Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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Why could he play anywhere in the world but at Manchester United? This is so arrogant from you, from English people in general. He made a mistake and has been forgiven. I'd love to see him again in a United shirt.

I'm Scottish and agree with my English counterparts then. Feck him, I never want to see him here again.
Well, yes, I never denied that. What I was implying is that the comment section of the Mail Online and places like it is chock full of morons. So they may well have different opinions to mine but it doesn't stop those opinions being moronic.
Quite an arrogant response really. Maybe other people are more open minded. Maybe they don’t judge without being in possession of all the facts. Maybe they believe in forgiveness. Maybe they believe that if one is not guilty by law then one should be allowed to continue their life.
So many people being baited into hope by Ratcliffe trying to protect Greenwood's sale value...

We can only hope this is what he's doing.

There's no mitigation for Greenwood.

CPS Fell apart: because witnesses withdrew, not because they found Greenwood innocent.

His age: Ageism

His background: Insufficient

He's been punished: Being paid thousands a week in Spain is not 'punishment'

What about Alonso, Zouma: Whataboutery.

There is no mitigating circumstances to justify his actions.

Greenwood has got to go.

How can you think it's representative of the fanbase as a whole, besides using anecdotal evidence? It could of course be the case that the true fanbase split happens to be similar to the poll here, but that doesn't mean that the poll here can be considered representative.

It's just the general feel I get from various sources including anecdotal

What makes you think it's not representative?
Is it possible SJR is posturing to ensure we aren't taken to the cleaners when selling him in summer?

If he says he's definitely never playing again etc then clubs know we HAVE to sell and will lowball us. If we leave the door open (even if it's just hinted at in interviews like this), it strengthens our hand a bit in negotiations.

I genuinely can't see Greenwood playing for us again. Too much backlash from literally every possible sector
I think it is clear from Sir Jim's comments that he personally would like to welcome Mason back to the club. He made comments that would be totally unnecessary for the purpose of value retention alone.

e.g. " You are dealing with young people who have not always been brought up in the best circumstances, who have a lot of money and they don't always have the guidance they should have. “What we need to do when we have issues like that is understand real effects, not the hype. " " All young people get into trouble from time to time. "

There is no reason to make these statements unless there is belief in Mason and a real willingness to take him back. I suspect he will lay low on this topic until the summer and gauge what the opinions of the coaching staff , perception of the fan base and perception of the public. If he perceives a net benefit then I have no doubt he will implement it.
Suppose there is a possibility of making more money from him if the general thought was he was wanted by the club. Potential suitors will no doubt offer low ball figures for a man they know the club are desperate to offload.

It did seem the door was left open to a return with that interview though.

Even if behind closed doors we wanted to sell him, the most rational thing to do would be to not publicly make him persona non grata, so as to maximize our gain.
I think it is clear from Sir Jim's comments that he personally would like to welcome Mason back to the club. He made comments that would be totally unnecessary for the purpose of value retention alone.

e.g. " You are dealing with young people who have not always been brought up in the best circumstances, who have a lot of money and they don't always have the guidance they should have. “What we need to do when we have issues like that is understand real effects, not the hype. " " All young people get into trouble from time to time. "

There is no reason to make these statements unless there is belief in Mason and a real willingness to take him back. I suspect he will lay low on this topic until the summer and gauge what the opinions of the coaching staff , perception of the fan base and perception of the public. If he perceives a net benefit then I have no doubt he will implement it.
Do you not understand that the mere fact he has convinced you he wants to keep him does exactly that?
Says a lot about you that you seem more triggered by perceived English snobbery than by domestic violence.

So the victim of the alleged domestic violence can have child with Greenwood and plan to marry him, but you can't stand the thought of him plaing football.
The charges have been dropped for a year now. Obviously there is much more to this story.
Do you not understand that the mere fact he has convinced you he wants to keep him does exactly that?

