Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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My goodness, it's really exhausting to respond to someone (deliberately?) misrepresenting your words. Why would you think I'm only now taking a contradictory stance on Ronaldo to prove a point? I'll give you the benefit of doubt and spell it out clearly: I had that stance on Ronaldo when we were trying to sign him up from Juve (the second time), it had absolutely nothing to do with Greenwood. I'm not sure what's ridiculous about making you understand that people might welcome Greenwood back for reasons other than those you have made up in your mind. Or maybe you were happy for us to sign up Ronaldo at the time (regardless of the stories) and now you're embarrassed about it? It's alright to change your mind, contrary to you, I won't judge you.
But what are these reasons you want Greenwood back that are not applicable to Ronaldo? You can deflect, but you are being vague and evasive for some reason.
As I said, the only reason you're bringing Ronaldo up is to muddy the waters as far as Greenwood is concerned. Neither situation has any bearing on the other - if you want to discuss the awful things that Ronaldo very probably did then there's a Ronaldo thread for that.
Bingo, it's quite transparent really. Furthermore, taking a contradictory stance and yelling hypocrite (a tired and desperate tactic repeated in this thread) will also probably add credibility to holding a position of wanting Greenwood back (in that poster's mind).
Because otherwise we'd be entertaining endless theories. Maybe the audio was developed in a lab by our Pl rivals. Maybe he was acting in a play and is embarassed his love for acting will come out. It's pointless.

The logical conclusion is:

  • He beat her multiple times in their relationship - She showed multiple pictures of multiple injuries with the caption "this is what Mason Greenwood does to me". Does. Not 'did'.
  • He had tried to pressure her to have sex before this recording, because she had her phone ready to record covertly. This is only done by somebody who expects something to happen and highly likely they've experience the situation before and now have the presence of mind to be ready and record it this time.

Imo these two things are indisputable but since nothing is ever 100% people find it convenient to hide behind that fact.
This post should be stickied or act as an auto-reply to those who use the "we don't know all the context" argument to justify his return.
If we kept Greenwood at the club, we wouldn’t suffer so much with Hoijlund being injured now. Greenwood can feck off for all I care, only if we aren’t so lacking competent strikers now.
If we kept Greenwood at the club, we wouldn’t suffer so much with Hoijlund being injured now. Greenwood can feck off for all I care, only if we aren’t so lacking competent strikers now.

Indeed. If this was United 07/08, feck outta here you bastard. Alas... Imagine if Antony was just decent, I'd have half the amount of posts in this thread.
He wouldn't, the bar isn't that high tbf. Wouldn't say the same if it was City but I genuinely believe he'd be our top scorer if he was here as he is easily our best finisher...Maybe says more about our current situation rather than how good he is. I hope I made my point clearer.
I'm at a point now where I don't think he'll ever come back (To England, let alone United) but I hope we get a good fee for him, 40m is a joke.
I agree with that. Problem is we don't create many chances anyway... Especially against the big teams.

In terms of being a pure winger he wouldn't change our team much tbh. I'd still play Garnacho over him on the right he's more of a threat, a couple of clips of him running in the Spanish league won't change that. Pellistri looks a different player over there as well.
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Bingo, it's quite transparent really. Furthermore, taking a contradictory stance and yelling hypocrite (a tired and desperate tactic repeated in this thread) will also probably add credibility to holding a position of wanting Greenwood back (in that poster's mind).
Please, show me where I yelled hypocrite at anyone, apart from using it ironically back against the very poster who accused me first of trying to yell hypocrite (I can't remember if it was you?)

