Mason Greenwood | Officially a Marseille player

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I find human beings to be hypocritical and unforgiving. We speak about giving convicts another chance in the society but cant allow a teenager another chance to earn a decent living.
Alonso killed a man while drunk-driving but was able to erk a decent career, why not give Greenwood another chance at life you holier than thou ''decent human beings''

All I see in this is a classical case of ''schadenfreude''

This is not saying I condone what he might have done, tragedy happens and he no longer plays for his boyhood club and in all likelihood will never hit the projected heights again, the alleged victim withdrew the case, they have a family now and surely she would want the best for him.

Taking a man livelihood is akin to killing him.
Try your best to resist any temptation to revisit this thread for your own sanity. you will thank me one day. I made a mistake today
Don't really see how it's a punishable offence for Bellingham. Seems odd to bother complaining as well, it just draws more attention to what happened instead of it being forgotten after a day or two.

If one little comment like that upsets him so much then there's definitely no point in coming back to England where he'll have whole stadiums chanting it and people calling him it whenever he's out in public.
Don't really see how it's a punishable offence for Bellingham. Seems odd to bother complaining as well, it just draws more attention to what happened instead of it being forgotten after a day or two.

If one little comment like that upsets him so much then there's definitely no point in coming back to England where he'll have whole stadiums chanting it and people calling him it whenever he's out in public.

Yeah a bit silly from Getafe.
This is precisely the problem. That people don't know what they're giving him a second chance for.

Greenwood has traded privacy for full exculpation in the eyes of the public. That is a reasonable choice, but it comes with consequences.

As a comparison, someone like Benjamin Mendy gave up privacy and spilled out every detail of his over-the-top sex life, in order to defend himself to the public.
Very well put.
Could be, although using it in the body text of an article just seems to be a pure editorial decision.. The BBC write up doesn't even disclose what the 'insult' was, oddly.

Jude Bellingham: La Liga investigating alleged insult made towards Mason Greenwood
I would imagine his legal team went into overdrive too. The clip was copywrite struck extremely quick.
This is precisely the problem. That people don't know what they're giving him a second chance for.

Greenwood has traded privacy for full exculpation in the eyes of the public. That is a reasonable choice, but it comes with consequences.

As a comparison, someone like Benjamin Mendy gave up privacy and spilled out every detail of his over-the-top sex life, in order to defend himself to the public.

Yeah I agree, and that preciesly why I'm going with his wife judgement since she's only one, who alongside Greenwood, knows what really happened between the two of them.

In any other scenario I would be against him ever playing football let alone him coming back to United, but since she gave him second chance, decided to have kid with him, who am I to play houlier than thou act and still see him as scumbag when even his alleged victim doesn't see him in that light.
How ironic. Incredibly incel thing to say. Hope you’ve ended up explaining yourself out of seemingly calling people who don’t want Greenwood back “snowflakes”.

Next time read the thread properly before making yourself look silly
Yeah I agree, and that preciesly why I'm going with his wife judgement since she's only one, who alongside Greenwood, knows what really happened between the two of them.

In any other scenario I would be against him ever playing football let alone him coming back to United, but since she gave him second chance, decided to have kid with him, who am I to play houlier than thou act and still see him as scumbag when even his alleged victim doesn't see him in that light.

Victons of DV on average attempt to leave their abusers 7 times before finally making a clean break. That she returned to him does not exonerate him at all as has been explained repeatedly in this thread. The only thing it proves is that he had contact with her and actually made her pregnant during the period when there was a restraining order forbidding him from seeing her so it only proves that he once again broke the law.
Yeah I agree, and that preciesly why I'm going with his wife judgement since she's only one, who alongside Greenwood, knows what really happened between the two of them.

In any other scenario I would be against him ever playing football let alone him coming back to United, but since she gave him second chance, decided to have kid with him, who am I to play houlier than thou act and still see him as scumbag when even his alleged victim doesn't see him in that light.

