Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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I actually don't see that happening.

He's not putting up great numbers or statistics, has lost a spark about him; pace, agility. Is no longer a young player and should be finding his stride - 22 in the modern day is when you're expected to bed yourself into a team, if you're a genuine top talent.

I imagine Getafe will be his level. In Spain, Italy or Germany, a mid-table team will be where he's suited.

Why would Getafe be his level when he previously excelled at Manchester United (as a teenager no less) ? Therefore if not United, it would seem that another big club of comparable stature would be his level - Madrid, Barca, Athletico, Juve, Bayern, PSG would be among the suitors. If there is a perception that bigger clubs aren't after him in the present, its more so due to the fan protest risk they would want to avoid taking on, not his capability as a footballer.
I actually don't see that happening.

He's not putting up great numbers or statistics, has lost a spark about him; pace, agility. Is no longer a young player and should be finding his stride - 22 in the modern day is when you're expected to bed yourself into a team, if you're a genuine top talent.

I imagine Getafe will be his level. In Spain, Italy or Germany, a mid-table team will be where he's suited.
Nah he’s clearly far too good for getafe. Just watch a few games and he’s the best player in the side and often one of the best on the pitch. He’s good enough for Manchester Utd as a player so he’s clearly good enough for other top teams too. The question is whether they want to risk the shitestorm, just as Utd don’t.
So I guess you must have been really confused when they sent him on loan to Getafe? You think that happened because of a section of supporters being upset, and that would have no conceivable knock on effect?

At first, but then I realized we had a bunch of spineless dolts at the head, because by all reports, they dithered on arriving at a decision, created a plan to ease him back in, and scrapped all of that at the first sign of unrest. I'd be more tolerating of them if they had paid out his contract immediately upon the news and let him go.

I'm not sure what the knock on effect would be, honestly. I know they were not fearing a mass of empty seats. I'm looking at other clubs who've fielded problematic players come out unscathed.
@adexkola seeing as the man will never be convicted, are you happy to support him the way you would if you hadn't heard the audio?

I'm not supporting him. I'm not rooting for him or anything like that

I'm supporting Manchester United. If a despicable human being like Greenwood scores goals for United I'm happy at us being a goal up, solely. I also tell my non-existent kids to not idolize footballers who have not proved themselves as good people

I have not heard the audio by the way. I read the transcript. Which was enough
I'm supporting Manchester United. If a despicable human being like Greenwood scores goals for United I'm happy at us being a goal up, solely.

Where is your line for that?

For example if he was accused of abusing a child in the same way would you still feel the same?

Not having a go etc just genuinely curious where the line is drawn as it's obviously further than abusing a woman.
I'm not supporting him. I'm not rooting for him or anything like that

I'm supporting Manchester United. If a despicable human being like Greenwood scores goals for United I'm happy at us being a goal up, solely. I also tell my non-existent kids to not idolize footballers who have not proved themselves as good people

I have not heard the audio by the way. I read the transcript. Which was enough
Listen to his voice saying those things and then we can reconvene.

Him playing for United would stop me supporting United. That's not the same perspective as everyone else, and that's cool, but you're here giving your opinion on something you don't have even part of the context of.

If you read a transcript, you read it in your own voice, it allows you to separate the words from the speaker. It's the reason why comparing Ronaldo to Greenwood is a false comparison.

None of us are judges, none of us were flies on the wall, but you should at least listen to the available evidence before you start telling other people how to feel.
At first, but then I realized we had a bunch of spineless dolts at the head, because by all reports, they dithered on arriving at a decision, created a plan to ease him back in, and scrapped all of that at the first sign of unrest. I'd be more tolerating of them if they had paid out his contract immediately upon the news and let him go.

I'm not sure what the knock on effect would be, honestly. I know they were not fearing a mass of empty seats. I'm looking at other clubs who've fielded problematic players come out unscathed.
This is nonsense, it was a fecking Tsunami. Someone whistleblew their plan to the media they were so upset (would have to be someone pretty senior), staff threatened to strike, they pissed off the women's team, fans, high profile fans, domestic violence charities and people who don't even give a shit about United. We still don't even know what the position is of any of the playing squad - a good egg like Cavani fell out with him whilst here, can't imagine everyone would be on board with him coming back knowing what we know now.

The fan base is so big they probably wouldn't have empty seats, but there would be a reluctance for brands to be associated, celebrities we love to trot out (Julia Roberts for example) would 100% not be interested in doing the photo ops any more. What examples are you trying to draw a parallel to? I genuinely can't think of any one who's fielded a player with this much stink around.
I'm not supporting him. I'm not rooting for him or anything like that

I'm supporting Manchester United. If a despicable human being like Greenwood scores goals for United I'm happy at us being a goal up, solely. I also tell my non-existent kids to not idolize footballers who have not proved themselves as good people

I have not heard the audio by the way. I read the transcript. Which was enough

Even if you do want Greenwood back, this is a strange way to frame your logic.
So the fact one was arrested and charged and the other wasn't carries less weight in your world than what Rood on the internet says?