But what are these reasons you want Greenwood back that are not applicable to Ronaldo? You can deflect, but you are being vague and evasive for some reason.
I haven't been vague at all on the topic. I thought the post in this thread where I first mentioned Ronaldo explained the reasons, however if it didn't I have done the hard work for you to search through my older posts in order not to have to repeat myself over and over again (these posts all came after the charges were dropped and after United's statement about him not being guilty of what he had been accused of following the internal investigation):

Life is complicated, no one is perfect, but one of the most beautiful things is knowing when you have messed up and being given the chance to grow from it, make amends and become a better person. I can only imagine the mental toll this can have on a 21 year old seeing his name talked about in the news and by MPs for the most abhorrent reason (whether rightly or wrongly). As an outsider, knowing nothing about the inner dynamics within the Greenwood family, I really wish for him and his missus that they succeed to get their life back together, and he ends up as an example of someone who messed up, was broken and managed to build himself up again getting his career back on the track it seemed to be leading to before his monumental mess up. I sincerely hope he manages to find a top-tier club somewhere where he can start rebuilding his life.

Before anyone accuses me of being a rape/domestic violence apologist, let me make it clear that I don't approve any of his suspected actions, I would never even dream of defending anyone who does that, however I don't expect a footballer to be a moral compass, and I think we don't really know fully what happened beyond the public trial. Also, and most importantly, I am big on forgiveness and redemption, and I believe that no matter what crime someone has committed, they deserve forgiveness and a chance at redemption at some point. In this light, I have generally kept the same feelings I had towards him before all the drama broke out, regardless of his football ability or lack thereof, and I sincerely wish he can truly turn his life around from all this and have a great football career (at United or elsewhere) and have a normal family life with its ups and downs and keep away from making negative news for off-field stuff.

I find this whole situation really very sad and I'm deeply wishing for a happy end to the story for him and his partner and their family. If it happens to be at United I'd be okay with that but if it's anywhere else, it's fine.

I would be defending the same position if it was McTominay or Henderson, I feel some sort of attachment to our academy graduates, especially those who make it to the senior team at United. Maybe my tendency to defend them against oppo fans attacks has made me irrationally attached to them, I don't know. I sort of see them as family and I know if he was my brother/son I would not deny him nor readily throw him to the wolves. I truly feel for the girl and what she has allegedly gone through as well and I hope they being back together is now in a healthy and continuously monitored relationship with proper counselling for both of them. If she ever decides to bring up his crimes back to the justice system and he's found guilty, then by all means he should be duly punished for it with prison time. For now, I'm hanging on to the hope that they have sincerely mended things up and are living a "normal" family life once again, with him having apologised and repented behind closed doors.

Edit: In addition, I feel like Ronaldo got away with it simply because he's rich and famous and extremely talented meanwhile Greenwood much less influential than Ronaldo has been battered within football and outside for what he presumably did. I think if he has been cleared to move on, then let's not treat him any worse than we treated Ronaldo, so I would not mind United giving him the chance to redeem himself here. Probably if the club had done the sensible thing at the time for Ronaldo I would understand that those are the club's values, so Greenwood's accusations here mean he's done. Unfortunately, it wasn't the case, I don't like the weaker person being made an example of, when the outcomes of both cases are practically the same.
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Please, show me where I yelled hypocrite at anyone, apart from using it ironically back against the very poster who accused me first of trying to yell hypocrite (I can't remember if it was you?)

I haven't been vague at all on the topic. I thought the post in this thread where I first mentioned Ronaldo explained the reasons, however if it didn't I have done the hard work for you to search through my older posts in order not to have to repeat myself over and over again (these posts all came after the charges were dropped and after United's statement about him not being guilty of what he had been accused of following the internal investigation):

Edit: In addition, I feel like Ronaldo got away with it simply because he's rich and famous and extremely talented meanwhile Greenwood much less influential than Ronaldo has been battered within football and outside for what he presumably did. I think if he has been cleared to move on, then let's not treat him any worse than we treated Ronaldo, so I would not mind United giving him the chance to redeem himself here. Probably if the club had done the sensible thing at the time for Ronaldo I would understand that those are the club's values, so Greenwood's accusations here mean he's done. Unfortunately, it wasn't the case, I don't like the weaker person being made an example of, when the outcomes of both cases are practically the same.
You hypothesized that i might be embarrassed about supposedly "being happy to sign up Ronaldo". You only made that point to highlight what you judge to be hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy has been one of the main strawmen used to justify Greenwood returning, repeatedly, over the 300+ pages of this thread.

