Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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40m? :eek: I'd snap the hand of any suitor for that amount. In my opinion we'd be lucky to get 20 because of his reputation.
Should be looking for at least 50m id say. He’s still very young with a lot of potential. Anyone that buys for 50 could still make a profit on him in a few years and probably double it.
It's an idiotic suggestion

This is a football club (which I think some are forgetting)

If the players and/or owners want to donate out of if their personal funds be my guest. Have Old Trafford host a fundraiser for domestic abuse? Absolutely.

Donate transfer proceeds? No ffs

The biggest victim in this story is the club. His missus is back with him on god know what terms and he will still make silly money out of football. The club is set to lose a generational talent whom they had worked on for decades on peanuts
The biggest victim in this story is the club. His missus is back with him on god know what terms and he will still make silly money out of football. The club is set to lose a generational talent whom they had worked on for decades on peanuts
No, the biggest victim in this story is...the victim.
I know you were responding to a particular post but you were the one that brought Ronaldo up initially here:

No matter how badly you want it to be relevant, the two incidents aren't connected in any way and each should be treated as a standalone situation. You're bringing Ronaldo into the conversation to try to muddy the waters and paint people as hypocrites when that doesn't change what Greenwood did and how people feel obliged to respond to it one iota.
Yes, I brought it up initially and I have been discussing it with other posters who didn't mind me bringing it up, if you don't think it's relevant, then you need not respond, you can't expect people on a forum to discuss topics only in a certain direction which pleases you. It's quite obvious why both cases are very similar (no matter how badly you want to deny it). Don't feel obliged to respond if you fear it might expose your hypocrisy. Like I said, I'm not judging anyone and I won't call anyone names.
The thing is as well, if he'd initially come out and just admitted it before going on to say he was incredibly sorry and would seek professional help for anger/control issues (or whatever it is) then I'm willing to bet a lot more people would err towards the rehab/redemption side of things. Admitting you did wrong is a very disarming thing to do and could've given him a better chance of staying.

As of now they've still not explained a single thing to the fans and instead just left it all vague which has caused certain people to twist themselves in knots trying to find loopholes or minuscule possibilities he's a wholly innocent sweet baby boy.

Yeah agreed on that too. I also think if he was an average footballer, this wouldn't even be an issue. He would be gone. It's sad that, because he is good at football, the possibility of him being brought back is even being thought about.
No, the biggest victim in this story is...the victim.

Who had since dropped the case for god knows why and is now back with him.

The Biggest victim is the club. We had invested hugely on him in time and development only to lose him for almost nothing. Not to forget the huge bad publicity we got for something we had no fault upon. It's a shame that the club can't sue him. If players gets money because they are actively pushing the United brand then surely they can be sued for damaging that same brand
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Yes, I brought it up initially and I have been discussing it with other posters who didn't mind me bringing it up, if you don't think it's relevant, then you need not respond, you can't expect people on a forum to discuss topics only in a certain direction which pleases you. It's quite obvious why both cases are very similar (no matter how badly you want to deny it). Don't feel obliged to respond if you fear it might expose your hypocrisy. Like I said, I'm not judging anyone and I won't call anyone names.
As I said, the only reason you're bringing Ronaldo up is to muddy the waters as far as Greenwood is concerned. Neither situation has any bearing on the other - if you want to discuss the awful things that Ronaldo very probably did then there's a Ronaldo thread for that.
Who had since dropped the case for god knows why and is now back with him.

The Biggest victim is the club. We had invested hugely on him in time and development only to lose him for almost nothing. Not to forget the huge bad publicity we got for something we had no fault upon. It's a shame that the club can't sue him. If players gets money because they are actively pushing the United brand then surely they can be sued for damaging that same brand
The fact that she's back with him doesn't make her any less of a victim here. To say that the main victim in a case of domestic abuse is a billion pound company is missing the point dramatically.
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The thing is as well, if he'd initially come out and just admitted it before going on to say he was incredibly sorry and would seek professional help for anger/control issues (or whatever it is) then I'm willing to bet a lot more people would err towards the rehab/redemption side of things. Admitting you did wrong is a very disarming thing to do and could've given him a better chance of staying.

