperation? If it wasn't the prosecution wouldn't have been withdrawn. Obviously.
That's all true, but more generally, all these references to what the police think or do are just a red herring - cause people's profound disapproval of Greenwood's concern a moral issue, not a legal one. As I wrote many pages ago in this thread (sorry for quoting myself):

So all the legal talk should just piss off - also because it's à propos of nothing. I mean, who in this thread has ever argued that the police got it wrong and should have prosecuted Greenwood? So who's the argument that the police didn't prosecute him even directed at?
I agree the issue is now moral, rather than legal, but the 'he's been found innocent' comments are tedious.
Given the police statement when the CPS dropped the case and the fact Greenwood has been shipped, it seems apparent that the 'new evidence', whatever it was, did not clear him.

Don't be so logical Jippy ;)
Are we still using the term “briefing” despite a fecking statement being released.

He is NOT playing for the club. Ever again.

Please direct me towards the official statement which states That he would not be playing for the Club Ever again you won't find any and Even if they actually did that that they still can't guarantee it in future there could be change of Ownership , Different management Greenwood becomes World Class player elsewhere and had his Image rehabilitated you never know I wouldn't be making any definitive statements .
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