My perception is that he probably would want to keep him personally but is weighing up the backlash from sponsor and fan fallout. There's no reason to be that sympathetic to his cause.
If it was purely about value retention he would have said something like " excellent football player but we are still waiting to make a decision as a club based on our values". He threw in a few lines that showed some personal favour in my opinion.

Or your right and that was purely Machiavellian, which is the reason he's a billionaire and we are commoners.
I actually think the poll on here is pretty representative of the Caf at least and not that far off for the whole fanbase either, shame it was closed before getting more votes to give a clearer picture of where opinions lie on here. If there was a new poll it should have more than 2 options though.

Like I said, there will have to be some kind of interview/explanation with more details before he can return - if that happens, I expect an even larger majority of the fanbase would accept his return then is the case today.

Nope, I think it represents this thread only.

The Jude Bellingham thread was interesting, with only the zealots from this thread defending MG and everyone else laughing.
It's just the general feel I get from various sources including anecdotal

What makes you think it's not representative?

Because there's a clear bias, in that there's a group of people more likely to be on the caf than others (younger but not too young, male, more tech-capable, desk-job, European, etc.).

I could accept that the poll here might be representative of the caf, but not of the whole fanbase. I would say that no online poll can be deemed representative, unless you do some proper study design. At most it can be representative of the online portion of the fanbase.
I think it is clear from Sir Jim's comments that he personally would like to welcome Mason back to the club. He made comments that would be totally unnecessary for the purpose of value retention alone.

e.g. " You are dealing with young people who have not always been brought up in the best circumstances, who have a lot of money and they don't always have the guidance they should have. “What we need to do when we have issues like that is understand real effects, not the hype. " " All young people get into trouble from time to time. "

There is no reason to make these statements unless there is belief in Mason and a real willingness to take him back. I suspect he will lay low on this topic until the summer and gauge what the opinions of the coaching staff , perception of the fan base and perception of the public. If he perceives a net benefit then I have no doubt he will implement it.
The flipside to that was SJR's comments about the club's values though. To mention values and then bring him back will make a lot of people question whether he cares about those values.

Like I said, both sides can read into it whatever they want, but it was more a non-committal holding answer to me, albeit with a bit more flesh on it either way than expected.
Nope, I think it represents this thread only.

The Jude Bellingham thread was interesting, with only the zealots from this thread defending MG and everyone else laughing.

There were several hundred votes before that poll was closed, I don't see that many posting here

Feel free to run another poll, I'm sure you'll get a similar result

I actually forgot about the Bellingham thing, doesn't seem to have been any update there
I still think that the best place for Greenwood, his girlfriend and their kid is away from the England and the premier league. The media coverage they'll both get will be awful.

Live in the sun, let your kid grow up multilingual and and in a place where they don't have to grow up hearing their dad have "rapist" screamed at him every Saturday.
There were several hundred votes before that poll was closed, I don't see that many posting here

Feel free to run another poll, I'm sure you'll get a similar result

I actually forgot about the Bellingham thing, doesn't seem to have been any update there

Maybe I underestimate the amount of regular folk who are appalled and you'll get your boy back.
He won't come back because of the backlash. But erm, per your profile, you support Millwall and St Etienne. Of course you wouldn't support this club either way. :smirk:
:lol: fair point. When I first set this up, I wasn't aware of how many opposition fans were on here, so I just thought we all were united fans!
The dregs really have taken over this thread now. Just shows how many apologists there actually are on the cafe. Horrible to know.
I think it is clear from Sir Jim's comments that he personally would like to welcome Mason back to the club. He made comments that would be totally unnecessary for the purpose of value retention alone.

e.g. " You are dealing with young people who have not always been brought up in the best circumstances, who have a lot of money and they don't always have the guidance they should have. “What we need to do when we have issues like that is understand real effects, not the hype. " " All young people get into trouble from time to time. "

There is no reason to make these statements unless there is belief in Mason and a real willingness to take him back. I suspect he will lay low on this topic until the summer and gauge what the opinions of the coaching staff , perception of the fan base and perception of the public. If he perceives a net benefit then I have no doubt he will implement it.

