Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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So you’re completely ignoring the statements by the CPS, Police and club, all of whom have heard the full 15 minute conversation, that the few seconds on the internet don’t represent the full conversation. “It’s on the internet so it must be true”.

I'm not going to get into a lengthy discussion with people who wish to defend Greenwood. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion on the matter.

But everything you said doesn't make the audio non-existent. And for me(and I presume others), I find it unforgiveable personally.

This bit in bold also doesn't make sense. The audio wasn't manufactured.
Good decision by SJR. We should at least keep the option open until a final decision can be made in the best interests of all parties.
Agreed. He obviously also had his own opinions on both and is holding them close to the vest. The way his Greenwood statement was worded made it sound like he may be leaning towards a return, but one never knows. He was also a bit oddly cagey about ETH, which was probably because one doesn't want to publicly commit to his long term future before knowing how we finish the season.
You can definitely read into it either way, with the mention of young people making mistakes and other hand referencing the club's values. The latter makes me think he's leaning towards sell to avoid the aggro, but who knows. Makes sense not to commit on ETH with a few months left, as you say, but if/when we don't make top four I'd imagine that would seal it.
Good decision imo. Both because they actually do need to hear from him before deciding, but also because it adds value to his transfervalue by not making him on his own.

For me, MG still needs to come out, at least to his teammates in a remorseful way. Imagine being the player that has to play next to him. If no context or no remorse, you just think he’s a complete dickhead. That’s not how you build a unit of a team.
that’s what is disappointing. The hype and circus around the topic and not rational, fact based decisions. That’s been a major issue in general for us over the last 10 years. Media influence.

based on the facts available at the beginning of the issue, the club correctly suspended him. New facts came to the clubs attention which seem to put things in a different context as per the club statement. But these won’t be good enough for him to come back. This is not 1998. Back then we were mentally strong as a football team to protect players (david beckham back then). Now we are not that club anymore.
Yes, it's our lack of mental fortitude that'll stop us bringing him back. Because he deserves protecting from the consequences of his actions JUST like Beckham did. What a smart and totally sensible comparison.
The poll on here was 55% on wanting him back - whether that's representative of the fanbase is another question
It's a question where the answer is clear. It's not representative. It's just about unclear of whether it's representative of the caf. I certainly wouldn't be including a statistic gathered by such means in a research paper.
I don't want to delve into whether its morally right to bring Greenwood back. All I can say is that Greenwood is a tangible asset to the club whose worth tens of millions, whose been doing very well at Getafe and whose incredibly effective in two positions that we are weak in. You can't expect SJR to go out and say 'I don't want that little shit at this club'. Else his price will plummet. Therefore if we get a good fee for him then he'll leave. If not, then he'll stay. The same will happen with Sancho whether ETH or the fans like it or not.

This is not personal, its strictly business. The days when we aired our dirty linen in public and we gave long term contracts to injury prone players because we love his facial expressions are over. United mean business and this cuts all ways (whether its getting rid of underperforming player, keeping a cnut because the money involved in that deal doesn't make sense or haggling for the release fee of a sporting director we need desperately)
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If you look at the comments from various articles in the daily newspapers a lot of them are in favour of redemption and bringing MG back. There’s actually a significant amount arguing MG should quit due to the way he’s been treated. I know a lot of the posters on here would love to believe otherwise but I’d say the majority of our fan base want him to return!!
If you look at the comments from various articles in the daily newspapers a lot of them are in favour of redemption and bringing MG back. There’s actually a significant amount arguing MG should quit due to the way he’s been treated. I know a lot of the posters on here would love to believe otherwise but I’d say the majority of our fan base want him to return!!
I'm not sure the comments section of the Mail Online is the place to go for reasonable, insightful analysis.
I'm not sure the comments section of the Mail Online is the place to go for reasonable, insightful analysis.
There always an excuse :lol:. Society is made up of many different people. Shock, horror, some of whom have opinions different to your own!
Quality control
Great news! SJR is taking all right decisions. Greenwood could play for United or at least his value while selling won’t be pittance at the end of the season.
Hoping to see him play again for United rather than in Spain because of pressure from cancel culture brigade.
Weirdly, I think he'd be less likely to come back under the old regime. No sponsor will want to have his face on their posters, so his value from a commercial perspective drops massively.

Yet, from a footballing and FFP perspective, it probably makes more sense to keep him due to lack of options and the lack of a big transfer fee from him.

Like many have said, some things are more important than both money and football.

