Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Let’s be clear. If the club had said “We have concluded our investigation and decided to release Mason Greenwood” there would be few opposing voices (I accept there would still be a few). The point is that the club has now expressly said that he is innocent. They didn’t need to do that and have obviously done so because they genuinely believe that’s the case. Understandably, that has changed some minds as to the correct approach.
That's what baffling about this. If the club really believe that Greenwood didn't commit the acts he was charged with, then surely they have an obligation to stand by him?
Since when did evidence matter. Antony has to been put on garden leave. No Greenwood then no Antony.
You're right, there was no evidence in the Greenwood case. No audio recording or anything like that

For fecks sake
Let’s be clear. If the club had said “We have concluded our investigation and decided to release Mason Greenwood” there would be few opposing voices (I accept there would still be a few). The point is that the club has now expressly said that he is innocent. They didn’t need to do that and have obviously done so because they genuinely believe that’s the case. Understandably, that has changed some minds as to the correct approach.
The statement they put out is definitely not good as its way too open ended. Even with his contract situation you have some news stations saying he's released now, yet others say he still has a contract. Nobody knows what the hecks going on with the situation, is it a loan? Is he for sale? Does he have a contract? They probably should have just done what other big clubs would and sack off the papers and play him. I've said before, I believe football fans are fickle enough that if he scored a brace against Arsenal or Liverpool or City in the coming games, all would be forgiven. Just like Terry, Suarez, and countless other players.
Let’s be clear. If the club had said “We have concluded our investigation and decided to release Mason Greenwood” there would be few opposing voices (I accept there would still be a few). The point is that the club has now expressly said that he is innocent. They didn’t need to do that and have obviously done so because they genuinely believe that’s the case. Understandably, that has changed some minds as to the correct approach.
This isn’t being said enough. What precedent are you setting releasing an employee you are going on record saying is innocent because of the fans online, which both positive & negative, represent a fraction of the entire fanbase?

We all saw/heard things 18 months ago that make it damn near impossible to refute he’s a wrong’un; the issue I keep coming back to is when last were clubs told to be a moral compass. If he’s not guilty by the clubs standards, what the hell are they doing?
I genuinely believe Utd didn’t change their mind. I think Greenwood himself changed his mind after seeing the backlash. I reckon him and his family realised the scrutiny and pressure would be so intense it’s best for him to go elsewhere. Hence Greenwood and the club mutually agreed on him leaving.
You're right, there was no evidence in the Greenwood case. No audio recording or anything like that

For fecks sake

It's utterly mind-boggling that people don't have the two brain cells required to figure out the difference between the two situations.
Putting a lie in bold is a brave move.

It's not really a lie though. It's the very basis of British Justice.

"One of the most important rights protected by the Human Rights Act 1998 is the right to a fair trial. The right to a fair trial includes the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. This means that the prosecution must prove the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt."

This is taken from the MOJ website but the concept applies all the way through the process, from arrest, being charged, prosecution and conviction, with the required threshold increasing as you proceed.
Evans was falsely accused. Too early to make a comment on the Antony situation. Don't really know what's going on there.
Charges were dropped due to insufficient evidence. Was never proven they were false, though Jonny himself referred to them as false in later interviews.
If people think other clubs won't go for him thier wrong. This will all be forgotten about in a couple of years time.

Gazza was all over the newspapers for beating his wife, and it didn't make one ounce of difference, there was still clubs going for him.

Greenwood will get a new club, bang a few goals in, and the media will forget all about it because its not Manchester United.
It's utterly mind-boggling that people don't have the two brain cells required to figure out the difference between the two situations.
"Glasgow" in the username should've been enough for me to stop reading but I couldn't help myself.
No. They decided that there was no longer a realistic chance of conviction due to a key witness withdrawing and the existence of new evidence.

Which indicates that had it gone to court, a jury would not have convicted him.

Out of interest, had it gone to court and Greenwood had been found not guilty, would you have changed your opinion? Sometimes I wonder if it might have been better for him to have his day in court but then I'm not convinced it would have changed many minds anyway.
Thing the audio/visuals damned him in the court of public opinion tbh. People wanted their pound of flesh & that’s him leaving United, it’s alright though cause he can play for any other team in the world. . .
If people think other clubs won't go for him thier wrong. This will all be forgotten about in a couple of years time.

Gazza was all over the newspapers for beating his wife, and it didn't make one ounce of difference, there was still clubs going for him.

Greenwood will get a new club, bang a few goals in, and the media will forget all about it because its not Manchester United.
I’m actually looking forward to seeing how people justify the lack of media that will be around him now he’s left United. If he comes back to this country The Athletic really do have some work to do.
It's not really a lie though. It's the very basis of British Justice.