I think this is something many continue to struggle with as the couple have clearly made a decision to move on.
Everything I've heard is that he played well against Madrid so I'm surprised there's not been a vs video. My guess would be that the usual people who make them are United fans and, since our game clashed with Getafe's, they just didn't get round to watching it. I guess I'll find the game and watch it at some point during the week.
It’s quite sad seeing he lack of forgiveness in the world these days. People make mistakes when they’re young- sometimes terrible ones- but I believe everyone has the potential to change and become better people
Forgive what mate?
I think this is something many continue to struggle with as the couple have clearly made a decision to move on.
I think it's bad enough that dozens of plain users are using this deeply flawed (at best) argument, but to see a member of staff using it too... I don't know... maybe please just educate yourself on the subject and stop posting this tripe.
I think it's bad enough that dozens of plain users are using this deeply flawed (at best) argument, but to see a member of staff using it too... I don't know... maybe please just educate yourself on the subject and stop posting this tripe.

I’m aware of the stats, but that doesn’t give license to rob an individual of their agency to make their own choices. If you can’t deal with the fact that people may have different opinions on the matter then that’s on you.
No offence intended, but you’re clearly utterly clueless on this matter.

I can assure you that the recanting of a statement doesn’t qualify as ‘new material coming to light’ - the CPS have even gone so far as to separate the two points in the statement for you.

I don’t want to get into the endless, fruitless back and forths that this thread is now synonymous with, but just had to point this out.

‘New material coming to light’ will absolutely not be the recanting of a statement.

It’s also very unlikely that it’s even referring to a new statement as that would, in most cases, be described as ‘additional statements / information’.

‘New material’, in a case that has clearly been entirely built around an audio snippet will almost certainly be linked to that initial material in some way, and given that we know that the audio the public heard is a snippet of a longer recording, coupled with the fact that Utd have alluded to the snippet ‘not painting the full picture’, it’s pretty clear that the ‘new material’ is either the rest of the audio or an additional piece of audio material that either changes the context completely, or (more likely imo) shows that Greenwood was talking in a rude, repulsive manner, but didn’t do anything beyond that talking.

The latter would also explain Greenwood / Utd’s lack of an explanation.
Yet in the audio we do have she's telling him to 'stop putting his dick there'...
I’m aware of the stats, but that doesn’t give license to rob an individual of their agency to make their own choices. If you can’t deal with the fact that people may have different opinions on the matter then that’s on you.
That's not the point though, and I think you know that. She can do whatever she wants, I can't possibly know if she's genuinely "forgiven" him, I don't even know what's there to "forgive". It's using that argument to imply that it makes the violence/abuse less likely to have happened. This has been argued in this thread dozens of times. And a member of staff making that same argument is not a nice read to be fair.
This will go back and forth for ever unless its finally closed.

Now all this is, is the moral high ground vrs the moral low ground bickering with each other time and time again.

Everything that was needed and not needed to be said has been said numerous times.

Just close it down.
That's not the point though, and I think you know that. She can do whatever she wants, I can't possibly know if she's genuinely "forgiven" him, I don't even know what's there to "forgive". It's using that argument to imply that it makes the violence/abuse less likely to have happened. This has been argued in this thread dozens of times. And a member of staff making that same argument is not a nice read to be fair.

The implication you cite is your interpretation of the overall argument that people can make their own choices. If you can’t deal with views that don’t tidily conform to your personal world view then I recommend you avoid this thread.
This will go back and forth for ever unless its finally closed.

Now all this is, is the moral high ground vrs the moral low ground bickering with each other time and time again.

Everything that was needed and not needed to be said has been said numerous times.

Just close it down.

Closing threads won’t work because the convo will just move to other threads, often detailing them. We tried having a dedicated player performance thread but that got derailed on a daily basis.
The implication you cite is your interpretation of overall argument that people can make their own choices. If you can’t deal with views that don’t tidily conform to your personal world view then I recommend you avoid this thread.
This will go back and forth for ever unless its finally closed.

Now all this is, is the moral high ground vrs the moral low ground bickering with each other time and time again.

Everything that was needed and not needed to be said has been said numerous times.