Football feels increasingly murky and corrupted each year, but I hope that Manchester United can do things the right way by taking integrity and morality into consideration when making decisions.
So many people being baited into hope by Ratcliffe trying to protect Greenwood's sale value...
Why could he play anywhere in the world but at Manchester United? This is so arrogant from you, from English people in general. He made a mistake and has been forgiven. I'd love to see him again in a United shirt.
So you’re completely ignoring the statements by the CPS, Police and club, all of whom have heard the full 15 minute conversation, that the few seconds on the internet don’t represent the full conversation. “It’s on the internet so it must be true”.
Did the police or GPS say “not guilty”

police charges were dropped because they no longer felt that they could get a conviction. That doesn’t say that he’s not guilty.
Great news! SJR is taking all right decisions. Greenwood could play for United or at least his value while selling won’t be pittance at the end of the season.
Hoping to see him play again for United rather than in Spain because of pressure from cancel culture brigade.
Hello Tory voter

let’s be clear, greenwood caused this stink not other people
It would be interesting to hear the views of female United fans. Do they think he deserves a second chance at United?
If you look at the comments from various articles in the daily newspapers a lot of them are in favour of redemption and bringing MG back. There’s actually a significant amount arguing MG should quit due to the way he’s been treated. I know a lot of the posters on here would love to believe otherwise but I’d say the majority of our fan base want him to return!!
Do you have any links to articles calling for redemption? I haven't seen any, but nor have I looked. Interested in what they're saying though, given the storm last time the club tried to bring him back.
Play the audio clip to Sir, Jim... Should settle it within 60 seconds.
It might or it might not. People do learn and evolve. Is he still a complete and utter scum bag as his behaviour from a couple of years back suggested? The club has to make that call.
If you look at the comments from various articles in the daily newspapers a lot of them are in favour of redemption and bringing MG back. There’s actually a significant amount arguing MG should quit due to the way he’s been treated. I know a lot of the posters on here would love to believe otherwise but I’d say the majority of our fan base want him to return!!
Sources? Links please
So you’re completely ignoring the statements by the CPS, Police and club, all of whom have heard the full 15 minute conversation, that the few seconds on the internet don’t represent the full conversation. “It’s on the internet so it must be true”.
What could possibly be in the rest of that audio that would make what we all heard ok? Seriously?
The comments do sound quite positive for his reintegration, but honestly I just can’t see it. I’m torn, from a footballing perspective I still think he’s a huge asset to have, but for Manchester Utd I’d be concerned that the noise just destabilises yet another season.
It's a question where the answer is clear. It's not representative. It's just about unclear of whether it's representative of the caf. I certainly wouldn't be including a statistic gathered by such means in a research paper.

I actually think the poll on here is pretty representative of the Caf at least and not that far off for the whole fanbase either, shame it was closed before getting more votes to give a clearer picture of where opinions lie on here. If there was a new poll it should have more than 2 options though.

Like I said, there will have to be some kind of interview/explanation with more details before he can return - if that happens, I expect an even larger majority of the fanbase would accept his return then is the case today.
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There always an excuse :lol:. Society is made up of many different people. Shock, horror, some of whom have opinions different to your own!
So your actually ok with what he did and would have him back? Says alot about you really if you can forgive something like that so easily. But football eh, way more important right? :rolleyes:
Great news! SJR is taking all right decisions. Greenwood could play for United or at least his value while selling won’t be pittance at the end of the season.
Hoping to see him play again for United rather than in Spain because of pressure from cancel culture brigade.
Cancel culture brigade :wenger: ffs
The comments do sound quite positive for his reintegration, but honestly I just can’t see it. I’m torn, from a footballing perspective I still think he’s a huge asset to have, but for Manchester Utd I’d be concerned that the noise just destabilises yet another season.

Depends on the season. If it's a season where we start with 10 wins (I know, just stick with the example) then few will make it an issue. If it's the same bullshit, then...
Ratcliffe juggling keep him versus club image, fan base and sponsors.

Don’t see it happening, reckon he’ll be sold in the summer.
Great news! SJR is taking all right decisions. Greenwood could play for United or at least his value while selling won’t be pittance at the end of the season.
Hoping to see him play again for United rather than in Spain because of pressure from cancel culture brigade.

What a horrible hot take.
Suppose there is a possibility of making more money from him if the general thought was he was wanted by the club. Potential suitors will no doubt offer low ball figures for a man they know the club are desperate to offload.

It did seem the door was left open to a return with that interview though.
I actually think the poll on here is pretty representative of the Caf at least and not that far off for the whole fanbase either, shame it was closed before getting more votes to give a clearer picture of where opinions lie on here. If there was a new poll it should have more than 2 options though.

Like I said, there will have to be some kind of interview/explanation with more details before he can return - if that happens, I expect an even larger majority of the fanbase would accept his return then is the case today.
How can you think it's representative of the fanbase as a whole, besides using anecdotal evidence? It could of course be the case that the true fanbase split happens to be similar to the poll here, but that doesn't mean that the poll here can be considered representative.
There always an excuse :lol:. Society is made up of many different people. Shock, horror, some of whom have opinions different to your own!
Well, yes, I never denied that. What I was implying is that the comment section of the Mail Online and places like it is chock full of morons. So they may well have different opinions to mine but it doesn't stop those opinions being moronic.
Why could he play anywhere in the world but at Manchester United? This is so arrogant from you, from English people in general. He made a mistake and has been forgiven. I'd love to see him again in a United shirt.
What mistake did he make?
Why could he play anywhere in the world but at Manchester United? This is so arrogant from you, from English people in general. He made a mistake and has been forgiven. I'd love to see him again in a United shirt.
Says a lot about you that you seem more triggered by perceived English snobbery than by domestic violence.
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