I just don't buy the reasons you are giving to justify welcoming Greenwood back and supposedly not holding the same stance for Ronaldo. It makes no logical sense, unless you think that two wrongs make a right. Because Ronaldo got away with it, you think Greenwood should too? That's what it comes down to as far as i can tell. Otherwise you wouldn't begrudge Ronaldo his chance at moving on/redemption.
Sir Jim's comments can be read both ways. Either he's opening the door to bring him back, or he's preserving sale value for the summer.

Personally, I think it's the latter. Jim knows what's gonna happen if we bring him back, an absolute media shit-storm not to mention the clubs brand being tarnished for being associated with this feck-wit again.

I reckon Jim's played it well and he'll be sold to the highest bidder this summer, for probably around 40m.
I agree with this. I also agree with @Davicho's comment that at sometime forgiveness or having 'served your time' has to be enough.

I'm sure that there are people working in, say, all the major supermarkets who have be found guilty of bad crimes, but those businesses are not hounded by the press.

They wanted to hang Uber out to dry for employing someone who had been charged with something like sexual harassment and said that Uber should lose their license. Again, I'm sure that there are high street shops that employ people, quite rightly, with similar or worse crimes but those companies aren't a target of hate in the country.
I agree with that. Problem is we don't create many chances anyway... Especially against the big teams.

In terms of being a pure winger he wouldn't change our team much tbh. I'd still play Garnacho over him on the right he's more of a threat, a couple of clips of him running in the Spanish league won't change that. Pellistri looks a different player over there as well.
Its not just couple of clips though he has been doing that for weeks game after game. Issue will be work rate which right now is piss poor, instruction or otherwise.
Its not just couple of clips though he has been doing that for weeks game after game. Issue will be work rate which right now is piss poor, instruction or otherwise.
People only see the good clips mate. He'll play a whole game and make one run like the one about 2 pages ago and that's what will go around social media. I wonder how many people are actually watching his complete performances and are sitting down watching a 90 minute Getafe game on a Saturday evening. I watched the last Getafe game, he was meh. As meh as Rashford has been for us. He probably has had some good games for Getafe this season but this overhype is getting too much. Last game he was not good at all.

You can make a comp this season of Rashford that makes him look like he's been brilliant...
People only see the good clips mate. He'll play a whole game and make one run like the one about 2 pages ago and that's what will go around social media. I wonder how many people are actually watching his complete performances and are sitting down watching a 90 minute Getafe game on a Saturday evening. I watched the last Getafe game, he was meh. As meh as Rashford has been for us. He probably has had some good games for Getafe this season but this overhype is getting too much. Last game he was not good at all.

You can make a comp this season of Rashford that makes him look like he's been brilliant...
I am saying it on the back of watching around 15 Getafe games this season. He has not been at his best overall in last couple games.
I am saying it on the back of watching around 15 Getafe games this season. He has not been at his best overall in last couple games.
Ok and you think after seeing his overall performances he'd completely change our team and the way we play ?
Ok and you think after seeing his overall performances he'd completely change our team and the way we play ?
I was just saying those clips of him running at defence and beating players inside out has been more of regular occurrence than anomaly. It needs more than one player to change the way we are playing right now but those quality on the ball will add something that we are missing.
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Sorry, I'm not sure what triggered you there but if you follow the quoted message you would realise that I was responding to a particular post? It's all part of the bigger discussion, if you're not interested then you mustn't respond.
I have discussed Greenwood at length already and I also think it's relevant and interesting to bring up Ronaldo here as he is suspected of something similarly disgusting.
It’s in the past. It’s not relevant to what the club does NOW
Some noise coming out today (albeit from the Sun) that Greenwood wants to come back and ETH wants him also.

At this point, I think I'd be surprised if they don't at least try and re-integrate him.

Even if this is true, none of it is a surprise.