That's not weird at all.

Half of your posts on Redcafe are in this thread, and half of them mention Rood.

Not weird at all.

Is one not still under investigation in Brazil and England? I don't think he can be charged in the uk for offences being investigated elsewhere either?
Where have I said Roods word on the internet carries more weight? I'm simply saying that one got alot more public attention than the other which seems to have influenced people's opinions.

What relevance does my post count have? I can make 3 posts a day which makes it very difficult to get involved in discussions. You post alot more frequently in this thread than me.

I'm not sure what your point is.

Antony himself has claimed to be a victim of "trial by social media".

Greenwood has not, as far as I know.

Which would make sense, as the former has never been charged with a crime - whereas the latter very much has.

My point is that there's still an active investigation going on in relation to Antony. There are multiple accusers, there are images of the injuries, there are text messages, there is an admission of verbal abuse (mistake) and the only defence we have is him calling her a liar.

But saying someone is lying isn't exactly an explanation for the texts or the images is it? So I'm querying the lack of consistency in a need for an explanation. I presume that the media attention surrounding one compared to the other probably has an influence.

One is still under investigation and the other isn't. If there was a realistic chance of conviction it would have went to court.

Not sure about "trial by social media" bit, but its obvious people are going to have a far more visceral emotional reaction to photos and audio, as opposed to a verbal accusation (Antony, Ronaldo et al) and/or legal action that is done to pay off an accuser. All three players could well be comparably guilty, but part of the public will only react to what they've actually seen or heard.

Images were later released by the accuser in the Antony case so they are out there. The initial allegations were made to the police though with images and texts transpiring later. (I may be mistaken on this but from what I know I don't think it was first reported on social media but instead to Sao Paulo police with images coming out later)

Agree with everything else you're saying. I'm not sure if Greenwood was to come out and say the allegations made against him were all lies that it would be as easily accepted by fans as it seems to have been in Antonys case.
Where is your line for that?

For example if he was accused of abusing a child in the same way would you still feel the same?

Not having a go etc just genuinely curious where the line is drawn as it's obviously further than abusing a woman.

If he was accused of stealing my car I'd want him impaled on a stake and left to die in front of the stadium.

I have lines, but they're irrational and i don't expect the club to abide by my wishes for impalement

Even if you do want Greenwood back, this is a strange way to frame your logic.

It's less of a want, and more of a need

If we were much better and/or he was average/mediocre and/or we could spend big it would not be a consideration. But we aren't and he isn't and we can't, so beggars can't be choosers

And even if it's unpalatable for him to play, at least drive his value up artificially and then sell so we can get a more decent person needed who may also be good at football
It's less of a want, and more of a need

If we were much better and/or he was average/mediocre and/or we could spend big it would not be a consideration. But we aren't and he isn't and we can't, so beggars can't be choosers

And even if it's unpalatable for him to play, at least drive his value up artificially and then sell so we can get a more decent person needed who may also be good at football

But his value could just as easily be driven up through a loan (which it hasn't been at Getafe by the way).
@adexkola, what if he scores one like Nacho's? Will you still scream like a madman?

Funny enough when I saw Garnacho's goal I was half between silent disbelief and orgasmic ecstacy at how good it was...

But no if he scored a wondergoal, I could. "Look at the goal that cnut scored!!!"
I'm not sure if Greenwood was to come out and say the allegations made against him were all lies that it would be as easily accepted by fans as it seems to have been in Antonys case.


If Greenwood had never been charged, if it had just been a matter of someone accusing him, this thread would have been non-existent: he would've still been a United player (like Antony).

You're comparing apples and hand grenades.

(Also: nobody likes Antony. Most wish he'd just go away. But he has not been charged with anything, there isn't any objective reason for United to do anything about him here and now. Other than benching him, because he's painfully mediocre, but that's ETH's department.)
Getafe Manager on the Bellingham thing ...

"I know the same thing that you know. It's not up to me, it's the club, La Liga and the Federation that have to make an assessment about it. The only thing that I can say is that I ask for respect for Mason Greenwood because he is a great guy. He is a man who respects everyone and has exemplary behaviour."
Getafe Manager on the Bellingham thing ...

"I know the same thing that you know. It's not up to me, it's the club, La Liga and the Federation that have to make an assessment about it. The only thing that I can say is that I ask for respect for Mason Greenwood because he is a great guy. He is a man who respects everyone and has exemplary behaviour."