"One of the most important rights protected by the Human Rights Act 1998 is the right to a fair trial. The right to a fair trial includes the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. This means that the prosecution must prove the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable doubt."

This is taken from the MOJ website but the concept applies all the way through the process, from arrest, being charged, prosecution and conviction, with the required threshold increasing as you proceed.

There's a whole universe of difference between having the right to a legal presumption of innocence and the prosecution deciding you didn't do something, which is what the previous poster said. At no point has the latter happened or even been implied to have happened.
Let’s be clear. If the club had said “We have concluded our investigation and decided to release Mason Greenwood” there would be few opposing voices (I accept there would still be a few). The point is that the club has now expressly said that he is innocent. They didn’t need to do that and have obviously done so because they genuinely believe that’s the case. Understandably, that has changed some minds as to the correct approach.
What other possible stance could they take? They can’t state that they believe he’s guilty because legally he’s not and the club aren’t in a position of authority to come to that conclusion.
Was that proven? Thought the charges were also dropped as with Greenwood. As with RvP also.

Apologies if incorrect, I genuinely always thought that was the deal with both cases.

Just to correct an error in your post, neither Evans nor RvP were ever charged and therefore there were no charges to drop.
An audio recording which the man, the woman and a 6 month investigation conclude “is not what you think it is”.
Oh, well that's that settled then. I'm definitely going to trust the guy from the recording, the alleged victim's mum (not the woman herself, just a representative who wasn't there to confirm nor deny the words of the guy) and the club's investigation (which they say is based on the evidence given to them by the guy himself) when they say the things I heard in the audio aren't actually what they sound like.

I'm going to take a leap of faith with someone who can't even tell us what the recording was really about. While I'm at it I'll buy that used car that's only got one wheel because the dealer says it's totally fine.
So you are saying Antony’s ex-wife is lying?
I’m genuinely baffled how you’ve got there.

I’m saying you can’t compare the 2 because the audio/visual in the MG case is damning. This forum is horrendous at times but honestly, putting that there is disgusting.

@moses this kind of crap needs moderating. I can take a misunderstanding but come on.
No they didn’t. He was kept on while he was in prison and released at the end of his contract (last month).

Yeah, a couple of peeps pointed it out to me earlier. I thought they released him. Well, lucky them and unlucky us for still having 2 years on his Greenwood's contract.

Yes the profile difference between Mendy and Greenwood is big, and I accept that we are just a bigger club, but still, he never played for City again and left on the (very) quiet. They handled it rather well.
Let’s take the emotion out. Do you really think Real Madrid and Barcelona care all the way over in Spain?

Honest answer? I think a move to Barca for instance would be good for him they have just lost Dembele there is space for him on the right and he could easily find his shooting boots over there.
You got to be absolutely insane to turn to MG right now. They would face an endless shitstorm that will never go away. Unless MG pulls a Johnny Depp, and we both know that he won't, this story will follow him for the rest of his life.

Women abuse is a particularly sensitive subject (rightly so) and the bigger the club, the bigger the backlash. Also Barca and Real don't really have a problem finding talent and they certainly do have enough reputation to not shoot themselves in the foot. A smaller club might take the risk, but the big fish? Can't see it, sorry.

And if I'm wrong, so be it.
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That's what baffling about this. If the club really believe that Greenwood didn't commit the acts he was charged with, then surely they have an obligation to stand by him?

They were about to bring him back until they saw the backlash that was incoming. I think that The Athletic article was based on decent information. By saying that he's innocent they make themselves look better -"They wanted to bring back an innocent young man and not an abuser."

The next days, weeks things will leak out from the club and we'll know more.
Oh, well that's that settled then. I'm definitely going to trust the guy from the recording, the alleged victim's mum (not the woman herself, just a representative who wasn't there to confirm nor deny the words of the guy) and the club's investigation (which they say is based on the evidence given to them by the guy himself) when they say the things I heard in the audio aren't actually what they sound like.

I'm going to take a leap of faith with someone who can't even tell us what the recording was really about. While I'm at it I'll buy that used car that's only got one wheel because the dealer says it's totally fine.

They know more about it than we do. If you assume his guilt based on the information that we have, it’s only because you want him to be guilty.

Even if he did do it, what’s happened to forgiveness, second chances and improvement. If it were my son, I’d want his employers and those around him to help him, not destroy him.
What other possible stance could they take? They can’t state that they believe he’s guilty because legally he’s not and the club aren’t in a position of authority to come to that conclusion.

They would absolutely not, in any circumstances, ever, publicly release a statement that says “I am satisfied that Mason did not commit the acts he was charged with…” if they were not 100% certain that is correct. I don’t know how they’ve got there but they obviously have.