ETH would definitely welcome him back and I've no doubt Greenwood would rather be playing in Manchester. Ultimately it's all on the club to make a decision.
Even if this is true, none of it is a surprise.

ETH would definitely welcome him back and I've no doubt Greenwood would rather be playing in Manchester. Ultimately it's all on the club to make a decision.

This has been my suspicion from the beginning when ETH tried to bring him back before the Crafton article, and why Arnold phrased his explanation of the loan in a way that would allow for himself (or his successor in this case) the flexibility of bringing him back once the loan is over.
If he actually wants to return I would actually be surprised if SJR didn’t bring him back into the fold. It’s what the club wanted to do initially based on their own investigation and then backed out last second to leave it to INEOS to handle the PR of it all. To me, it’s all lining up for a return. Just curious how they will navigate appeasing the vocal minority, or maybe they just don’t care. I think they need to offer clear reasoning but I don’t expect them to reveal too much details into the personal life of Greenwood and his partner.
We have a new contender for weirdest post in this thread !
If you think him drawing parallels to other abusive individuals posing for a happy family photo is the weirdest post we’ve seen here I’m concerned.
People only see the good clips mate. He'll play a whole game and make one run like the one about 2 pages ago and that's what will go around social media. I wonder how many people are actually watching his complete performances and are sitting down watching a 90 minute Getafe game on a Saturday evening. I watched the last Getafe game, he was meh. As meh as Rashford has been for us. He probably has had some good games for Getafe this season but this overhype is getting too much. Last game he was not good at all.

You can make a comp this season of Rashford that makes him look like he's been brilliant...

I have to admit that I haven't watched any Getafe games but note that he is currently nominated for La Liga Young Player of the Month, ready won Getafe POTM and the likes of Griezmann have been talking him up so he must be doing something to impress out in Spain.
If you think him drawing parallels to other abusive individuals posing for a happy family photo is the weirdest post we’ve seen here I’m concerned.

Honestly I have no clue why that photo is posted here but then I've missed most of the last few pages, I'm pretty sure it has absolutely no relevance to anything to do with Mason Greenwood though.
To me, it’s all lining up for a return. Just curious how they will navigate appeasing the vocal minority, or maybe they just don’t care. I think they need to offer clear reasoning but I don’t expect them to reveal too much details into the personal life of Greenwood and his partner.

Without going into that detail, and allowing their rationale to be intensely scrutinised, there is no 'clear reasoning' whatsoever.

It'll be 'he's done his time' amid a carefully crafted public relation campaign via client journalism culminating in 'it's time to move on'.

I'd wager serious media outlets won't follow it up, either. We'll get a snide article in the Guardian, but it won't be long until the 'football comes first' and MG's behaviour normalised.

A crying shame our club is really willing to vindicate it, but there you are.
Honestly I have no clue why that photo is posted here but then I've missed most of the last few pages, I'm pretty sure it has absolutely no relevance to anything to do with Mason Greenwood though.
I’m guessing it has something to do with this load of @Toshey

Maybe, just maybe, there is more evidence.
Maybe this recording is a part of a larger recording that explains a lot.
Maybe Greenwood and ******* are silent, because they don't want a turn of events that will put HER in bad spotlight.
Maybe love conquers all.
Who the feck knows?

And no, I'm not saying this is the truth. I'm saying it's possible.
What bothers me is that a lot of posters here have already condemned Greenwood, 100% excluding the possibility that something didn't happen the way they imagine it did.

This picture speaks a lot to me.
We might never know the whole truth. But just think how the Johnny Depp - Amber Heard story unfolded. Until you know the whole truth, you can't condemn people.

But of course, everyone is free to think whatever they want to.
I’m guessing it has something to do with this load of @Toshey

You notice how 'people will think whatever they want to' is the closing salvo?

People have received hard evidence of Mason Greenwood's abuse and no mitigating evidence to justify any of it.

But it's all filed under 'who knows?'