Yes but he said United have values. Which means Greenwood is a no-no.

Ship him off and spend the cash where its needed. Easy innit.
Suppose there is a possibility of making more money from him if the general thought was he was wanted by the club. Potential suitors will no doubt offer low ball figures for a man they know the club are desperate to offload.

It did seem the door was left open to a return with that interview though.

Ignoring other things for a second, I reckon the thing that might see him finally sold permanently is FFP.

Antony and Sancho are gonna be hard to get rid of for a decent fee. Getting 40 million for MG would give the club a bit of a boost in that area.

If Ten Hag was to depart, I reckon we might see Sancho return in some capacity rather than MG (mainly because nobody is gonna sign him unless he significantly reduces wage demands).

The ongoing issues with Shaw and Malacia have arguably added another level of complication. We might go into the summer needing two left backs. At the very least, MG's 40 million can help cover a decent amount of that required investment.
Because there's a clear bias, in that there's a group of people more likely to be on the caf than others (younger but not too young, male, more tech-capable, desk-job, European, etc.).

I could accept that the poll here might be representative of the caf, but not of the whole fanbase. I would say that no online poll can be deemed representative, unless you do some proper study design. At most it can be representative of the online portion of the fanbase.

Doesn't sound that far away from the matchgoing demographic to me! Although I'd question whether that is actually the demographic of RedCafe but that discussion is worthy of a seperate thread
INEOS have so far very carefully and mindfully engaged with fans. What makes you think they will suddenly stop doing this with respect to this very contentious issue?

You didn't have to.

And Sky did far more than that, they didn't just say they didn't dope, they actively pushed the morality far beyond the point of any other cycling team in history. They wanted to be seen as cleaner than clean and that they did it all on their own cleverness. They wanted to be seen to do it right. Someone as toxic as Greenwood won't get a look in.

He also went to great efforts to act all moral and how it would be outrageous to dope and went to great lengths to pretend his athletes were clean. There's zero chance they take on the massive PR hit on this. It's wishful thinking on your part.

How you guys getting on today? I told you they were ruthless and I told you they will do ANYTHING to win. That includes employing people with very dodgy pasts in Greenwood, Berrada and Brailsford.
I'd have thought all fans would have welcomed the comments as well as the whole thing being looked at again in the summer with hopefully a decision being made whether to keep or to sell. If a proper process is followed and a sensible decision reached, again whether to keep or to sell, I'd hope both extremes of the fanbase will be able to be mature and finally move on.
Maybe I underestimate the amount of regular folk who are appalled and you'll get your boy back.

I think you underestimate the wide range of opinions that might lead to someone wanting him back - trying to make out that it's a simplistic appalled/not appalled is far from the truth.

I've said several times that I am undecided if I want him back yet - he's on probation as far as I'm concerned and he still has a lot to prove. I'll decide when the season is over whether he deserves to return to Old Trafford.

I'm glad to hear that Sir Jim is taking a similar open minded, fact based approach.
I'm hoping Radcliffe's comments on Greenwood indicate that he's prepared to make the brave decisions for the football club. That his main concern is that the club is successful on the pitch. It feels like the club has been rudderless since the Glazer parasites took over. They only care about their money and that means they're way too easily swayed by other people's opinions and those who shout loudest and how that affects the balance sheet in the short term. Scared of the gallery.

If Radcliffe can look at the Greenwood situation and come to a couple of conclusions, a). that he's been convicted of absolutely nothing and b). that he's a massively talented young footballer who could greatly boost the likelihood of success on the football pitch then I for one would see that as a good sign and a good start.
Quite an arrogant response really. Maybe other people are more open minded. Maybe they don’t judge without being in possession of all the facts. Maybe they believe in forgiveness. Maybe they believe that if one is not guilty by law then one should be allowed to continue their life.