As of now they've still not explained a single thing to the fans and instead just left it all vague which has caused certain people to twist themselves in knots trying to find loopholes or minuscule possibilities he's a wholly innocent sweet baby boy.

Who had since dropped the case for god knows why and is now back with him.

The Biggest victim is the club. We had invested hugely on him in time and development only to lose him for almost nothing. Not to forget the huge bad publicity we got for something we had no fault upon. It's a shame that the club can't sue him. If players gets money because they are actively pushing the United brand then surely they can be sued for damaging that same brand
This can’t be how you actually view the world?
As I said, the only reason you're bringing Ronaldo up is to muddy the waters as far as Greenwood is concerned. Neither situation has any bearing on the other - if you want to discuss the awful things that Ronaldo very probably did then there's a Ronaldo thread for that.

The fact that she's back with him doesn't make her any less of a victim here. To say that the main victim in a case of domestic abuse and is a billion pound company is missing the point dramatically.

She herself had relegated herself as less of a victim. She could have chosen to get justice she deserves and to throw his sorry ass in prison and she opted to stay with him and raise a child with instead.nowvhe is a free man something an alleged domestic abuser should not be.That's her choice of course which I struggle to respect tbh.

United's value is irrelevant. What's relevant is that the club had invested huge amount of time and money into an asset who ended up dragging it into the mud for months. Now it's set to lose it on peanuts for something it has no fault or say upon.
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And maybe they are performing mental gymnastics because he can kick a ball well.

(This has probably been posted in this thread 100 times already)

Arizona Cardinals GM Steve Keim on weighing off-field issues for prospects: "If Hannibal Lecter ran a 4.3, we'd probably diagnose it as an eating disorder."
She herself had relegated herself as less of a victim. She could have chosen to get justice she deserves and to throw his sorry ass in prison and she opted to stay with him and raise a child with instead.nowvhe is a free man something an alleged domestic abuser should not be.That's her choice of course which I struggle to respect tbh.

United's value is irrelevant. What's relevant is that the club had invested huge amount of time and money into an asset who ended up dragging it into the mud for months. Now it's set to lose it on peanuts for something it has no fault or say upon.
You start with victim blaming and then it's downhill from there. The 'but oh well' genuinely reads as sociopathic.
The thing is as well, if he'd initially come out and just admitted it before going on to say he was incredibly sorry and would seek professional help for anger/control issues (or whatever it is) then I'm willing to bet a lot more people would err towards the rehab/redemption side of things. Admitting you did wrong is a very disarming thing to do and could've given him a better chance of staying.

As of now they've still not explained a single thing to the fans and instead just left it all vague which has caused certain people to twist themselves in knots trying to find loopholes or minuscule possibilities he's a wholly innocent sweet baby boy.
I agree with this, it is the most sensible and decent thing to do when you've been found out, although I do wonder whether he was legally advised not to do that as it would mean publicly confessing a crime?
I agree with this, it is the most sensible and decent thing to do when you've been found out, although I do wonder whether he was legally advised not to do that as it would mean publicly confessing a crime?

Yeah perhaps. In the UK they can prosecute you even if the victim doesn't want the charges to happen. I guess that's why they kept it as 'made mistakes'.
You start with victim blaming and then it's downhill from there. The 'but oh well' genuinely reads as sociopathic.

One of my oldest friends was killed by an abusive husband. She stuck with him despite having all the support provided to her. I am not blaming the victim but she made her choice. The real victims are those who have to live with their decision including her children
As I said, the only reason you're bringing Ronaldo up is to muddy the waters as far as Greenwood is concerned. Neither situation has any bearing on the other - if you want to discuss the awful things that Ronaldo very probably did then there's a Ronaldo thread for that.
And yet, I choose to discuss the parallel between Ronaldo and Greenwood in this thread because in my opinion both cases are very related. Feel free to report me for taking the thread off topic and let the mods decide or just don't respond to those posts, it's that simple really.
And yet, I choose to discuss the parallel between Ronaldo and Greenwood in this thread because in my opinion both cases are very related. Feel free to report me for taking the thread off topic and let the mods decide or just don't respond to those posts, it's that simple really.
Blocking probably the way forward.
One of my oldest friends was killed by an abusive husband. She stuck with him despite having all the support provided to her. I am not blaming the victim but she made her choice. The real victims are those who have to live with their decision including her children

So she's not a real victim?