Bitterly shameful.
I’m guessing it has something to do with this load of @Toshey
Bingo! But also

Since the charges were dropped: the couple have reconciled, had a baby together, post adorable photos on social media,

the point being anyone can post a load of happy family pictures. Bit it doesn’t always post a picture of what’s been happening behind closed doors
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Bingo! But also

the point being anyone can post a load of happy family pictures. Bit it doesn’t always post a picture of what’s been happening behind closed doors
THIS. Whatever is posted on social media never paints the full picture of what is truly happening behind the scenes. There is not context. It’s all procured. Makes ya think
THIS. Whatever is posted on social media never paints the full picture of what is truly happening behind the scenes. There is not context. It’s all procured. Makes ya think
NOT THIS! But that works both ways, right? No one on here knows what happened behind closed doors but it seems okay to assume one way but not the other.

Edit: This is just an observation, my thoughts on the matter are so far my own.
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You hypothesized that i might be embarrassed about supposedly "being happy to sign up Ronaldo". You only made that point to highlight what you judge to be hypocrisy.
Yeah, I recall I said that out of annoyance at your hypothesising about my reasons for discussing Ronaldo. I really didn’t mean to call you out for anything whatsoever.

I just don't buy the reasons you are giving to justify welcoming Greenwood back and supposedly not holding the same stance for Ronaldo. It makes no logical sense, unless you think that two wrongs make a right. Because Ronaldo got away with it, you think Greenwood should too? That's what it comes down to as far as i can tell. Otherwise you wouldn't begrudge Ronaldo his chance at moving on/redemption.
Fair enough, mate, you're free not to accept my reasons. However, Ronaldo can’t talk of redemption when his victim seems to still be unhappy by the outcome of their case to this day.
It’s in the past. It’s not relevant to what the club does NOW
And I don’t disagree with that one bit. I’ve been taken away from my initial point by posters repeatedly misrepresenting my comments. Actually, I brought Ronaldo up in a discussion (with Wibble, I think?), where I was trying to argue that it’s very unfair (to say the least) to accuse anyone who wants Greenwood back or has any sort of sympathy for him of being a bad person, or even that they only want him back for his goals and assists.
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And I don’t disagree with that one bit. I’ve been taken away from my initial point by posters repeatedly misrepresenting my comments. Actually, I brought Ronaldo up in a discussion (with Wibble, I think?), where I was trying to argue that it’s very unfair (to say the least) to consider anyone who wants Greenwood back or has any sort of sympathy for him to be a bad person, or even that they only want him back for his goals and assists.
There are literally people in this thread that have said that they don’t care what he did, they only care about football. Personally I don’t think that they are necessarily a bad person but that there is something very wrong with that view. At best it’s naive, at worst, its very cold.
NOT THIS! But that works both ways, right? No one on here knows what happened behind closed doors but it seems okay to assume one way but not the other.

Edit: This is just an observation, my thoughts on the matter are so far my own.
Well if people are going to post in his defence that pictures of them looking like a happy family are proof that he’s matured, then I can retort that at one time the Wests looked like a happy family at first glance too
Yeah, I recall I said that out of annoyance at your hypothesising about my reasons for discussing Ronaldo. I really didn’t mean to call you out for anything whatsoever.
Yes, and to be clear, i am not embarrassed at all - i have no reason to be. Also, my disdain at using hypocrisy as an argument in favour of Greenwood's return is directed broadly, not specifically at you, because it has been used dozens or hundreds of times in this thread and i don't see it as a valid argument for reasons explained ad nauseum.
Fair enough, mate, you're free not to accept my reasons. However, Ronaldo can’t talk of redemption when his victim seems to still be unhappy by the outcome of their case to this day.
This answers my question more directly than your other posts did. You treat the Greenwood and Ronaldo situations differently because the victim outcomes are different, and you perceive that Greenwood's victim had a more palatable/favourable outcome (hence you are more amenable to Greenwood returning). I can appreciate your POV, despite fundamentally disagreeing with it.
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