And maybe they are performing mental gymnastics because he can kick a ball well.
I think you underestimate the wide range of opinions that might lead to someone wanting him back - trying to make out that it's a simplistic appalled/not appalled is far from the truth.

I've said several times that I am undecided if I want him back yet - he's on probation as far as I'm concerned and he still has a lot to prove. I'll decide when the season is over whether he deserves to return to Old Trafford.

I'm glad to hear that Sir Jim is taking a similar open minded, fact based approach.

I never said it was simplistic, I just said people were appalled as we saw when the club tried to bring him back with no explanation. That's just a fact.

You are happiest in the grey area and that's fine. And watching you thread it has shown me this issue is not always what it seems.

As for the bolded bit, that was just a non-committal empty press statement. It's extraordinary what we choose to believe.
I never said it was simplistic, I just said people were appalled as we saw when the club tried to bring him back with no explanation. That's just a fact.

You are happiest in the grey area and that's fine. And watching you thread it has shown me this issue is not always what it seems.

As for the bolded bit, that was just a non-committal empty press statement. It's extraordinary what we choose to believe.

Yes it is a fact and due to that I've always maintained that he cannot return without further explanation

To me, Sir Jim choosing (and he has undoubtedly chosen in the MUTV interview at least) to address the Greenwood issue says a lot in itself - it would have been very easy for him to ignore this completely at this point.
The flipside to that was SJR's comments about the club's values though. To mention values and then bring him back will make a lot of people question whether he cares about those values.

Like I said, both sides can read into it whatever they want, but it was more a non-committal holding answer to me, albeit with a bit more flesh on it either way than expected.
SJR mentioning club values tells me he has no intention of keeping Greenwood and rightly so.

No chance SJR would jeopardise club image and fan base just for the sake of one player.
To me, Sir Jim choosing (and he has undoubtedly chosen in the MUTV interview at least) to address the Greenwood issue says a lot in itself - it would have been very easy for him to ignore this completely at this point.

Easy to ignore, but smarter to make a statement that nobody in a very divisive situation can get annoyed by. And that both sides can take solace in.

All we can take from that is that he's a lot more savvy than what we have been used to at United, which is a good thing.
The flipside to that was SJR's comments about the club's values though. To mention values and then bring him back will make a lot of people question whether he cares about those values.

Like I said, both sides can read into it whatever they want, but it was more a non-committal holding answer to me, albeit with a bit more flesh on it either way than expected.

Exactly Jippy.
The flipside to that was SJR's comments about the club's values though. To mention values and then bring him back will make a lot of people question whether he cares about those values.

Like I said, both sides can read into it whatever they want, but it was more a non-committal holding answer to me, albeit with a bit more flesh on it either way than expected.
Maybe the clubs family values indicate that we should stick by someone that’s been convicted of no crime and support him like we’ve done many other players in the past
Maybe the clubs family values indicate that we should stick by someone that’s been convicted of no crime and support him like we’ve done many other players in the past
Like I said, everyone can read what they want into SJR's words. My view has been that he won't want the shitstorm, but I could be completely wrong.
Maybe the clubs family values indicate that we should stick by someone that’s been convicted of no crime and support him like we’ve done many other players in the past
Oh give it a rest. Your another one trying to sweep what he did under the carpet just because of football. It's despicable.
Easy to ignore, but smarter to make a statement that nobody in a very divisive situation can get annoyed by. And that both sides can take solace in.

All we can take from that is that he's a lot more savvy than what we have been used to at United, which is a good thing.

Definitely - I had my doubts about the Sir Jim minority investment but been impressed with him so far even if it is just PR fluff, hopefully leads to actual improvement for the club
I think SJR just puts himself in a good bargaining position for the summer. I still think they won't bring him back. It's basically saying to potential buyers "We will sell for good money, otherwise we might bring him back".
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