Just close it down.
Unlike most other threads, where new arguments and new lines of reasoning are popping up all the time, and where 1 in 3 messages consist in people admitting they were wrong and that other posters made them see the light.
Closing threads won’t work because the convo will just move to other threads, often detailing them. We tried having a dedicated player performance thread but that got derailed on a daily basis.

You have tried a few things to be fair. In reality though those continuing to derail the performance thread should have been thread banned and in my opinion the performance thread kept open.
I’m aware of the stats, but that doesn’t give license to rob an individual of their agency to make their own choices. If you can’t deal with the fact that people may have different opinions on the matter then that’s on you.
No one is stopping him from doing what he wants, and definitely nobody is calling him to be hanged or even convicted, we just don't want him playing for the club that we support. The support that goes towards paying him insane wages.

I couldn't give a feck where he ends up, whether they get married, none of it, I just don't want that fecking audio with his fecking voice saying what he said associated with my support.

I will say one thing though, the outers often ask the backers about their opinion of his guilt and we're told we're snowflakes and we're judging without any evidence. There's a guy here saying that we want him hanged. Nope, we just want him to feck off, so stop the hyperbole.

Compare this to the Arnoutovic thing. The fans and supporters didn't want a racist playing for our club, got vocal about it and the deal was stopped, why is this different? Are racists worse than sexual abusers?
I think this is something many continue to struggle with as the couple have clearly made a decision to move on.

Not just the couple either, the whole family.

Stats are important to note, but doesn't mean every case fits and this case has several factors (not least the media attention) that make it far from the norm.
You have tried a few things to be fair. In reality though those continuing to derail the performance thread should have been thread banned and in my opinion the performance thread kept open.

Yeah, I was 100% against that. No way should there be a safe space. It's not a normal loan. The club have exiled him, why shouldn't we? Is there updates of his progress on the official site?
Busy perfecting their nooses.
That reminds me of an amazingly laid out local newspaper article I saw earlier.

New events planned to boost tourism in Dorchester
Yeah I agree, and that preciesly why I'm going with his wife judgement since she's only one, who alongside Greenwood, knows what really happened between the two of them.

In any other scenario I would be against him ever playing football let alone him coming back to United, but since she gave him second chance, decided to have kid with him, who am I to play houlier than thou act and still see him as scumbag when even his alleged victim doesn't see him in that light.
Sorry to be pedantic.. people keep saying wife, they ain’t married

scumbag is a scumbag, his girlfriend may have made a judgement in error

won’t be the end of this story I suspect
Sorry to be pedantic.. people keep saying wife, they ain’t married

scumbag is a scumbag, his girlfriend may have made a judgement in error

won’t be the end of this story I suspect

Thanks for info, thougt they got married in meantime.

She may or may not made judgment in error, because there's lack of information we can't be certain about it and can only speculate.

Because of the kid I really hope they'll make it work and make good family, but you never know how'll things work out.

There's something strange about him, even before all this he gave away Giggsy vibe, dead eyes and lack off emotions, like he's programmed, who know, maybe I'm just imagining it all.
Yeah, I was 100% against that. No way should there be a safe space. It's not a normal loan. The club have exiled him, why shouldn't we? Is there updates of his progress on the official site?

How do you mean safe space? Can’t say I follow. I don’t think anyone interested in the loan and the impact on the club should be made out to be a sympathiser if I’m honest.

I think that some are, understandably, too emotionally invested either way though so can’t accept a view different to their own. It’s quite fascinating to watch though as I think it’s the first time I’ve seen staff so heavily involved and split on a topic.
How do you mean safe space? Can’t say I follow. I don’t think anyone interested in the loan and the impact on the club should be made out to be a sympathiser if I’m honest.

I think that some are, understandably, too emotionally invested either way though so can’t accept a view different to their own. It’s quite fascinating to watch though as I think it’s the first time I’ve seen staff so heavily involved and split on a topic.

A 'safe space' to discuss a player the club saw fit to exile doesn't make any individual interested in the thread a sympathiser. It may however appear weird to chat about football with no context, considering what the context is.

It's precisely as a staff member that the optics of such a thread concern me.
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