There are many reasons why somebody may be coerced or convinced to stay with an abusive partner. Just because you cannot understand that doesn't mean you get to judge a decision somebody made whilst in a likely terrible and confused state of mind. This is such a disgusting thing to say about someone.
You start with victim blaming and then it's downhill from there. The 'but oh well' genuinely reads as sociopathic.

Yeah it's a tough read (like a lot of this thread) but I have to admit it's enlightening.

I guess the anonymity afforded to us on the forum allows us to say/ read things that we generally don't see in public.

I was kind of blindsided by Trumps victory/ Brexit etc as I wasn't aware of the fact that people actually could feel the way those voters felt and get behind such reprehensible (IMO at least) ideas and characters so this thread is actually quite interesting to me as a bit of a social barometer.

I can only imagine what would be said in here if the Moderators weren't keeping an eye on it as it's already a bit gross and that's with constant bannings and warnings.
Thanks for that, its sad in a way that FFP will lead clubs to be more inclined to sell their own academy players going forwards. Like Gallagher at Chelsea. Final nail in the coffin for wanting to see players stay at a club for a decade.
Yes the academy and development of youth players unfortunately is currently the best way to combat FFP.
Yeah it's a tough read (like a lot of this thread) but I have to admit it's enlightening.

I guess the anonymity afforded to us on the forum allows us to say/ read things that we generally don't see in public.

I was kind of blindsided by Trumps victory/ Brexit etc as I wasn't aware of the fact that people actually could feel the way those voters felt and get behind such reprehensible (IMO at least) ideas and characters so this thread is actually quite interesting to me as a bit of a social barometer.

I can only imagine what would be said in here if the Moderators weren't keeping an eye on it as it's already a bit gross and that's with constant bannings and warnings.
Yep, as you say it is quite an insight into what some people really think when anonymity strips their inhibitions away. Re Trump and Brexit I was absolutely confident (complacent?) that neither could happen too and then amazed when they did. Mods doing the lord's work for sure in here - a task I don't envy them. I may step out for a bit tbh as I'm aware that I'm turning into a bit of a rant-machine here today!
I find this whole situation really very sad and I'm deeply wishing for a happy end to the story for him and his partner and their family. If it happens to be at United I'd be okay with that but if it's anywhere else, it's fine.

I would be defending the same position if it was McTominay or Henderson, I feel some sort of attachment to our academy graduates, especially those who make it to the senior team at United. Maybe my tendency to defend them against oppo fans attacks has made me irrationally attached to them, I don't know. I sort of see them as family and I know if he was my brother/son I would not deny him nor readily throw him to the wolves. I truly feel for the girl and what she has allegedly gone through as well and I hope they being back together is now in a healthy and continuously monitored relationship with proper counselling for both of them. If she ever decides to bring up his crimes back to the justice system and he's found guilty, then by all means he should be duly punished for it with prison time. For now, I'm hanging on to the hope that they have sincerely mended things up and are living a "normal" family life once again, with him having apologised and repented behind closed doors.
If his missus happened to be my daughter then this thread would probably not exist and we wouldn't be discussing greenwood's future

By all accounts her father has been heavily encouraging of their relationship and supportive of their new family together
Burt at The Telegraphs’s take on MG :rolleyes:.

I remember a time when we had loads of good journalists who actually spent time researching articles rather than just make “holier than thou” clickbait posts repeatedly. He’s turned off replies option on this one.

Hated, adored, etc…

Okay, so Manchester United is not allowed to profit from this but the Telegraph is allowed to generate clicks and revenue from it?
He'd instantly be our best forward if he came back.
I disagree but I guess we'll never know.