"Exemplary behaviour except for the (alleged) rape and beating his wife"
"I know the same thing that you know. It's not up to me, it's the club, La Liga and the Federation that have to make an assessment about it. The only thing that I can say is that I ask for respect for Mason Greenwood because he is a great guy. He is a man who respects everyone and has exemplary behaviour."
:lol: Imagine saying that with a straight face. I hope Getafe get relegated.
If he was accused of stealing my car I'd want him impaled on a stake and left to die in front of the stadium.

I have lines, but they're irrational and i don't expect the club to abide by my wishes for impalement

It's less of a want, and more of a need

If we were much better and/or he was average/mediocre and/or we could spend big it would not be a consideration. But we aren't and he isn't and we can't, so beggars can't be choosers

And even if it's unpalatable for him to play, at least drive his value up artificially and then sell so we can get a more decent person needed who may also be good at football

Good post imo.
I dont think he will want to go back to the PL next season. I think he will sign for a La Liga club and we can all move on. Maybe in a few years he might go back to the PL.
Richard Arnold was stupid enough to think he could slip him back in after some of the dust had settled.

Surely, INEOS wouldn't start their reign off by making the same grave mistake...

First task for the summer is getting Greenwood off the books once and for all.
Is one not still under investigation in Brazil and England? I don't think he can be charged in the uk for offences being investigated elsewhere either?
Where have I said Roods word on the internet carries more weight? I'm simply saying that one got alot more public attention than the other which seems to have influenced people's opinions.

You're over complicating it because that suits whatever odd preoccupation you have with Greenwood.

The two cases are different in lots of ways that have been explained to you but you seem to deliberately (hopefully!) misunderstand.

Your post % is relevant to me because you have spent half of your posts on this forum discussing a player with huge and disgusting violent allegations surrounding him, who doesn't play for us and probably never will.

There is just more to supporting United than championing a man who (allegedly) drew blood and put bruises on a woman, and possibly worse.

You have seen the pictures and listened to the audio right?
The only thing that I can say is that I ask for respect for Mason Greenwood because he is a great guy. He is a man who respects everyone and has exemplary behaviour."

Brilliant. That's admirable!

Anyone who had 'exemplary behaviour' in Mason Greenwood bingo was probably not confident until they did actually win!
Yeh that's the problem, if you care more about football than what MG did then that's an awful reflection of that person, some things are way more important than football.
I could understand it from teenagers or maybe people in their very early 20s at a push, I was pretty obsessed at that age. Older than that, it strikes me as a bit odd.
"Exemplary behaviour except for the (alleged) rape and beating his wife"
:lol: Imagine saying that with a straight face. I hope Getafe get relegated.
In fairness to Getafe's manager, convenient as it may be, he is entitled to stick to what his experience of dealing with Greenwood is today.

Unless he has any indication of MG still engaging in domestic abuse, that's actually the only fair way to go about things if you meet and deal with the guy on a daily basis (an exposure most people don't have and thus are entitled to go on what they feel they do know, past or present).
In fairness to Getafe's manager, convenient as it may be, he is entitled to stick to what his experience of dealing with Greenwood is today.

Unless he has any indication of MG still engaging in domestic abuse, that's actually the only fair way to go about things if you meet and deal with the guy on a daily basis (an exposure most people don't have and thus are entitled to go on what they feel they do know, past or present).
I don't blame him for the first part of the quote, but to be effusive given the context is unnecessary and absurd in my opinion. He will rightly be ridiculed.

If Greenwood had never been charged, if it had just been a matter of someone accusing him, this thread would have been non-existent: he would've still been a United player (like Antony).

You're comparing apples and hand grenades.

(Also: nobody likes Antony. Most wish he'd just go away. But he has not been charged with anything, there isn't any objective reason for United to do anything about him here and now. Other than benching him, because he's painfully mediocre, but that's ETH's department.)

The charges were also dropped due to there no longer being a realistic chance of prosecution. Greenwood was in the same position as Antony between Feb and Oct 22, actively under investigation and not yet charged. Again the fan reaction is quite contrasting though.

You're over complicating it because that suits whatever odd preoccupation you have with Greenwood.

The two cases are different in lots of ways that have been explained to you but you seem to deliberately (hopefully!) misunderstand.

Your post % is relevant to me because you have spent half of your posts on this forum discussing a player with huge and disgusting violent allegations surrounding him, who doesn't play for us and probably never will.

There is just more to supporting United than championing a man who (allegedly) drew blood and put bruises on a woman, and possibly worse.

You have seen the pictures and listened to the audio right?