If they were unsure or thought he was probably guilty, they would simply not comment on the allegations.
I’m genuinely baffled how you’ve got there.

I’m saying you can’t compare the 2 because the audio/visual in the MG case is damning. This forum is horrendous at times but honestly, putting that there is disgusting.

@moses this kind of crap needs moderating. I can take a misunderstanding but come on.

I speak other languages if you’d like me to translate into one you understand.

I was only asking a question, you have a right not to answer it.
I don't know why some are angling this around the idea of Manchester United being unfairly treated by the media.

Would it have been as much of a story if it happened to a Nottingham Forest player? Of course not. Should it have been though?

Don't be upset at the proper public reaction happening nor the right decision being made. Be upset when they're not.
Yeah, a couple of peeps pointed it out to me earlier. I thought they released him. Well, lucky them and unlucky us for still having 2 years on his Greenwood's contract.

Yes the profile difference between Mendy and Greenwood is big, and I accept that we are just a bigger club, but still, he never played for City again and left on the (very) quiet. They handled it rather well.

I don’t think United were allowed to handle it quietly. There was an incredible amount of scrutiny during their 18 months of near silence.
I genuinely believe Utd didn’t change their mind. I think Greenwood himself changed his mind after seeing the backlash. I reckon him and his family realised the scrutiny and pressure would be so intense it’s best for him to go elsewhere. Hence Greenwood and the club mutually agreed on him leaving.

Apologies if I've missed this elsewhere, but you are the very first person I've seen to suggest that. It really wouldn't surprise me if that is the case. The 'mutually agreed' part of the decision/statement intrigues me, so there could be something more in that. I'm still finding the club statement to be very strangely worded and far too muddied.

It's amazing how even though they've arrived at this outcome, there is still so much more to talk about and discuss. You'd expect the situation to die down now that a decision has been reached, but it seems like the ramifications of this will last for last for some time. It's a bad smell that won't go away. It's also going to be an uncomfortable few days where all of these pundits and 'experts' are going to start wading in and taking chunks out of the club for their handling of this, rightly or wrongly, particularly for how long this has taken. I wish this could have been done during preseason and now at the start of a brand new season. I just imagine that it's like a dark cloud is hovering over the club at the moment.
the audio/visuals play a massive part in Greenwood’s case.

We've all heard the Greenwood recordings as they are publicly available. These are not similar situations.


But we’ve also now heard both the CPS and Utd state those recordings are ‘a small sample of a much longer recording and they don’t paint the whole picture’. With Utd and Arnold’s separate statements both going out of their way to actually declare they believe him to be innocent.

You’re essentially saying, ‘I’m fine with Antony because partial evidence of his case hasn’t been leaked to me’.

Which as well as being slightly insane is really offensive to victims.
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I genuinely believe Utd didn’t change their mind. I think Greenwood himself changed his mind after seeing the backlash. I reckon him and his family realised the scrutiny and pressure would be so intense it’s best for him to go elsewhere. Hence Greenwood and the club mutually agreed on him leaving.

This could very well be true, also very likely to be so.
Club can’t win. Everyone is so over-opinionated on matters they have no knowledge or experience in, but are experts at telling others exactly what they should do. This whole ‘the club has acted shamefully’ stuff from punters and journalists who are far less informed on the details is bullshit.

This crap about ‘they only did this because of the backlash’. Yea, so what? If there was no backlash then they would have reintegrated a non-convicted player who, from their statement, they clearly believe is not guilty? Well given those facts, of course they would! How have people decided the ‘right thing’ for the club to do was sack a player who the CPS did not prosecute and who they are satisfied did not commit the alleged offences following an internal investigation? So which part in that makes sacking him immediately the ‘right thing’ to do?

Adam Crafton and his band are over-entitled shit bags, symptomatic of this era where people just presume that they are entitled to be kept informed with what any organisation is doing and it needs to be done how and when they want it. All this ‘it’s taken too long’ bollocks. ‘Too long’ according to who? A random journalist who has never had to manage a legal and internal rape investigation of an employee? It’s not as of the club had Greenwood on the pitch while it was going on. Ot is their investigation and their employee and they conclude it when it is concluded. They work to their own timeline not Adam Crafton’s.
They know more about it than we do. If you assume his guilt based on the information that we have, it’s only because you want him to be guilty.

Even if he did do it, what’s happened to forgiveness, second chances and improvement. If it were my son, I’d want his employers and those around him to help him, not destroy him.

He's going to get a second chance somewhere else and the club IS certainly helping him get it by the sounds of it, so that's a little unfair.

He just can't get a second chance at United because he fecked up (or 'made mistakes', whatever he did) and the club must be also be seen not to support those mistakes.
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