Don't get it twisted, I was a big fan when he was here and thought he had immense talent but people are overrating his performances for Getafe, making it out that he can come and singe handedly carry our attack.
Some noise coming out today (albeit from the Sun) that Greenwood wants to come back and ETH wants him also.

At this point, I think I'd be surprised if they don't at least try and re-integrate him.

All this talk about Mason is all Antony fault. If he had come and performed as advertised, nobody would give a shite about MG and his scumbaggy self. Not only has Antony not performed, he's also brought some of the same issues. Can't expressed enough, how disappointed I am with that transfer.
I disagree but I guess we'll never know.

Don't get it twisted, I was a big fan when he was here and thought he had immense talent but people are overrating his performances for Getafe, making it out that he can come and singe handedly carry our attack.

He wouldn't, the bar isn't that high tbf. Wouldn't say the same if it was City but I genuinely believe he'd be our top scorer if he was here as he is easily our best finisher...Maybe says more about our current situation rather than how good he is. I hope I made my point clearer.
I'm at a point now where I don't think he'll ever come back (To England, let alone United) but I hope we get a good fee for him, 40m is a joke.
I will be behind the clubs decision, no matter what that will be. If it is a 2nd chance, fine, if he is sold, fine.
Some noise coming out today (albeit from the Sun) that Greenwood wants to come back and ETH wants him also.

At this point, I think I'd be surprised if they don't at least try and re-integrate him.

INEOS will handle it much better than Arnold. There were a lot of missteps and leaks from the media that destroyed any chance of Greenwood returning. I can imagine that the current structure under INEOS would handle the drama associated with it much better. Hopefully Greenwood is offered a chance back with common sense prevailing in any event whether he stays or is sold.
Quality control
This whole situation has become ludicrous.

Since the charges were dropped: the couple have reconciled, had a baby together, post adorable photos on social media, Mason nominated for La Liga player of the month, the owner and manager seem to want him back. Now even Mason is clamouring to come back even after what their family went through.

The argument against him is become weaker. There's nothing more he could have done in this scenario short of time travel. There is no point being machoistic and continuing to single Manchester United out when other clubs and institutions continue to do whatever they want and support who they want with no repercussions.
Who had since dropped the case for god knows why and is now back with him.

The Biggest victim is the club. We had invested hugely on him in time and development only to lose him for almost nothing. Not to forget the huge bad publicity we got for something we had no fault upon. It's a shame that the club can't sue him. If players gets money because they are actively pushing the United brand then surely they can be sued for damaging that same brand
What a sad, ridiculous perspective.
This whole situation has become ludicrous.

Since the charges were dropped: the couple have reconciled, had a baby together, post adorable photos on social media, Mason nominated for La Liga player of the month, the owner and manager seem to want him back. Now even Mason is clamouring to come back even after what their family went through.

The argument against him is become weaker. There's nothing more he could have done in this scenario short of time travel. There is no point being machoistic and continuing to single Manchester United out when other clubs and institutions continue to do whatever they want and support who they want with no repercussions.
He could have decided not to repeatedly batter a vulnerable woman, and threaten to rape her.
Oh we're not even hiding the victim blaming now.

Won't someone please think of the multi-billion pound company.
This whole situation has become ludicrous.

Since the charges were dropped: the couple have reconciled, had a baby together, post adorable photos on social media, Mason nominated for La Liga player of the month, the owner and manager seem to want him back. Now even Mason is clamouring to come back even after what their family went through.

The argument against him is become weaker. There's nothing more he could have done in this scenario short of time travel. There is no point being machoistic and continuing to single Manchester United out when other clubs and institutions continue to do whatever they want and support who they want with no repercussions.
The situation hasn't changed, the only thing that's changing is the volume of ludicrous attempts to justify bringing him back, and those that do so are tarnishing the Club, the Fans, this Forum and more importantly being offensively ignorant towards those that have lived through domestic violence, sexual assault or both.
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