If you read through my posts in this thread a large number of them are responses to other posters. Like this one and the previous one. I couldn't even reply till now and now I have only 2 posts till midnight.

So if I have 2 posts remaining and it's a choice between a good discussion or a post about Martinez injury, I'll probably choose the discussion.

For arguments sake, 80% of the posts in your last 5 pages are in this thread. That's a higher percentage and total posts in the thread compared to mine. You also have unlimited posts and can post anywhere whereas I'm limited to 3 a day.

Do I think that you're more interested in putting down a player you've no interest in over supporting united? No. I think you actively post because you're also engaged in discussions on the topic.
What happened to the 'performance-only thread'?
It is impossible to navigate this thread anymore.
I know where I stand on the issue (I don't want him back ever) but I am still curious to know how he's performed and would rather avoid having to wade through hundreds of posts before I can find out how he has been going.
What happened to the 'performance-only thread'?
It is impossible to navigate this thread anymore.
I know where I stand on the issue (I don't want him back ever) but I am still curious to know how he's performed and would rather avoid having to wade through hundreds of posts before I can find out how he has been going.

You can find performance posts in this thread after Getafe games.
You can find performance posts in this thread after Getafe games.

I understand the threads were merged but just want to echo what the other poster said.

There are a lot of us who come in here just to read about pure footballing performance (he is still a contracted Manchester United player until the club decide otherwise).

And it’s nigh on impossible to navigate this thread without reading through the myriad of highly emotional and opinionated posts about the morality of his actions which have become extremely repetitive in nature.
Why would Getafe be his level when he previously excelled at Manchester United (as a teenager no less) ? Therefore if not United, it would seem that another big club of comparable stature would be his level - Madrid, Barca, Athletico, Juve, Bayern, PSG would be among the suitors. If there is a perception that bigger clubs aren't after him in the present, its more so due to the fan protest risk they would want to avoid taking on, not his capability as a footballer.

He isn't exactly setting the world on fire at Getafe though. Doing OK but not much more. Certainly not on a level where the tp teams will be fighting each other for him (sadly for United's bank balance) and doubly s given the PR implications (and likely team spirit issues) of signing him.
I understand the threads were merged but just want to echo what the other poster said.

There are a lot of us who come in here just to read about pure footballing performance (he is still a contracted Manchester United player until the club decide otherwise).

And it’s nigh on impossible to navigate this thread without reading through the myriad of highly emotional and opinionated posts about the morality of his actions which have become extremely repetitive in nature.

Tough luck. He has been loaned out due to his despicable behaviour, so his loan isn't purely about football, not by a long shot.
He isn't exactly setting the world on fire at Getafe though. Doing OK but not much more. Certainly not on a level where the tp teams will be fighting each other for him (sadly for United's bank balance) and doubly s given the PR implications (and likely team spirit issues) of signing him.

Yeah he's doing ok, but the big caveat is he's been out of football for 18 months and has had a world of pressure and scrutiny to deal with (all by his own actions), so it would be next to impossible to resume his torrid pace of 3-4 years ago, especially with much lesser quality teammates to work with. If he was at at bigger club without having to deal with the pressure of his situation, he would be playing at a much higher level. That is of course not absolving him of his own actions, but rather just pointing out he has a very high ceiling as a footballer which at only 22, he hasn't yet come close to reaching.
"Exemplary behaviour except for the (alleged) rape and beating his wife"

Shag just the one goat and they call you .....

Admittedly in this scenario there is likely to have been more than one alleged goat related event.
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I see. I just live in a time zone where I rarely catch the games live but it's no biggie though. Cheers for responding though, much appreciated.

Its not too hard to find if you know when Getafe play. Just check the thread after the most recent match.
Yeah he's doing ok, but the big caveat is he's been out of football for 18 months and has had a world of pressure and scrutiny to deal with (all by his own actions), so it would be next to impossible to resume his torrid pace of 3-4 years ago, especially with much lesser quality teammates to work with. If he was at at bigger club without having to deal with the pressure of his situation, he would be playing at a much higher level. That is of course not absolving him of his own actions, but rather just pointing out he has a very high ceiling as a footballer which at only 22, he hasn't yet come close to reaching.

Maybe. Although his lack of urgency when not on the ball/attacking and slack efforts tracking back aren't really what top end modern footballers are made of.
I understand the threads were merged but just want to echo what the other poster said.

There are a lot of us who come in here just to read about pure footballing performance (he is still a contracted Manchester United player until the club decide otherwise).

And it’s nigh on impossible to navigate this thread without reading through the myriad of highly emotional and opinionated posts about the morality of his actions which have become extremely repetitive in nature.

Yes, its unfortunate, but given the unique circumstances there are no perfect solutions since people will constantly derail the player performance thread.
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